Real Moms, Real Jesus Book Tour
A few months back I received an email from a girl whose name rang a bell. I thought on it just a bit and realized, yikes, I’d heard her frequently on the Focus on the Family radio broadcast. She is a fellow pastor’s wife and also the founder of Hearts at Home ministries. I’m also very proud to now call her friend. Her name? None other than Jill Savage! I am so excited to be a part of her book tour for the new release REAL Moms, REAL Jesus. Here is an interview exchange to help you get to know Jill better:

Jill, tell us a little bit about yourself and your family.
Mark and I have been married 25 years and we have five children. Anne is 24 and married to our wonderful son-in-love, Matt. Evan is 21 and married to our beautiful daughter-in-love, Julie. Erica is 18 and a college student at Heartland Community College. Kolya is 15 and in the 8th grade. We adopted Kolya at the age of 9 from Russia—the God story about his adoption is included in the Real Moms…Real Jesus book. And Austin is 12 and in the 7th grade.
Tell us about your newest book Real Moms…Real Jesus?
Real Moms…Real Jesus is a book designed to help moms understand that when Jesus lived on this earth he was fully God, yet fully man. We don’t often think about the fact that he was a human being and he lived the full human experience: pain, hunger, fatigue, frustration, betrayal, disappointment. He experienced it all!
There’s one verse in the Bible about Jesus that simply says “large crowds followed him everywhere he went.” Well, isn’t that the life of a mom? Large crowds follow her to the bathroom. They follow her to the kitchen. To the grocery store. She’s in high demand! And when Jesus lived on this earth, He was in high demand, too.
Why did you want to write this book?

Most of us long for a friend who understands. Yes, we need girlfriends who understand what our life is like. But we also need to understand that we have a friend who understands in Jesus. Too many of us think of God as being distant and unable to relate to our daily struggles. But nothing could be further from the truth! He understands and he wants us to build our friendship with Him. He wants to not only be our Savior, but also our Friend.
What do you hope your readers will gain from this book?
I hope that readers will gain a new perspective about their relationship with Jesus. I also hope to weave God’s truth into the daily life of a mom.
What unique elements will the reader find in Real Moms…Real Jesus?
Each chapter looks at some character trait in Jesus’ life that can help us in our life as a mom. In between the chapters are interactive vignettes that provide brief, refreshing glimpses into our real, messy, busy lives.
There are also questions at the end of the chapter for further consideration and suggested Bible reading in the book of Matthew. If the reader chooses to pursue the suggested reading, she will have read the book of Matthew completely by the end of the book!
There is also a leader’s guide in the back of the book so it can be used in a group setting.
This is a Hearts at Home book. What is Hearts at Home?
Hearts at Home is an organization that encourages, educates, and equips women in the profession of motherhood. Hearts at Home encourages moms through annual conferences, our extensive website (, a free bi-weekly electronic newsletter, a radio program, and an entire line of books designed to meet the needs of moms all over the world!
Any closing thoughts?
I am very excited about this book! I believe that if a mom can strengthen her relationship with Jesus Christ, she will feel more equipped to be the mom she wants to be. I’m also offering an online book discussion on my blog beginning Tuesday, April 7. If you’d like to join us, you can subscribe to my blog at
I’d love to hear a reader’s thoughts after they read the book, too! You can connect to me through my blog at
Jill, Thank you for reaching out to me and for the encouragement you give me as a mom and a PW!
You can purchase your own copy of Real Moms…Real Jesus by clicking here.
And be sure to check out Hearts at Home, their conferences for moms, and all their online resources
Good interview… I would like a chance to win Jill’s new book :) Thanks
Sounds great. Especially for someone like myself who is going to be a stay at home mom for the first time in 10 years. Yikes:)
Is it fair to leave hundreds of comments in hopes to up the odds that I will win this book?
Seems like just what I need right now!
I’d love to win a copy of her book. Please include me. Thanks.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I’d love a copy of this book……I’m in the trenches….I definitly need to hear about the human side of Jesus today!
I would love to have a copy of this book for my beautiful SAHM daughter. Loved the interview.
Love the interview. I would also love to read the book as I am a real mom too.
Great idea.
This book sounds excellent! Please include me.
Count me in!
-Blessings – Lisa
Like you, I heard Jill on Focus on the Family. I looked up her blog and have read it for a while, but never one of her books. Thanks for the chance to win one!
Shelly in Texas
Sounds like a good read! Thanks!
The title already speaks volumes for me! I would love to have the book!!!
It was nice meeting you, Jill! This was a great interview and one thing I have been teaching women for years is to have a close relationship with God. He does want to be our Friend and we are safe to take every thought and feeling we go through every day life. May God continue to bless you and your family and ministry!!
I thought I had commented but I don’t see it! I would love to read this book-what a neat interview!
I would love it. Although my girls are grown I am stepmom to a 10 year old boy. Always need more inspiration.
Count me in for the giveaway! Thanks!
Enter me too, Lisa! Thank you!
You offer such awesome giveaways!
Thanks for introducing me to Jill Savage and her ministry!!!
This book sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing this!
Does this book tell me how leave the “but’s” out of the sentence when I speak of my 4-year-old son?
“I love him, but……..”
Would love to read this book, thanks!
Great interview! Great giveaway! Thanks for posting :)
Ok I don’t have a blog but I am leaving a comment anyway. I would love to read this book. Also thanks for letting us get to know Jill better.
Kim B. in AZ
Wow! It’s so nice to meet all of you! Thanks so much, Lisa, for being a part of the blog tour! I love your blog!
Now who wouldn’t love a free book about Jesus? :-) Count me in, please!
Sometimes I feel so guilty when I read how much you get done in a day anad how much is on your plate. Great interview! You are a Superstar! Lots of love to ya,
Jill – it was so nice to meet you through Lisa’s blog. I would love to read your book –
Lisa – you are the REAL DEAL!
Much love,
Looks like a great book. And Jill sounds like an awesome role model. Thanks!
Great interview! Thanks for the opportunity to with this book.
This was a great interview. I am looking forward to reading this book. I am currently studying Jesus, The One and Only by Beth Moore and this sounds like the perfect study to follow that one. Thank you for offering this wonderful book. Take care and God bless, Cory
Great interview. This sounds like a perfect book to use in my morning quiet time. Thank you for the giveaway.
The book sounds great.
Hey Lisa! It’s Jennifer from Florida! I would love to eat this book up right now! We had our baby girl on Feb. 23rd and managing life with a pre-teen, a three year old boy and a newborn, well, you probably know what my life is like right now. Oh to be reminded that Jesus was Fully God and Fully Man is comforting and encouraging. He truly is our High Priest Who we can go to in our time of need and know that He really truly does know all about our troubles.
Mom-to-be me needs this book!