More Stuff For You!

I mentioned over the weekend I am in the midst of reading two really fun books that do not make my brain feel like it will soon explode. (Yes, that is a compliment.) They are by Tyndale House author Megan DiMaria and are called Searching for Spice and Out of Her Hands.

I’m only 3/4ths complete with Spice but something is happening already that I didn’t anticipate: I’m actually looking for ways to be sweeter to Luke. This book sneaks up on you by helping you realize how easily the rhythms of life will cause marital relationships to drift in different directions if we aren’t intentional in nurturing them. Nobody ever set about to neglect their husband or wife but it can easily happen when we aren’t looking. Thankfully God puts flashing signs in our midst – like this book for one – to remind us of what is at stake.

Megan has generously offered three copies of each book to give away. To enter, simply leave a comment telling the name of the book you are currently reading. I love hearing what’s on your nightstand! It would also be great if you would go say hi to Megan on her blog, A Prisoner of Hope.

The six winners will be announced Friday evening, November 14th.

Yay!! I just love giving y’all stuff!