Cute Shoes Online Discussion ~Chapter Eight

I can hardly believe we only have one Chapter left to discuss after this one.   It kind of feels like the series of finale of Lost except without all the time-travel and smoke monsters and mysterious beams of light.  And let’s not forget the obvious fact that the Lost writers, well, they are better than me.  Way better.  I’m secure in that.

Today we are going to talk about ministry moves in the chapter entitled, “The Joys of Hello.” Here are the things I always love to hear from other ministry wives on the subject:

1.  How many times have you moved?

2.  Have you learned to appreciate the process or do you cry every time?

3.  Parsonage or purchase?

4.  UHaul or Ryder or Moving Company?

5.  What is your favorite thing about the move?  The least favorite?

6.  Share your favorite tip on surviving a ministry relocation.


I’m keeping it short today because I have to finish some work and then go visit my Mamaw Crawford in the hospital.  Please pray for her.  She’s suffered a heart attack and isn’t doing well at all.  She is 89 years old and precious to our family.  I’m asking the Lord to give her peace and comfort and assurance of his love for her.  These times are inevitable but that doesn’t make them any easier, does it?  I know y’all understand and I appreciate your lifting her name to the Father.