I AM Bible Study Update
First of all, I want to tell you that I am wonderfully overwhelmed with your response to the ‘I AM’ Blog Bible Study. I never in my wildest dreams thought there would be such an interest. I credit our amazing God with placing the desire for His Word in our hearts. I count it a privilege to be able to study along with you. I won’t just stop at privilege, I want you to know I am jumping-up-and-down thrilled over the endless ministry possibilities using the Blog format!
For the past several days I have been working through the details of how this study could best be administered. I pray the way I have set it up will be clear and user-friendly. I welcome your feedback on how it could be done better so that you will have the best possible experience. I would like to thank my wonderful friends Iris at Sting My Heart and Darlene Schacht at CWO for their encouragement and wisdom. I would especially like to thank Iris for the Study Button…..Isn’t it great??
The ‘I AM’ Button is linked to the Table of Contents Page which will allow you to click on the area of study you are ready to begin. Each lesson will also link to the previous and next in the series. You will be able to locate the lessons much more easily if you will install the button in your sidebar.
One last thing – Wednesday will be the day new Lessons are posted. If you are already current with the study, it will be great if you can post your responses by the following Monday. However, I anticipate there will be many who will find the study at different times. I do not believe this will be an issue. There will be a Mr. Linky left on all of the Lessons so you can simply sign the one you are currently working on as well as view responses others have posted.
Whew! I hope I’ve covered everything. If I haven’t, email me! I’ll be glad to answer your questions. I’m working on getting a scroll box with the button code. In the meantime, send me a note if you need help grabbing it out of my sidebar or the top of this post.
Remember to check back on Wednesday for the next lesson. :)
You have no idea how I am looking forward to spending this time with you in God’s Word!
Awesome, Lisa…I think you got your bases covered and I know it will be a great study…
I will advertise it on Wednesday on my blog :)
Cant wait for Lesson 2 Lisa :)
Hey sweet friend I am planning on joining in when I can, right now my computer is at the computer Drs office. And it is hard to do the study at work =)
Awesome button. I am so excited for you!!
I will write a post tomorrow for it.
Ooh, I am so excited. I have been looking for an online study. I am going to look at lesson 1 when the kids go to bed tonight (and, um, after American Idol).
Thanks for doing this, I think it will great!