Surprised by Worship, Not Snow (A Giveaway)

Y’all are some thoughtful girls.  Just loved reading your responses about the things God is working out in your hearts and the fabulous books you are reading to prepare your mind for some action in 2011. 

Which is a perfect segue into my telling you about yet one more book that I’ve had for a while and haven’t yet mentioned.  It’s called Surprised by Worship by Travis Cottrell.  (You may have heard of him.  He leads worship for this chick named Beth that I hear is a decent Bible teacher.)  His marketing group sent this book to me a couple months ago and truth is, I just got busy and didn’t read it for a while.  But as God frequently proves, His timing is always right on and it turns out I was able to work through the theme of this book during a season I needed it most.

Travis talks about worship and how we find it in the most unexpected places.  How we can learn to praise when the thing didn’t turn out like we had hoped.  How we can not freak the freak out while we are waiting on Him.  How we can trust God’s good thoughts toward us when the future feels incredibly uncertain.  And perhaps the most important thing, the bursting forth of joy that comes when we finally catch up to the place where God has gone before us. 

The part of the book that resonated with me the most is Travis and Angela’s processing of the call as worship pastor at a church in Jackson, TN.  I laughed out loud when he talked about the ‘coincidental’ things that confirmed the oughtness of their pursuing this mode of ministry because Luke and I totally get how God does.  He’s just hilarious up there laughing when He gets to toss out some random thing that means nothing to anyone but us.  Ain’t nothing like having an inside joke with Jesus. 

So as my first little gift to you in 2011, I have a copy of Travis’ book that is up for grabs.  Simply leave a comment telling us if you are getting any snow right now.  Our schools are already cancelled and we haven’t seen the first flake.  We might be surprised by worship but no Severe Winter Weather will be catching me without bread and milk.  Or orange sherbert ice cream and a box of sugar cones.  

I’ll leave the post open until Wednesday and announce a winner Thursday. 

Good luck!!