The Woman Beside the ManMinistry Wife Spotlight


Finally, it’s here! I told you a couple of weeks ago how much I wanted to begin a feature for ministry wives to properly introduce themselves. Our Married to the Ministry Blogroll has grown tremendously and so I think it is important to have a better way to get to know one another.

The way we are going to do this is through a spotlight called, “The Woman Beside the Man”. We all hear about the woman behind the man but even though much of what we do is behind the scenes, I know our husbands (and we!) consider us a vital, equal part to their ministries. If Luke and I didn’t walk this thing side by side, we’d have given up long ago. I hope I’ve left no doubt that I LOVE serving God by being married to a pastor and I hope to encourage you to embrace this privilege as well.

So here’s the skinny: Fridays will now be WBTM Day. If you are interested in being spotlighted, please send an email with your request to You will receive an auto-respond email with the interview questions and button code if you choose to use this to direct your readers here on the day you are featured.

Simply copy and paste the questions you receive into a document of your own, answer them, and send your responses back to me in the address provided in the introductory email. (Feel free to include a photo of yourself if you’d like!) Do not reply to the womanbesidetheman address because it is only set up to auto-respond. Also, once you send your request you should get an immediate response. If you do not, check your spam folder because my test emails have gone straight into mine.

Please note: You do not have to be on the M2M blogroll in order to participate but if you aren’t, please consider adding your listing. You can find instructions for doing so HERE.

So that’s it! Interviews will be posted on a first-come/first-served basis so let me hear from you soon.

I’m so happy!

P.S. My awesome buttons were created by Karen at Simply Amusing Blog Designs. She is fabulous!