A BLEAK is in order…
‘A what?’ you say? That would be a BLog-BrEAK…Put those words together and you can conclude that things are going to be a bit BL-EAK around here for the next bit.
The reason? I have 3 weeks worth of activity which must be completed in ONE. I’ll never get it done if I am on the computer! :)
Before I take my temporary leave, I’d love your suggestions on something…(thanks for the book recommendations by the way..I’ll be reading for 6 months:)
When we go on vacation Saturday (yaaayyyy!) we are going to be cooking in the room for all but 2 nights and I need some recipe inspiration…We will be in a condo so we can’t grill, but I would love to hear about some of your favorite, simple, family-night meals.
Also the ‘I AM’ Study will be on a break as well. I am a girl who knows her limitations and there is simply too much to do for me to study like I need and want to. Ya’ll don’t leave me! Hang in there and it’ll be back real soon. If you would like to read ahead, the next Lesson will in Exodus 4. We’ll talk about God taking ‘what is in our hands’ and using it as a tool for wonders. We’ll also touch on ‘the secret lives of women’..Intrigued? I hope..God has a lot to say about a clear conscience…If you have noticed I have digressed a bit from my original outline, it is only because there is just too much rich material in Chapters 3 and 4 of Exodus to skip over! I’ll update the outline when we are out of Chapter 4…
SO – with all that said, I am going to make my kids take a bath and put some clothes on (if I can get them off the sofa), wash 14 loads of laundry (I’m not exaggerating), get ball uniforms ready, pack for vacation, clean my disgusting house (dishwasher is broken so I’ll be using manual labor on that chore), clean my disgusting car, and finish decorating my VBS room. And oh yes, my class will appreciate it if I somehow work a bath in for myself sometime today. I chose a nice walk and prayer time this morning over a shower..:) It was well worth it…
I’ll check back in, so please don’t forget to leave me some good recipes! :))
Blessings on you, girls!
May you come back refreshed and relaxed.
Enjoy your vacation! A break in the I AM study is good for me since I will be at my moms and not sure on her internet issue. So I won’t miss anything..Yay.
Enjoy your break! Any simple meal I make requires a crock pot.
Get rest, have fun and come back because you’ll be missed!
I agree with Terri. I love my crockpot. I made ribs in it last night and they were so juicy. The thing is, you can put whatever in the crockpot for 8 hours. Go out to the beach to read, swim etc,, and come back and the condo will smell great and the crockpot would do most of the work. I usually cook Mexican food while on vacation. It is super easy and fast. I pray you have a great time on vacation and get some much needed rest. I will look for some recipes tomorrow.
Just check with Mario, he has all my recipes.Haha.
You deserve a Bl-eak!
Enjoy your time away.
Ok, my suggestion for super simple family meals while on vacation and I don’t want to spend alot of time in the kitchen is one of my kids favorites:
Taco salad made with ground beef seasoned with taco seasoning, red-kidney beans mixed in and heated through. Put Doritos on the bottom of a large bowl add meat mixture, cheese, lettuce, tomatos, etc. We top with sour cream and salsa from a jar.
Have a wonderful time on your break and vacation!! Oh, and my crockpot is next to my best friend! Right now, I have a Tex-Mex chicken dish cooking. Very good!
Place a can of rinsed black bean, can of Mex-corn and 1/2 jar of salsa in bottom of crockpot. Add chicken on top and then layer the rest of the salsa on top of that. Cook all day on low. We serve with rice, cornbread or something along those lines. Enjoy with sourcream, cheese etc. Hope you like it!
Have a nice time on your break and vacation
I am going to miss you, but have an awesome rest, come back refreshed and ready for the next season. Let GOd reposition you in this time.
would you like a South African recipe?
love always me
Have fun! I look forward to hearing the adventures you experience while you are away!
Many blessings.
Have a great vacation! Maybe I’ll catch up on the Bible study while you’re gone :)
Some of our vacation “cooking” includes taco salad (already mentioned above–and if I’m really industrious I cook the meat before going and pack it in a cooler so no cooking required in the condo!). Also Stouffer’s lasagna with frozen garlic bread–no real cooking there either!
Have fun! Happy Bleak! :-)
Oh Lisa, you are so so busy, I pray that everyhthing goes smoothly for you this week so that you can come back refreshed and chilled.
We’ll miss you,
Del xxx
Similar to the taco salad is the Frito Pie.
Layer small (original) Fritoes in bottom of bowl. Top with warmed-up canned chili. Top that with grated cheddar cheese.
Another variation is to buy the small bags of Fritoes like you put in lunches, Then put the chili and cheese in the bag with the fritoes. Give ’em a spoon and they can eat dinner out of the bag.
Have fun on your bleak…I may borrow your term for my blog as I will be away next week too! Going on cruise for my 25th wedding anniversary! Wahoo!
I hope your break is extra refreshing….praying for you!
Have a great time on vacation!
Our families favorite easy recipe also needs a crock pot. I buy an inexpensive roast, cook all day in crockpot. When you take it out it should fall apart. I usually just shrd it with my hands. Mix with BBQ sauce and put on a hamburger bun and you have delicious BBQ beef sandwiches. I usually serve with fruit and chips.
Hope you like it.
Have a refreshing, relaxing, rejuvenating bl-eak! Thank you so much for your prayers while I was away… I’ll be doing the same for you!
As far as simple cook-in-the-condo meals, we always do hot dogs, sandwiches, mac-n-cheese, Ramen (think college dorm food!) ;)
You’ll be missed!
Who will make me laugh? :(
My recipe:
12 Weiners
1 Can of pork and beans
the end!
HA! Did you read Darlene’s comment? Hilarious!! Okay, for real…love that you made up a word for your Blog Break…that’s creativity at it’s finest.
Hope VBS has been good and that vacation will be incredible. I look forward to hearing updates when you return…although, by then I may be on a BLEAK of my own. :)
Love ya!
okay that is enuff, I MISS YOU come home. love always me