Thankful Thoughts and a GiveAway Winner
It was so fun reading your comments on the Fit Band Giveaway post about your Black Friday plans. I think it is safe to say that we either have a love or hate relationship with shopping on that day. Personally, I adore it so much so that I wrote it into my pre-nup that Luke would never keep me from lighting out at 4 a.m. nor pressure me to be home by any certain time. In exchange, I don’t pout.
Believe me, it is a fair trade. Just ask Luke.
As for the shopping, I’m with all of you who said it’s not so much about the actual buying as it is the thrill of the hunt with your best girlfriends. I think my favorite comment was from Carrie who said, “My husband, along with his two brothers and dad, get up at the crack of dawn to be at the stores to wait for them to open. They love the crowds so they take the “lists” and get as much as they can find. All the women sleep in, meet the men for lunch, and then decide if we want to venture out ouselves.”
They love the crowds. They shop. Then they meet you for lunch to debrief you. Carrie, 98% of the women who are reading this have officially fallen in love. Guard those guys with your life or you are likely to have a rush on them like hasn’t been seen since the Sears smackdown I witnessed over Cabbage Patch dolls during the Christmas of 1983.
Now it’s time for me to announce the winner of the Fit Band. I would like for you to notice the official results tabulated by complete with screen-printed results. I chose this method rather than asking one of my kids to pick a number between 1 and 64 or point at the screen as I scroll up and down really, really fast. In fact, you could say this contest has an air of professionalism to it that has been strangely absent in others. Because if there’s anything I want you know, it’s that you either won or lost legitimately. Because that’s important on blog contests.
Okay, webmaster, drum roll please…. (there is no webmaster but again, we are taking legit to the next level):
The winner is …..
Andrea on November 23rd, 2009 6:47 pm #51
“I will shop on Black Friday with my husband as the package carrier.”
And yet another woman with a fabulous husband!! Congratulations, Andrea! (On the husband and the contest.) I don’t have contact info for you so please shoot me an email so I can forward it to Erin and Mary Jo. Thanks for the generosity, girls~!
Okay, I’ve got to jump off here. We are taking the kids to see Old Dogs as a Pre-Thanksgiving treat. In case you didn’t know, I’m so grateful for this little community and appreciate your stopping by when you can. Praying your family has a blessed Thanksgiving full of food and lacking in drama.
Wait, that’s my prayer for myself but I’ll say it over you as well.
Happy Thanksgiving!
The world just tilted on its axis. Lisa McKay discovered the Random Number Generator! Life will never be the same!
Happy Thanksgiving, my friend!
Leave a little note or thought about the movie please. I read focus on the family review but can’t get a good handle on it – Let me know what you think. We have a 9 and 12 y/o. Thx
.-= lori´s last blog ..Runner without Rhythm =-.
Congrats Andrea! Happy Thanksgiving:)
.-= rhonda´s last blog ..HAPPY THANKSGIVING =-.
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m blessed to have found your blog. We are going to see Old Dogs tomorrow night!
Happy Thanksgiving, Lisa! I am thankful for you and the godly examply you are to this 20 something. Hope your holiday is marvelous. Much love and hugs your way! xoxo
.-= Lindsee´s last blog ..Weekend O’ Fun =-.