My Happy Place
Two weeks of Christmas Vacation are now over and as hard as it was to say goodbye, I managed to drop the kids off at the school house and squeal away in a fit of maniacal laughter.
Oh, not really.
They walked.
(Yet another perk of living next door to the church AND the school. Could my life be any easier?)
For real, as much fun as we’ve had over the holidays I’ve been craving some routine and today, oh blessed day, I finally got it. For the first time in a sweet forever, I settled into my little chair behind my little desk in my little room at the church and sighed.
My happy place.
It’s really nothing special, this little room of mine. It was originally a pastor’s office before a new sanctuary was built, then a junk room, then a library, and was quickly becoming a junk room again until I claimed it as my own. Don’t know if anyone at the church minds but better to ask forgiveness than permission I always say.
Why is it my happy place? Because it’s cleaner than my house. Because I’m surrounded by books. Because it’s solitary. Because the block walls block the internet connection so there is no distraction. Because it feels like God gave it to me as a tiny corner of the Universe to do the thing He’s asked of me. I read a quote by an athlete (can’t remember his name) not long ago that said, “God made me fast and when I run, I feel His pleasure.” I guess I feel a little like that while I’m in that room praying and studying and writing and contemplating.
You know I gotta ask….do you have a Happy Place? One where you can run and feel His pleasure? Doesn’t necessarily have to be a location. It may just be a state of mind or a certain thing you do that causes you to be aware of His favor or motivates you to follow harder after Him. I’d love to hear about it…
Um, my happy place is a hot bath full of bubbles. It seems it is the only place I can truly be “still” and listen. It is so quite and serene there. Of course, it could be because I have threatened to let the air out of their bike tires and never bake cookies again if they even dare to knock on the door but hey, a mom has to do what a mom has to do. Right?
.-= Amy Bayliss´s last blog ..Adding An Image To Your Sidebar Title =-.
Oh Lisa – my happy place is outside in my gardens. I have some nice flower beds, some raised vegetable beds, and I especially love hydrangeas, roses, and daylilies. When I get outside like that, I’m most always alone. My husband may be nearby on his John Deere, or maybe not – but I can count on solitude – which sounds like what makes our happy places have “all things common.” The solitude! I can stay for hours and hours on a good weather day. I plant, I dig, I pray, I weed, I sing, I pray, I ponder, I pray a little more, and sing some more too. I feed the birds, clean the birdbath, water, weed, and just enjoy the fresh air. It is PURE therapy and good exercise too. This time of year when I can’t get outside like I would like to, I plan what I’m going to do by looking at gardening magazines, reading, etc. Another spot I love in my home is a big overstuffed chair with a footstool that is almost as big as the chair. The footstool opens up and I keep all my Bibles, commentaries, journals, devotionals and pens in there. It is wonderful. I love me some highlighters…
You bless me so much Lisa McKay! Hey – I’m halfway listening to Wheel of Fortune and the quick puzzle word was “Wildflowers.” Guess what? I got it before any of the contestants!!! Yes.I.did.
Much love, Jan
One is nearer God’s heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth!
.-= Jan ´s last blog ..Bible Reading Plans for 2010 =-.
My recliner, first thing in the morning when no one else is awake. Just me, Jesus, my Bible, journal and a cup of coffee. It’s still dark out and I love the quiet stillness of it. It’s the only thing that could possibly woo me out of bed at 5:30 in the morning!
.-= Melissa @ Breath of Life´s last blog ..Classics Bookclub for 2010 =-.
I believe that quote is by Eric Liddell who was an Olympian—the movie Chariots of Fire was about him.
I don’t really have a place that I call my own. Being on the couch, when it’s early in the moening and everyone’s still sleeping, that’s my happy place.
btw, the quote is from Eric Liddell, an Olympic champion and missionary. I know, I’m just a wealth of knowledge!
.-= cheryl´s last blog ..New Year’s Verse 2010 =-.
Oh boy.
I don’t know that it was my “happy” place, but when I really wanted to get close to God I’d curl up under the baby grand in my church’s sanctuary. Weird, I know.
That place isn’t really available to me anymore and I’m looking for a new place to meet up with God – without distraction.
.-= Bethany´s last blog ..Eh… =-.
That quote was from Eric Liddell, the runner who refused to compete on Sundays. I’m hearing the Chariots of Fire them in my mind right now.
My recliner is where I go for peace and comfort!
I have no happy place.
ha! That sounds really sad and pathetic.
Actually, we are enclosing our back patio to create a room for ME (yay!). It will have lots of windows, lots of books and a ginormous walk-in closet for games, extra bedding and lots of junky treasures that I can’t seem to resist when they reach that magical mark of 75% off (I love me some Target).
My current quiet time is at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in hand. If I really want to get away from it all, I sit there and send the kids outside. :) I’m resourceful like that.
.-= Marsha´s last blog ..My first gift of 2010 =-.
my ‘certain thing I do that causes me to be aware of His favor or motivates me to follow harder after Him’ is sharing Him with other people. When I speak to groups of ladies, sharing the gospel or gospel truths or even when I get to share something particularly new or encouraging with just one person that is exactly how I feel!
Its not comfortable or free from frustrations, but it sure is the best place to be!
Thanks for the reminder!
.-= Donna´s last blog ..Buckle Up =-.