Writer/Teacher/Speaker Helps
I read an enormous amount of literature that is quotable. Problem is, it’s terribly easy to forget what I’ve read later on when I need something applicable for a particular project.
I’ve always read with a highlighter but what I’ve begun doing is making a note at the beginning of significant book chapters with a note on the subject addressed by what I’ve marked. For example, at the top of Chapter 4 of CS Lewis’ Screwtape Letters, I have a note that says, “The Necessity and Effect of Prayer”. This tells me the general topic of the chapter and reminds me what my highlighted material specifically addresses. I also keep books that are important to me in one particular bookcase so I know where to find them when needed.
If you are a teacher, speaker, writer, etc., I think you’ll find this little tip of great value when preparing material. Just the simple act of jotting down these notes also helps me recall where I’ve read a certain thing I want to use. Another quick note: If something knocks me upside the head when I read or hear it, I write it straight to my current journal.
And you may be thinking right now I’m about the geekiest girl on the planet.
But hey, it’s just a little something that Works For Me!
You’re talking to me girl, we must both be geeks! Great advice and input!
Journaling it immediately has been somthing on my mind lately, I even bought a little bitty notebook to carry with me in my purse.
WARNING…it’s possible I could be jotting as I drive so stay off the sidewalks!
Well…do you realize that I just came down from tucking my boys in and we were talking about me speaking at their school chapel in January and I began to panic bc I don’t have clear direction yet?! Do you see what I’m saying?? NO????
You have given me HUGE insight on what to do when I find something, read something, etc and then cannot remember for the life of me who, what, when, where or why!
I’m also speaking 2 weeks later at our womens retreat….and we are moving Jan 3rd so my brain is all but mush right now so this is HUGE for me. Thank you Jesus for those that go before us.
Bless you smart one~
Great advice!!
BTW: I am going to SA from Thursday – Sunday!!
When are you going?
geek, no way…
I have been storing it all UP there in my magnificent file cabinet in my head…
apparently, files are being deleted without my knowing..
joining you lovely geeks!!
I love your tip. I also read with a highlighter and pen, and yet still oftentimes forget where I’ve read something. Then when I go to prepare a message to speak on I’m at a loss. I’ll have to try your idea. I was just thinking too that maybe if I kept index cards handy inside the book I’m reading, then I could mark them with book name, topic, page number. Hmmmm…got me thinking now!
Excellent tip!!
A good tip! My system (learned in high school) is to mark the quote and later on, write it on an index card (w/ source information) that I keep in a quotes box.
I remember that some girls in camp used to keep quote books – journals with significant quotations for them. I guess that would be a way to do it so you wouldn’t have to keep all the books, could include quotes from library books, etc.
If you are a geek I must be HOPELESS!!! I love it!
You spoke just what I needed to hear! The written word is a PASSION of mine and speaking God’s truth into Women is the desire of my heart. Knowing little tips and treasures always make things easier and having sisters like you out there to lead and guide helps a bunch too!
Mel in Mel’s World