WFMW – Loser Mom Ice Pack
Okay, so I recently went on a field trip and forgot to put ice in the cooler. I didn’t want to buy a whole bag for my small cooler and also didn’t want botulism from the mayo on my sandwich. I had to run in the grocery store to grab a couple of snacks and thought perhaps they would have some cooler ice packs in the freezer section. (I have seen them before) Anyway, I was in no such luck today. So what did I do? I bought a bag of 97 cent frozen corn and put it in the cooler! It was cheap, worked perfectly, and our lunch was still positively frigid when we were ready to eat. It Worked for Me!
Go visit Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer for other great WFMW ideas!
That’s a great idea!
I’ve always heard of using frozen peas, but never corn…must be a redneck thing!
Anyway, I REALLY stopped by to let you know that I’m really not sure that we can be friends after all. Did you, or did you not, leave a comment at Rocks in my Dryer about the fact that you thought Diet Coke in the morning was gross??? Diet Coke first thing in the morning is the absolute BEST! Coffee in the winter, yes. But when it’s not 30 degrees outside, it HAS to be DC in the morning!
Flee from that Satanic voice in your head that is telling you otherwise my friend!