Ladies Who Lunch

Today I had lunch with two of my favorite girls EVER – Robyn and Jenny. You may know them as 3 Girls Mom and Jenny Hope. We were way overdue for some face time so we picked a restaurant in a midpoint between their town and mine and got down to the business of catching up.

I know that the dern devil was trying to keep me from my girls because I got lost not once but stinkin’ TWICE going somewhere I’ve been a dozen times. Luke is normally the one driving so obviously I’ve not been very observant about how we got there. After I finally made it, I was SO excited to meet the famous daughters Camille, Tait, and Morgan. Something about meeting your bloggy friends’ families makes the relationship more legit. I just felt bad because my girl couldn’t be there (pesky school attendance policy) and doubly bad that I was the only one who didn’t think of bringing a treat to the girls.

Leave it to Robyn, the Queen of the Camp Trunk, to bring a cutesy decorated lunch sacks filled with goodies to keep the little people occupied. I seriously started to photograph them but even though I full well intended on blogging about our getting together, I wanted to concentrate on talking, talking, talking. Maybe when you stop taking pictures of every move you make when you hang out is also an indicator that you’ve moved passed the Imaginary Friend stage.

And indeed, these girls are for real.

Just because I didn’t make pictures of chips, salsa, and Jenny dosing her drink with Miralax doesn’t mean we didn’t take any at all.  Here is a sampling.  I love you girls and miss you already!!!  Now that we know how easily we can get to each other, it is no longer acceptable to not see each other often and frequently. 

Or in other words, a lot.


Me and Robyn. My face is doing a weird, Joan River-ish thing but please take note of my Believing God bracelet. Also, I apparently only own one jacket because I’ve been wearing the same one in every picture of me in the last four posts.


The Three Amigos.

RobynJenny 005

The Three Musketeers.

So I’m curious, have you jumped out of the computer into the real lives of any of your imaginary friends? I highly recommend it.
