Yay Me!
I can only pop in for a second but I simply have to share what wonderful advancements I’ve made into my To Do List!!
1. I just finished my taxes!!! They are filed and I am proud to say that, even though we are self-employed ministers, we broke even. Praise Jesus who is head of all rulers, principalities, and governmental agencies!
2. I’ve finished the itinerary/info packs for our women’s retreat next weekend.
3. My living room is vacuumed.
4. I was SHOWERED AND DRESSED AND MAKEUP’d by 10:00 a.m.
5. Even though I went running this morning!
6. During the walking part of my running, me and Jesus had some prep time for the study sessions for the aforementioned retreat.
7. Did I mention I had a shower before lunch?
And now all that’s left is to….
1. Wash ball uniforms.
2. And lots more clothes.
3. Load my brand new dishwasher that, praise the LORD, actually washes dishes!
(I may have to post separately on that…I’m in dishwashing heaven if there is such a thing..)
4. Write and write and write some more…Gave myself an April 1 mini deadline on the next book chapter.
5. Study and study some more to prepare for our women’s retreat..Oh how I can not wait!
6. Go to 4 ballgames tonight!
I’ll check back in soon! Oh, and by the way, the chatroom is a hoot….Stop by! (Because don’t we all need one more reason to spend more time on the computer??)
Your “to do” list sounds like mine! There doesn’t seem to be enough hours in my day to do all that I want to do. Rather, my day is crowded with the many things I need to do. And there’s the rub…my want vs. other’s needs. A hard embrace at times.
I blogged about it this morning…this “weary doing and worthy return.”
Truly, I don’t know how you balance your life. I’m a pastor’s wife also, with four kids. I’m nearly comatose after a week of Spring break!
peace for the journey~elaine
Good for you! That chat room is a blast!
Yay you!! I am sooooo looking forward to the time away with Jesus, my girlfriends & rest. I know He has something mighty in store for us!
You are wearing me out!
Awesome! You go girl! Sometimes I am amazed at myself when I list it all out like that. It helps me to feel like I have accomplished much! You sure did!
When we moved in this house, they had installed a new dishwasher that was a cheapo piece of crappo. It was the bain of my existence but my husband would reason: but it’s new…and I agreed even though I HATED IT WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING. Finally, after four years, HE used it one time and said “This dishwasher stinks! It doesn’t even clean the dishes! Go buy a new one!” Oh, happy day!
So sister, I completely feel your joy. Congratulations on your new baby.
If I told my husband that you’ve put a chat room on your blog, he would forbid me from coming here as often as I do.
So I’m not going to mention it.
But a shower and a run before 10:00 AM?!? Awesome. You are my inspiration.
I refuse to get in that chat room. We have just added a chat option for students/faculty on Blackboard at work and they are driving me crazy. Every time I log onto the computer someone is there. No more time!
I would just love time to actually talk on the phone with a friend or hey, visit in person. I miss people. I haven’t been able to get my PC to talk back. Ha!
I feel like most women my to do list is big and I spend a lot of time thinking about it but never getting it done ,just thinking about it..you know. but to be dress by 10 am now THAT YOU NEED A AWARD FOR THAT ONE!! mairna
funny all i have done out of 1-7 is shower! :O) where’s the retreat?