A Sweet Giveaway
For any of you who know much of my back story, you’ll remember I didn’t become a Christian until I was 21-ish. When I began attending church regularly I was familiar with some of the hymns that were sung but knew none of the ‘choir specials’. The whole realm of Christian music was wide open for discovery. Luke and I went to Bible College and to be honest, I was a little uptight where this new-fangled ‘contemporary’ Christian music was concerned. I mean really.. a drum beat? Melodies that sounded like they belonged on secular radio? “Surely sinful”, said I. I had repented of Prince and Janet Jackson so in my estimation any sound that even hinted of ‘Purple Rain’ had to go.
I finally got over my prudeness after a friend introduced me to the radical stylings of Steve Green and I realized I really liked the departure from the uber-traditional. I still appreciate the great theology in the classic hymns but I’m no longer a zealot in what is permissible as long as it is Christ-honoring. (Hence my affinity for TobyMac and Kirk Franklin. They fill the Prince-sized void in my soul.) Once I came to that realization, one of the first groups whose cd I actually purchased was Point of Grace (Free to Fly!). I heard them at a Women of Faith conference and just fell in love with the harmony and the flat out way I was encouraged when I listened to their songs.
So when I received an email that Heather Payne of the group had released a solo cd and also asked if I would be interested in telling you about it, I was all, “Ummm, yes, sign me up please.” So here I am telling you that if you are in love with those POG girls and also love classic hymns, then Heather’s “Sweet Exchange” is for you. The title track is great but she had me at ‘Be Thou My Vision’. One of the greatest songs, EVER. There is a listening party HERE for you to check out the album in its entirety.
And I know it is totally irrelevant, but as I’m looking at the cd cover it is worth a mention that Heather’s outfits are adorable. I need to know where she got that ruffled shirt on the back and the open cardigan on the front. And something else I didn’t know about her? She’s a minister’s wife and mom of four. So of course she is awesome.
The best part of all this jabber is that Heather’s people have offered 2 copies of her cd for me to give to you. To enter, simply tell us the name of your favorite hymn! And as a side note, does your church sing them in a key you can hit? Ours is high and since I can’t go there, I have to dig deep and come out with some bass. “Where the Soul of Man Never Dies” is my favorite. I sing Johnny Cash’s part and it’s really something to hear. Just ask anyone to my right or left or front or rear.
Wait, they’ve moved.
(Y’all remind me to tell you about the time I accidentally ended up in the soprano section of our Bible college musical in which I played the part of a pregnant angel.)
I will collect entries until Thursday and announce the winner on Friday. Be certain to leave a current email in the entry so I’ll have a way to contact the winner!
Growing up in a southern Baptist church, I rarely have to pick up a hymn book to sing. It’s amazing how your mind can retain the words of these songs. Although I love the words, I despise the way they are usually played/sung. I cannot stand the organ droning on and on while we sing Victory in Jesus, it sure doesn’t sound like we’re victorious!
Anyway, one of my favorite hymns is Because He Lives.
Love you!!!
Cathie Reply:
September 29th, 2010 at 9:37 am
I grew up in (and am a member of) a non-denominational Christian church, and we have no instrumental music, therefore everything is acapella. I just love to hear all the different voices. I recently attended a wedding at my best friend’s baptist church and couldn’t hear the voices at all. I love Victory In Jesus, too!
Amazing Grace. It gets me everytime!
Hi Lisa! I’m a new follower. My sister gave me your book just before my wedding earlier this summer (married a preacher – well a soon to be preacher- he’s still in seminary).
My favorite hymn (today anyway) “How Great Thou Art” – always helps me focus on the truth. Be Thou My Vision is also a favorite. :)
Second ever concert – POG and their boy-band counterpart – 4Him! “Life Love and Other Mysteries” – 5th grade. We had motions to the POG song “Keep the Candle Burning” Haha!!!
“Love Lifted Me”. We had so much fun singing this song as teenagers. Every time we sang “Love Lifted Me” we would all lift up our hymnals. Very upbeat for our baptist church
Gee, it’s hard to pick a favorite so I’ll say Mighty to Save……especially when the kids, which included 3 of my granddaughters sign it, too. Makes me cry……..
Brenda Schiesser
Great Is Thy Faithfulness and It Is Well With My Soul
My all-time favorite is It is Well with My Soul.
I did not grow up in church and do not have a very large knowledge base of hymns, but my favorite has always been It is Well With My Soul. Still is a favorite, actually. But I have recently (this Sunday, actually) discovered a love for What a Friend We Have in Jesus. Seriously, powerful and convicting lyrics. Go check it out! Does this make it overly evident that I have faced a trial or two in recent years? :)
Hope I win, POG was the first Christian group whose CD I bought also! YAY! (Steady On, still love it!)
Favorite hymn? How do I choose? I grew up Baptist, so those old songs are imprinted in my DNA.
Right now, I’m drawn to “Come Thou Fount” and “Be Thou My Vision.” They both echo my heart’s cry, and the music perfectly fits the lyrics.
Tripp Evans Reply:
September 30th, 2010 at 7:56 pm
We sang both of these this evening at small group…great hymns.
My name is Leslie Henry. My email address is: yougotleslie@yahoo.com. My favorite hymn is ‘It Is Well With My Soul.’ Thank you!
So many amazing Hymns!! But Just As I Am is my pick!!!
I understand what it’s like to move from your traditional denominational worship style into contemporary praise and worship. I totally get it! You said it well–Christ Honored worship!! That’s it, Sister!!!
It is Well!!
It’s hard to choose just one, but I would have to say, “It Is Well With My Soul” is my favorite.
Alas and did my Savior Bleed…we have a small church plant that is about three years old and Brian has always been adamant about singing from the beginning even when it was just a few people and no music. Acappella is not my favorite way to sing hymns. It was wonderful when our son Bruce began playing the guitar and our daughter Katie sang to help lead the music. They only knew about four different songs and we sang them every week but this was one of them and it is a precious, biblical and theologically sound hymn that I love.
I also sing like whoever I am standing by….sometimes salto, sometimes alprano, sometimes bass. Sometimes all three in one song.