Family Movie Night
I’m not at all ashamed to tell you that when it comes to tv and movie viewing, my kids are totally sheltered.
To give you an example, my 12-year-old had a birthday party a couple weeks back where 14 of his closest friends came to the house after school.
(And for those of you who asked, I ended up getting a $4 cake off the Day Old rack at Walmart after I couldn’t get the ice cream one I wanted. Figured there was no reason to spend a fortune if he didn’t even like it! And then, after everyone was gone except for the Smith Brothers, I realized I’d forgotten to even serve the thing. I have no idea why my almost teenager didn’t want to wear a pointy hat and blow out birthday candles but hey, I let him have his way on his b-day. So anyway, when I finally got the plastic container of staleness out of the fridge, all us cake lovers got a fork and dug in without even slicing it. Am I a cool mom or what?)
Okay, that was a rabbit. Back to the point.
While all the boys were here, the conversation turned to Saturday Night Live which my kids don’t even know exists. There were some jokes about Muslims and what they are promised in the afterlife should they homicide-bomb themselves. (I’m not typing it out but I’m assuming you know what that is.) Anyway, everyone was just howling over some joke they’d told on SNL as my kid sat there with a dumbfounded, embarrassed look on his face. He then said, “Ummm. I don’t know what y’all are talking about.”
The boys laughed even harder thinking he was kidding to which he said, “I’m not kidding y’all. I have no idea what that just meant.”
It was seriously one of the proudest moments of my motherhood.
(Don’t worry…his dad hasn’t left him in the dark. The Talk soon followed. The kid was so mortified I didn’t think he would ever show his face again. What’s more precious is that he still believes in Santa. I asked hubby why he felt it necessary to discuss the birds and the bees and yet neglect to tell him Santa wasn’t real. “There really is only so much trauma a boy can take at one time,” he said. So, it looks like ‘ole Santy Claus is alive and well for at least one more Christmas in the McKay house.)
Okay, so y’all get it that my kid is an innocent and just one of the most precious things in the world. So when he asked to watch Will Smith’s ‘I am Legend’ I was a little concerned it might be too much scary imagery but I figured watching it was kind of like a rite of passage. He’s watched Lord of the Rings and seemed none the worse for wear. I also reasoned it was time he watched something besides Barney and SpongeBob. (Okay, kidding about Spongebob.)
Anyhow…..last night we sat down for Family Movie night and watched Legend. (I use the term family loosely. The other boys were at spend the nights and the daughter was asleep.)
As for the movie? One word.
I have to give kudos to the fact there is only one or two ‘words’ in the whole movie. Nothing at all dirty about the film but the virus mutant people were just so incredibly grotesque. However, The Boy hung in there and watched the whole thing without covering his eyes once. I remember mourning a bit over the fact that my baby was growing up.
The tears were totally unnecessary. The kid was wigged out of his skin.
I didn’t know this until it was time to go to bed and he requested sleeping with the lights on and doors open. Luke, being the model of a compassionate father that he is, climbed into bed with the Boy and said gently…
“What’s wrong, son…..Are you scared a big, bad monster is under your bed?”
He then proceeded to tell him our next movie night was going to be a Triple Feature of Saw, Friday the 13th, and Nightmare on Elm Street. With popcorn.
Oh yeah, the kid felt much better after all that.
(Luke was obviously kidding…We talked for a bit and gave him some Jesus imagery to go to bed on..:) Before he fell asleep, The Boy admitted he just wasn’t ready for scary.
And I am so happy, because his mom is just not ready for him to be ready either.
So for next week? It’s looking like a Purple Dinosaur Extravaganza…
LOL!!!!! Tell kid #1, if it helps any I am NOT a scary movie fan either. And whats up with this No Santa thing. . . I still believe!
I have 2 girls…13 and 10..(when he is ready to DATE in 10 YEARS)
HE is EXACTLY what we are looking for!!
Just for the record we rented a VEGGIE TALE movie a few weeks back, no worries there…and WE ALL LAUGHED…
….and the DIVE into the CAKE…YOU ROCK!!
What a GREAT Mother in Law and GRAM you’ll make SOMEDAY!!
Happy Sunday!
I am so with you on this one, except that it is my youngest son and he is 14! We just took a trip to visit my family in AZ and he walked out to get in the car to go to the airport and was carrying his carry-on-bag….it is the colorful one with wheels that we got him when he was FIVE!!! My 16 year old just shook his head. This is the same 14 year old that just went through abstinence class at school and came home from school each day to ask me what things meant….very innocent and I love it!!!
Good for you! I weary at the rapid pace that kids are being forced to grow up. Innocence is a beautiful thing.
My girl is still sorta working through the concept of why people have a “surprise” pregnancy, not to mention unwed. Especially when the idea of “it” is still so “mortifying”!!
Love Luke’s response about “only so much trauma.”
Oh that the rest of the world were so sweet and innocent!
Sweet story! I HATE scary movies. I have just never understood killing/monsters/demons/andthesuch to be entertaining. I can handle some suspense movies but it’s hard to find one out there that is decent. Our last movie night, which included me and the hubs (since the little one is only 21 mths old) was watching Rattatouille, or however you spell it!
I’ll offer a suggestion for your family movie nights–The Apple Dumpling Gang and The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again. They are cute Disney Westerns and you just can’t get much better than Don Knotts and Tim Conway. If you like these westerns, I have a list of more that are funny, cute, clean, and family-rated
I enjoyed reading your post. Milestones in the growth of our children and how they affect us as moms-well, only moms can understand. Isn’t it great when the Lord gives our children opportunities to be “set apart” for His glory in their innocence and works it for good by establishing the time for “the talk”. Sweet.
Good for you on the sheltered TV viewing!! I hope to do the same! As for boy #1, he is one of THE coolest people (not just kids) I know and I always enjoy being around him! My little man loves him dearly, and I hope he continues to look up to him! (Especially on the scary movie thing since Kyle and I are both big fat scary movie chickens!
I’m laughing on so many levels right now….
Good for you guys! And I say that about the innocence, the cake, the controlled movie-watching — and most of all — the scary situation handled correctly. Teasing is a love language in our family. (Now there’s a post.) Sounds like it is in yours too.
You rock. There is nothing that pleases me more than for my daughter to not “get” something.
And your kiddo rocks for thinking that movie is freaky and scary.
And you all rock for messing with him about it!!
By the way, my daughter is still fully into the Santa thing, too.
Maybe they’ll be in therapy together.
We have had Friday Night Family Night for years and years and it always ended with a movie. I sheltered and sheltered them for years and years…showed them the classics. One of their favorites is “Singing in the Rain”. Yeah, my four boys. Who’da thunk it? But I have lost control lately over it all. Now with the ages running at 18,16,14 and 12…their dad has lessoned the standards. I am often vetoed. What is great for me though is to see them fast forward through scenes they know aren’t good to watch! I have even caught them doing that when I am not around just as I enter a room. They won’t watch any sex scenes…it is always fast forwarded even just long kissy ones. It is such a journey…kids! Loved listening to your story!
I have a 6,5 & 2 year old boys…and they repeat EVERYTHING from movies that they shouldn’t! Phrases that should be “over their heads” still come out of their little mouths.Rascals. Lately, they’ve only seen the previews for Alvin and the Chipmunks, and my 2 yr old has been singing, “Boom chicka wow wow chicka wow wow” over and over…I’m sure he’ll serenade his SS teacher today!
Anna hates scary movies also (and so do I)! I did not want my kids watching them as they were growing up either. He is a great kid! He has grown up so much since coming to our area!! Just wish he was a little older, maybe 3 or 4 years?? My Anna could use a good kid in her life! and he is soooo cute! Love You!! Happy Lord’s Day to you and the family!!
My 19 year old just walked in to ask if I wanted to watch the “Legend” movie tonight with him and my husband. I think I’ll pass, but it was gracious of him to ask.
My older sons were well-protected from music, movies, and tv that would prod them into adult issues too soon. I’ve never regretted that decision…not once.
Nick’s in college now. (That season of living definitely gives a mother reason for pause…)
But he is doing is well, and so am I. Keep mothering as you are and make no apologies for boundaries and limitations.
I love your blog!
My girls got scared watching “Babe.” The pig movie. I love my girls!
It’s so hard when the rest of the world doesn’t parent the way WE do, isn’t it??? I hated having to expose my boys to some things. Scary movies are something they still don’t really like. I’m glad. Actually, my DS 2 LOVES a good “clean” chick flick. It cracks me up. At least there’s someone to watch those with me.
:-) Susan
What a great kid you have. I’m on the same page concerning kids growing up to soon. I am praying my daughter finds a boy just like yours one day!
When I taught, I was always amazed at Halloween time that most of the kids had seen movies about Freddy, chainsaws, and exercism. I wasn’t allowed to watch Shera cartoon so being a witch was totally out of the question for halloween. It’s a breath of fresh air to have that one child in the class who is in the dark. It’s not always a bad thing to be clueless. Sometimes I wish I were at times.
Don’t you love the innocence of sheltered little ones?! My boys are still babies (5 and 7) but they are sheltered nonetheless! We are still contemplating letting the 7yr old see Narnia. He read the book and loves it, but holywood pictures are much more vivid than anything his little mind could come up with!
My hubby is watching Legend right now! Very much alone, though!! The boys are sleeping and I am downstairs! Thanks for the insight on it, I don’t feel I am missing anything!! :)
Oh yes. The sheltered life. We live that life too…my oldest is 12 this Summer and I’ll keep him sheltered a little longer….i’m amazed at the stuff other kids in his life know of or say or do.
Lets just freeze time! :)
When I was about 10, my cousin came over and started watching “Friday the 13th” which I had to finish with my mom. Even then, I thought I might be a little bit young to watch it. But I turned out pretty normal. At least that’s what the voices in my head say. :-)
I have no shame in admitting that I shelter my kids from television and movies. They don’t watch anything over PG in my house. They’ve experienced enough violence and foul language through things I couldn’t control to allow it in through things I can. And sexuality? They’ve had enough of that too.
So kudos for a delightfully innocent child. =) I don’t like horror flicks either, but I have to admit I like I Am Legend. (The alternate ending is WAY better.
Nothing wrong with protecting your kids!!! Our 16 year old son will cover his eyes if something he feels might be inappropriate comes on the screen. We did a purity course with our youth group and it was very impacting.
It’s wonderful to children with a conscience.
Since the scriptures tell us that we are supposed to be “as babes concerning those things that are done in secret…”and to “run from evil…” I see absolutely no reason why people think there is something wrong with your kids not knowing about certain things. I think you are doing a great job, and do not need to offer any apology! You keep it up, girl!
My husband had to finally tell my son “the facts” after some kid told him about condoms WHILE THEY WERE PLAYING SOCCER. My son said, “Why is he talking about that when we are supposed to be playing soccer?!” I was TICKED OFF because I thought it was too soon…and I almost BRAINED the kid…but it all worked out. My son handled it well, and sees it as a private thing…not something to talk about on the soccer field! Geesh!!!!!
And…that is my favorite way to eat cake!