Meet Emma and Her Mommy

Wow. I knew you girls were prayer warriors but I didn’t realize there was an entire legion of you out there!! I don’t know how to thank you for the encouragement you have given Emma’s parents, Justin and Kelly, but to share the words Kelly sent along to you today. She left these as a comment but I wanted to be sure you all got a chance to read this sweet note.

Here’s Kelli:

To all of you who have re-posted my bulletin and my blog, I thank you so much. To all of you who have prayed diligently and steadfast, I thank you! To all of you who came to visit in the hospital and at home, I thank you! To all of you who gave us hugs of encouragement and love, kind words and words of so many others praying for Emma, I thank you! My baby girl’s name has been lifted to the Lord by so many friends, family, NEW friends, and even people I do not know, and I thank you!

It is in his hands, and I know his will will be done. This has been a trying few days, and Satan has tried to bring us down, but God’s greater! I am trying to stay strong and positive, and I must admit at times I fail, but I always pull it together for my baby girl! She needs me now more than ever. I promise to keep all of you posted on our progress with this challenge in our lives, but I ask you to please NEVER STOP PRAYING! Remember us, and continue to send encouraging words to us. You will never know how much a simple “we are praying for you”, or “we love you” can get us through.

I ask you to pray for my husband as well as my baby girl. He is having a hard time, and it is my prayer that he becomes stronger in his faith through this awful time in our lives. He has been so strong for me so many times and I am trying to be strong for him now, but I have my moments as well. Emma is a fighter and she will come through this, and I believe God has big plans for my little girl. She will spread her story to everyone who will listen and God will have the glory!!!

Please continue to pray for my family. I will keep you all updated. Thank you and we love you all! Please pass this on to your friends as well, and let them know how much we appreciate the kind words and prayers! God will truly bless us all!!

With God’s Love,

Justin, Kelli, and Emma