Thankful Thursday
This has been some kind of week at the McKay house…God has decided to show off and I am still so wonderfully overwhelmed I can barely keep back the tears…Here are just a few things I am grateful for:
This truck! Luke and I have NEVER in our lives received such a gift. I hope if you are reading this and had anything to do with contributing or if you were just able to give your well wishes and prayers towards this gift that you know how very much we appreciate and love you. If you are not a part of my church family, you have to know that the people of our church are the most gracious, loving congregation we have ever been a part of and that was BEFORE they did this for us. Our church is one who believes in giving – not hording – and we are so proud of the heart it has for missions and providing for those in need. We could not possibly ever deserve to serve this body! I am also grateful for a husband that was never ashamed to drive the old truck. He has always given me and the children a nice vehicle to drive to his own sacrifice. I asked him yesterday, “Don’t you just feel better pulling up somewhere in that truck? (You know, a pride thing) And he said, honestly, “No Lisa, I don’t. I love that I have it but I am not ashamed of my car”. And ya’ll, he really isn’t which is convicting to me, because I hated driving Goose. It embarrassed me to death! :)) I could learn a thing or three from that man o’mine…:)2. This vacation! What a time of refreshment. I thank Jesus for all the ways He made sure this week could happen for us… My Suburban’s engine threatened our being able to go and yet that was taken care of. A few things took place that just made it a time we could totally relax. I felt like Elijah on the mountain, resting and being refreshed by the angels in order to go and begin again.
3. This verse: 1 John 2:14 “I have written to you fathers, because you know Him who has been from the beginning. I have written to you young men, because you are strong, and the Word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one.” Sometimes a Scripture can seem so innocently tucked in a passage and never quite catch your attention though you know you’ve read it a hundred times. And then, one day the Spirit will have it leap off the page to mend your heart and you think, ‘where has that one been all my life?’ I have been so exhausted, mentally and physically, and I needed a reminder this week that I am strong! Not inherently mind you, but because ‘greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the world.’ I forget that, don’t you? That I am an overcomer! I went to Revelations and wrote in my journal all the statements to the seven churches about those who overcome. You really need to do this – it will bless your socks off and give you a whole lot to be thankful for! :)
4. My Very Real Internet Girlfriends – Satan and me had a talk about ya’ll this past week. Has anyone ever scoffed at you when you talk about your ‘online friends’ because they aren’t “your REAL friends”?l. You’ve never even met them for Heaven’s sake! Why, you could really be named Butch from Tuscaloosa for all I know. Satan wanted me to think because I have never seen your faces, that if I quit blogging there would be no harm, no foul. I prayed hard about continuing to blog, whether it was a God-ordained thing or a time consumer He would have me lay aside. He showed me through you how He is using this technology and community to minister to women in ways unheard of and that, yes, we are all very real friends and we need one another! So I remain, for better or worse…:)) And I am glad. I would have had my feelings hurt at Jesus if He made me quit..:))
Go visit Iris at Sting My Heart to read other Thankfuls or to participate yourself!
Have a blessed week! :))
I love been your online friend….. dont ever let go… I am so blessed to be part of your life and all the girls that blog together. love always me
I am blessed by being your online friend dear one.
I am so glad God talked you into continuing to blog! You are a blessing to so many through this blog! I am also thankful for that truck, I think that the preacher is gonna have to get him a robin’s egg blue tag or something for it, so we know him when we meet him! He could put, “in rememberance of the service of old blue” on it or something. Just a thought!
I guess you could say that I am one of your silent online friends. I have not commented (a fear that I am working on) but have kept up with the study. I was not sure when you begin the study, and really can’t remember how I found you. I just know that God lead me to it and it is ministering to me exactly where I need it. I thank you for your honesty, humility and obedience to God. You are truly being used.
I love reading your blog! It is encouraging to hear from another pastor’s wife. Thank you for allowing God to use your ministry to touch others. I was so blessed when I read about your recent gift from your church. You are truly blessed and loved by those folks!
Don’t you just love it when God shows off??? Beth Moore said that she believes that God is always showing off for her because she is forever asking him to!! Will we ever grasp that?? That all we have to do is DELIGHT OURSELVES IN HIM, and ASK FOR HIS GLORY TO BE REVEALED, and He will DO IT…every.single.time!!
Rejoicing with you and for you my sister!!
Great list, Lisa. I am still so excited for you and your new truck! Your always such a blessing!!
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, also we are going on vacation in August and I have written down and bookmarked your idea about the longest nap. Thanks!!
I am amazed at what God has done in my heart with my online friends. Online sisters in Christ are awesome and encouraging. Sometimes even more so than the friends in our face. Oh, and I love the truck! God is so good!! Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your day.
I don’t know what I would do if you could not blog anymore! You bless my day each and every day! Thanks for all you do!!!
Love you bunches!!
A wonderful, thankful post! There are days I wonder if I spend too much time on the computer, but the on line encouragement I get from my Christian sisters makes it worth it. I’m trying to find a balance. I’m glad you are still blogging :) Have a blessed week!
This is a great Thankful Thursday. It’s true when churches are focused on reaching out to the world, they are so much healthier. I love that they blessed you guys in this way.
As for blogging…I find it’s such a great outlet…and yes, a place for ministry. Thank you for your part in that.
:-) Susan
Like everyone else, I’m so thankful you blog! I haven’t been able to do the study as I’d hoped, but I do find encouragement & blessings in your posts. I’m sure if I ever moved to your town, we’d be friends!
You are indeed blessed! I am thankful that you are continuing on in bloggityville, you bless me! I have gotten that look, you know the one, that I am playing with imaginary friends, when I try to explain my blog sistas! You gotta be one to understand!
Wow! What blessings! Prayers that they continue!
This was a great list – very inspiring. Thanks!
I am blessed by your blog. What a blessing your church family gave you! And a vacation! Yea! I can’t wait for our trip in a few weeks!
Lisa, God cleared a space for you and you’re filling it so well! He asked, you responded, and so many are blessed by your words. Keep it up. Your writing is wonderful, because your heart shines through.
Seems like we contemplated the same things while on vacation and came up with the same answers (ie..your last paragraph). I could not have voiced it any better. But I too spent time in prayer about it also.
I just smile when I come here, because it is so exciting to see God bless your socks off. I feel giddy just reading about it.
I am blessed you are my “blog friend” hopefully to met one day. By the way my name is not Butch, if you would like me to fax you my ID I will, hehehe =))
I am so glad that God had you continue blogging!! I love coming here all the time. You are such an encouragement!! I love your list today! And thank you for your sweet comments on my blog!
Blessings to you and yours~
I remain inspired and blessed, daily, by your presence in the blogosphere. Enjoy that big ole truck–and that awesome preacher of yours.
Lisa, apparently there’s a lot of that “should I keep blogging?” stuff going on. But I decided to stick with it and I’m glad that you did, too. I would miss coming here and seeing your smiling face in your photo and reading about the wonderful things going on in your life. You are right . . . the ministry is new and unheard of until now, but definitely happening on the ‘Net.
Wow! What a wonderful blessing list this TT! I am so happy that your family received your new truck and that you had a relazing vacation too :) You are indeed a blessing to so many women and I am so very happy that you are going to continue blogging. Being so new to blogging, I have been overwhelmed by the community of believers who are being knit together ~ I would have missed you greatly! But, so glad you are sticking around :) Blessing!
Wow, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this (and other posts of yours). Your blog has blessed me so I’m glad you told Satan he was wrong.
I have enjoyed reading about the “I AM” bible study. I wish I would’ve known about it before now. I would’ve loved to have participated.
Thanks for the blessing!
We are friends! Don’t leave!! OK I got that out of my system. Phew!
Praising God with you for all of your blessings!
I’m glad you’re not quitting! I really look forward to reading your blog, even though I don’t always comment!
Oh, Lisa – what a beautiful thankful list :) – I am so excited for you all that you have the new truck and that you had time to get away to get refreshed.
I so agree with you on Scripture passages. I think sometimes He saves them for us until we are ready to understand.
Regarding blogging – well, I have though myself over the last couple of months to just lay it down. But then I had this gentle tug that I really do something that is reaching farther than I could have ever imagined. I am glad that you decided to continue.
Thank you so much for sharing your thankfulness this week with us.
Be blessed today and always.
What a beautiful post! I’m glad you had a good vacation and feel rested. Blessings to your church family. CWO is reaching women who may not have ever heard a Christian woman speak of her love for her Father and what He does in her life. Who would have ever thought that the internet would become the world for us to reach for Him. Who, that is, but the Creator. Awesome! We, who do not travel to distant places to spread the good news can do it anyway, right here in our own home. Wow! Thanks,
Mama Bear
What a wonderful list. I love all my online friends and consider them true friends.
Have a blessed weekend.