Seven Random Things About Me
I’ve been tagged by Christine and Iris and Carol for the Seven Random Things About Me play-along. Ya’ll are so gonna wish you didn’t ask:
1. I freak out when anyone breaths in my airspace, i.e. I can not deal if hubby is sleeping face to face with me and is breathing out into the air I am breathing in. I am convinced that I will asphyxiate (spelling?) on his carbon dioxide.
2. I can not stand for closet doors to be open. I can’ t lie down in my bed if the closet doors are not shut tight with the lights off….Don’t ask, I don’t know.
3. I am horrified of tornados. In my nightmares, I dream my kids blow away and I can’t find them. I have been known to strap my kids to me with belts in bad storms so if we blow away, we’ll blow away together.
4. In another life I would have loved to have been a secret agent – all CIA and stuff. I love the Bourne Identity movies, Alias, etc. I think I would have made an awesome spy.
5. When I graduated high school, I had no desire to ever have children. I planned to move to New York City and be a career woman and never marry. I now live in a small Alabama town with a pastor husband and 4 kids. “Man makes his plans, but God takes his steps!” God must still be laughing His head off over that one..
6. I love epidurals. I think a good epidural is the most divine feeling I have ever experienced. I would love to lie in bed with an epidural for an entire week. Is there anything wrong with that??
7. I won the county spelling bee in 4th Grade. My 4 year old daughter found the plaque a couple weeks ago and now proudly has it hanging on her wall. She thinks it is really cool I could spell ‘lasagna’. :) I obviously can not spell asphyxiate (sp?)..That must have been in the 5th Grade contest which I did not enter. I figured out by then how uncool spelling bees were..
I hope we are still friends and that the above doesn’t qualify as TMI. :))
I think most of you have been tagged by this already, so if you are reading this and have not been, tag yourself and let me know you are playing so I can link you up!! :))
Happy Mother’s Day!
You told me about your #1 a few weeks ago, and ever since I have been afraid of killing my baby in his sleep by breathing on him. (Yes, he sleeps with me, and I love every minute of it. His room is on the other end of our house and if he slept in there I’d have to worry about fire AND tornados! This way I can just grab him & run..yes, I have thought it out!)
Also, I am TERRIFIED of tornados! I have been more terrified since giving birth to my son, but I had not thought of strapping him to me with a belt. Thanks for the idea!
And! One of my bestest friends since birth is an FBI agent. Really! She is THE most unlikely person to ever hold this job. I mean, she was IN the MISS ALABAMA pageant for crying out loud! Now she carries a gun to work and hunts terrorists. I feel sure she has MY career! I LOVE to carry a gun. Just check my purse!
And a misspelled word annoys me to the absolute ends of the earth. I never won a spelling bee, but I’m a stickler for spelling! (Hello! Spell check, people!?!)
I’m not sure If I have been around you long enough for you to effect me (or I you) or if we are both just freaks that are destined to be friends?!
(sorry, this is the longest comment ever! and if there is anything misspelled, sorry…look at the time of this comment!)
I can really relate to #2. Just ask Clay. I have made him get back up out of bed to close the closet door which is in the bathroom, but I can still see it from the bed. Also #3 would be on my list. I think back to the morning we had the earthquake (which we thought was a tornado) everytime I walk in my closet and see the big hole in the wall where Clay’s shoulder hit when he jumped in there with our oldest child. Now about #6, I hope every woman who has given birth (except those who have chosen to do it naturally) can back you up on this one.By the way HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!
I’ll have a go Lisa, still a bit new to this blogging so I don’t know what’s involves in being “tagged”? Duh?… I know.
Anyway I had a day like you on friday, mine was blog was called “World War III” and you get a little mention. Check it out if you can.
Oh, my goodness, you absolutely crack me up! First of all, you’d have a fit in my bedroom right now. My closet door stays open all night just a crack with the light on so I can see the baby in the middle of the night. And I’m with you on the NY after high school thing, though I wanted to be a broadway star. My mom thought I’d never have kids, but I think I always knew I’d have a couple. I never thought I’d have 4, though!!
Happy Mommy’s Day!
how do I get tagged and linked, I am not so good with the pc and however I am trying….. hey dolla tag me!!!!
love always
I too am terrifed of Tornados – I have talked about that on my blog plenty of times. That is too funny – for some reason my kids are interested in them and play “tornado chasers” – it just gives me the creeps :) I’m with you on the epidurals too!
HA HA HA! I am with you on #2 also. I thought it may be a PW thing, but Christine said her closet doors are open, and then I was going to make some joke about the deacon’s wives being in there and that’s why I keep mine shut.
I promise it was hysterical.
I am SOOO with you on #1 and #2. When I was reading, I thought “woah, is she listing MY things here?” I would have to add that I an TERRIFIED of Sn*kes, so to the point that I will not say the word. I only spell it out. I freak out at the thought of seeing one when I am outside with the girls. However, I am working on overcoming this fear of mine. Have a Great Monday!
Take your obsession with closet doors being closed and up the ante to the point where everything must be neat in the house before bedtime, and you’ve got me.
But God is helping me with that. :-)
From one oxygen and epidural fan to another… great list! LLOL!!
I totally agree with #1!!!
I’m still laughing over the cabbage…now you’ve just added more quirky things than my 8 things post…hmmm I think I got something wrong with the number…LOL! I would love to have been a spy too…I love the same shows!
I decided to do this since I’m always lurking on your blog and not participating. Check out my 7 Random Things @ :) Enjoy!
Thank you so much for playing along on this one. I love learning new things about me sisters in Christ — even if it seems a little strange. But I think you are not any stranger than any of us :)
But the epidural – hm, I have never had one, so I don’t know what it would feel like…
Very cool that you won the spelling bee – I have never won any contests in school *sigh*…
Regarding the breathing room – I totally understand – can’t do it either – laying face-to-face while sleeping – kissing is another thing though – I love kissing my hubby *mega-grin*…
I think I just peed my pants for the second time tonight! HAHA! Maybe I should get that checked out! :P
Ok I can’t see because I’ve laughed unitl I cried on the epidural comment! I could see us with our own epidural machine asking or hubbies to “hook us up, ‘hon, I’ll be outta commission for a while” HAHAHAHAHA! My last one scared me a little though, I was paralyzed from the neck down and could barely hold Jack when he was born!! I’d still do it all over again though in a heartbeat! The person who came up with it is pure genious. Did I spell that right? It doesn’t look like I did! HA!