One Lump Or Two?
This past Saturday Luke and I hosted a group from church in our home to begin facilitating Chip Ingram’s 9-week parenting class.
You can stop laughing now.
My Number Three Boy was very intrigued with the idea and must have asked a zillion times, “What do you do in a parenting class? What is it for? What are y’all going to tell everybody? Why does anyone need a parenting class if you are already parents?” and blahdyblahdyblah all day long while I was trying to clean house. I finally told him we were going to watch videos of new, proven methods of butt-whoopin‘. I also added that we were using him to demonstrate and we’d know the best one by how loudly he screamed.
He hushed.
My mad parenting skillz know no bounds.
So anyway, one of my cleaning projects was to clear my counter tops of all my chatzkis and unused small appliances so there would be plenty of room for all the goodies the different couples were bringing. My toaster oven found a temporary home on top of the dryer and my Kitchen Aid Mixer was relocated to the ironing board. I love my laundry room because it is huge and a great place to stuff left over junk when company comes.
Never mind how mortified I was during one point of the evening when I found the door standing wide open thanks to one of my children. So if any of you who were here saw The Wonder Emporium that is my wash room and were puzzled as to why there was a mixer on the ironing board and a toaster oven on the dryer, well now ya know.
While clearing the counters, I also decided to put my canisters of flour, sugar, etc. up in the pantry. The only cleared shelf was on the very top but if I stretch my arms and stand on my tip toes I can reach it without using a chair.
Well, a bit later, I realized I needed sugar and that I would need to get the canister back down. Because I’m lazy, I decided I could probably pull it out with my fingertips if I was very careful.
I totally should have gotten the chair.
Now, my canisters are those clear, very heavy, glass containers with a lid. The sugar was almost a complete bag so add 5 lbs. to at least a 4 lb. canister. I pulled the thing towards me from the shelf and that’s when things went horribly, terribly wrong. I’ll be darned if the thing didn’t slip out of my hands and hit me HARD right on top of my head, bounce off, and smash to a zillion little pieces all over my freshly mopped floor.
If you are thinking ouch well you’d be stinkin‘ right. Ouch doesn’t even begin to cover it.
I have never been knocked unconscious in my life but this time I thought I was going down. If I even considered falling out on the floor the idea of lying in glass and sugar while my poor kids were there with me alone brought me to my senses. Not to mention I was too doggone mad over my messed up floor to give in to feminine vapors.
So now, I am sporting an egg-sized knot on my noggin. So if you happen to notice my hair looking a little bodacious on the right side than usual, that’d be why.
The ministry is all about sacrifice, people, and I am joyfully willing to break many more things over my head if it means we get to have as much fun as we did Saturday.
But I’d be lying if I didn’t say that the next time I’ll be stuffing pillows in the pantry.
Oh my word, Lisa! I’m so glad you’re okay! That really could have turned out bad. Well, it was bad, but it could have been worse, right?!
By the way, I laughed out loud about the comment that quickly hushed your son! Too funny!
No sense crying over spilt sugar…
Oh, that’s terrible! I just recently dropped a drinking glass on my big toe and pitied myself for a week over that. I can’t imagine what I would do with a REAL injury. And sugar to clean up! How did you get it all up? Are you still feeling any beneath your feet?
Man! My head is hurting just thinking about it. It brings back some memories…when I was little my sister hit me in the head with a baseball bat!(Not on purpose!)LOL!It’ funny now…..not then!!!LOL
My church did the same study this past fall and it is WONDERFUL!!! I missed the last few session because of surgery but loved every minute of it up until that point. I hope you enjoy it!!!
Sorry about the bump on the head!!!
Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
Glad you didn’t follow it up by cutting yourself and bleeding all over everywhere.
I’ll look forward to hearing what you learn/teach and more ways to threaten, I mean silence my kids!
Oh my goodness! I have done the same stinkin’ thing. Thankfully you’re okay. However, you might want to give some thought to a step ladder vs. pillows:)
Does your class mention when is the right age to leave kids home alone? Please do tell:)
Oh and bless your little nogging!
I didn’t get to come to the class because I had a house full of company due to Granny’s funeral but I hope to catch the next one.
Glad ya’ll had a great time. Sorry about your head)))
Kids are so funny when it comes to asking questions. I had your #2 son Sunday morning in SS and our lesson was on Lazerus…..they were more interested in wanting to know if in 4 days his body had worms yet……..gotta love’em
Lisa…I NEEDED the laughter that just busted outta me! What a time! Bless your heart/head….I am sorry…really sorry that your got a bump…and to top it all MESSED up the clean floor! That’s a mom for ya…worrying about the floor when she could have a concussion….(did I spell that right?) Anyway, you filled me with chuckels and I sure needed them!
Love you girl!
Where does one even begin with this post?
1) Our parenting skillz are totally in sinc!
2) I stuff everything in my bedroom cause my laundry room is a closet. (And then lock the door, so the kids can’t give me away!)
3) I dropped the van hatch on my head once and had to get 4 staples in my skull, but I still think I prefer that to having to clean up all that glass and sugar! Ugh!!
That was so stinkin hilarious I busted out laughing so many times my 8 yr old said “what is wrong mommy?”
MAn you sound like me – more concerned with the sugar on the newly mopped floor than the goose egg on your head – ouch!
Sugar is a pain to get off the floor – yuck!
Ooooh. That hurt!!
I’m so sorry that you dropped the sugar on your head.
It might, however, be a great story in your book…kind of a warning, I mean, lesson about serving. You know…”once I dropped a canister of sugar on my head and greeted my guests with a giant bump on my head…but we had freshly mopped floors!! Because I have the heart of a servant..”kind of thing.
Take an aspirin and blog tomorrow.
(There’s so much sympathy/amusement/wincing wrapped up in that word, I don’t know how to add to it.)
(Oh wait! I just did!)
OUCH! I’m so glad you’re okay… that could’ve been much worse! And, that totally sounds like something that would happen to me.
Btw, that sounds like a great study!
I can sooo relate; hope you are o.k. Just found your blog page recently ; love it!!!
Oh no! So sorry to hear about this mishap. But oh so glad that I am not the only “hider” there is out there. I stuff things in strange places and then forget where I tucked them for safe keeping!
Oh my! I would probably react the same way. I hope the knot goes away quickly.
Blessings in Christ-
We did have a good time didn’t we? I can’t wait for the next session. If anyone needs this class it is us.
Not only is the video good, it was a great time of fellowship. And all of the food was yummy.
Thank you for opening up your home to us.
Oh you sweet darling thing. You should be rewarded with a few more jewels for your glorious crown! ;)
I’m glad you are ok! I’m off to check out the bible study….let me know how you feel about it. We have got a new one that is going to start for parents of younger children. Please email me back and tell me what you can about it.
Blessings dear one. And, may the noggin be healed soon.
(Kelly- I believe that is the word you were looking for to sum that up!)
Hope your head has stopped swimming. Yeah, I’d be really mad about the sugar on the floor too. What a mess!
Not the season for ants yet, right? I guess that’s a positive note!
Okay, Amanda.
I’ve tried every word combo I can come up with and can’t imagine what UFF DA means. LOL
Please tell me before I go crazy!! :)))
I hate when stuff like that happens! We were having the Youth leadership team over on Friday night. So Thursday, I cleaned and cleaned. Bought enough food to feed an army and then Lauren got sick with the flu! We ended up cancelling and having a blast eating all the food, and then napping as Lauren NEEDED me to lay with her!
OH no! I’m sorry about your noggin! Ouch! I’m sorry we missed the class! I started having some pretty strong contractions Thursday night and have been ordered off my feet as much as possible since then. My c section is set for April 10, hopefully I can hold off until then! :)
When’s the next session? Hopefully we can make it!!
Take care of your self!….and your head!
This is totally something that would happen to my clumsy self…….except with my record of fainting — I probably would’ve done just that.
I have a huge pantry/laundry room too and I tell EVERY ONE it is the BEST part of the house.
Have a great day!
love –
Hi! I found your blog from Little Steps of Faith and I love your sense of humor. My husband recently finished seminary and is applying for some pastoral positions so I was attracted to a “Preacher’s Wife” blog! :) But OUCH! Sorry about the canister on your head; I wince just imagining that. Hope your next meeting is just as fun but less hazardous to your health! ;)
Oh my! Glad you’re ok! I like your attitude though. Discovered your blog at Macromoments. So nice to meet you, Angie
BTW, I love Chip Ingram’s down to earth approach.
Lisa, bless your heart…that had to hurt…to say the least! With my luck, I WOULD have fainted!!! God be with you girl and keep you safe!
I hate we missed the class. I am not sure, but I think Garry thinks we are beyond help?!! LOL! No, he went to see his dad in the hospital and I worked, yet again, for Amber to have a life. Me, who needs a life?
Oh my…I hope the bump is doing better!
I’m ROLLING!!! Well, not about you getting hurt (sorry) but for your thought process after immediately being hit with sugar. What a great mom to think of her kids instead of falling into the glass and sugar!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
We had a great time Saturday night and I’m excited to hear more of Chip Ingram!
Did you get an answer to the “Uff Da” question? (You gotta be from up north to know the answer…)
O Lisa, HON, so sorry! Get better soon.
o.k., so I was going to be all serious and say how much I love chip Ingram. He was the speaker at our staff conference last summer…blah blah blah.
But I got tickled and laughed out loud! And please know I laugh because I would SO DO THIS! And my laundry room is huge and I love it for the very same reasons!
Poor thing – so sorry about the noggin. But sure wish I could see the bodacious hair!
Hey, I followed a link from my friend, Del’s blog, so hope you don’t mind me reading along, just wanted to say, that I have smashed a zillion things onto my floor, by not being bothered to get a chair or some steps to reach top-shelf things, but the way you worded your story made me laugh out loud. Hope that the lump on your head settles down soon!
Oh my, Lisa!! I can just see you there with sugar and glass all over the place. I’m just thankful you are okay. . . a lump is much better than something really serious.
Oh, poor baby! Ouch! I am a klutz as well, so I totally relate!
And whenever there is a party at our house, goodness help the person who peeks in my laundry room. I deliberately did not get the pedestal with my new front loader because then I couldn’t set stuff on top of it.
Here’s another trick – you can hide stuff INSIDE the washer and dryer too.
You’re welcome.