I AM Study

Hi Girls!
I wanted to let you know that I will be postponing this week’s “I AM” lesson until the following Wednesday. I have two other speaking engagements in this upcoming week that are consuming my thought and prayer life. I am so grateful to have these opportunities to worship with different groups of women…I had a blast Saturday night in Georgia with the church where my brother-in-law and sister serve as the youth ministers. I am careful to mention them both, because as any ministry wife knows, behind every good pastor is a woman who has worked herself to the bone taking care of her man’s details!
This is the second year I have spoken at their church and I have to tell you the coolest thing about last year. Their theme was “Fruits of the Spirit” so I taught about the soil of our heart sometimes being parched and dry and the need for the downpour of God’s Spirit upon it…Just as I was getting to this point in the talk, there came a rainstorm so incredibly loud you could not hear a word. Do we ever have a God of visuals! It was so overwhelming to me that He would give us such a vivid illustration! I’ll never forget that night or this sweet group of women..Thank you again, Shiloh!
Back to the I AM study…In our next lesson, Moses will meet God at the burning bush. If there is one scene in all of Scripture I want to give my undivided attention to, it is this one! I hope you will use this extra time to do an extra week’s study if you aren’t already through number five. I also encourage you to go visit the girls who are just beginning the study and comment on their insights. There are new women beginning all the time and they need to hear from you!
Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for participating in this journey with me. Your insights are incredible and have greatly enhanced my teaching of this material. I never dreamed just three short months ago that God would have given me such a precious new group of girlfriends. I even learned a new word for you from Deborah, our sister from South Africa. You are Dolla Friends! Intrigued? Click Here! It is the coolest girlfriend thing I’ve read in a long time..:)) Love ya Deborah, my new dolla friend! I mean really girls, who’d have ever thought we’d be studying together from half way around the world! Our God is HUGE!
Blessings on You!
We missed you in S.S. Sunday!!! We didn’t know when to start class because the opening of the can did not take place!! LOL! Love you bunches and good luck with your up coming events!! I know you will do great!!!!!
I read a verse today that reminded me of you! I felt like I should share it with you-Philippians 3:12-“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”
My study Bible says:Paul’s goal is to to know Christ and to be like Christ. To be all Christ has in mind for him. It absorbs all his energy.
This is your goal also. You are such a blessing. You will never know how much you have truly impacted my life as well as many others through your gift to teach. Just know that I love you and am praying for you every day!!!
Hey Lisa, I am really looking forward to Friday Night. I can’t wait to see what else the Lord has given you to relay to us! Have a great day! p.s. I have joined blog land. Jenny
AWWWWWW- I am totally bummed that there is no “I AM” study today….
but good luck with your speaking stuff….btw – what church do your sister and bil serve? been meaning to ask that question.
And is she gonna return the favor and come speak at your church, too?
love –
I’ve only just got around to starting this study properly – been checking it out for the last week or so and it looks great!
So, I better make the most of this rest week to catch up with everyone else when the study resumes :)