Let the Praising Begin!!
Take a look at this note from Emma’s mom Kelli and then PRAISE HIM, people!! Our God has done a miracle in our midst! Ya’ll, this wasn’t simply a mistake. You can find Kelli’s initial report of the doctor’s findings here. The oncologist was already talking treatment. What little I know of the medical field, specialists just do not do this kind of thing so early unless they are very confident in their preliminary diagnosis. What a perfect opportunity for a God Show! (For you ‘I AM’ Study girls, A Set up for a Show Up! :)
This past Sunday, Justin and Kelly brought Emma to church and following the Biblical mandate of the elders and congregation praying for healing, we did just that. It was one of the most heart-wrenching yet powerful times of prayer I have ever experienced. We promised our God we would glorify His Name no matter the outcome. This time, He chose to magnify Himself through a healing that can not be explained by medicine. Praise His Most Holy Name!!
Here’s Kelli:
My baby girl is healed in his name!!!
To all of my prayer warriors out there, GOD LISTENS!!!!!
The doctor called this afternoon and asked how I was doing, and I told her as well as could be expected, and she said well you are going to be doing a whole lot better after I tell you the news!!! IT IS NOT CANCER!!!!!!!!!! Hallelujah….GOD IS GOOD!!!!
The doctor shared with me that Emma must have “someone” watching over her because when she opened her up for the biopsy on Friday she was CERTAIN is was cancer, and when she looked under the microscope today, it definitely was NOT!!! I told her she had more than one person looking after her, she had a band of angels and Holy God that still heals. She said she needed to take a day just to let this sink in!!! PRAISE YOU JESUS!!!!
It is a gathering of blood vessels that formed a knot and that we may just need to watch it and there may not be a need for any kind of operation!!!!
I can not tell you all how much your prayers and your support and your encouraging words have helped me to stay strong in my Faith and in my daily walk. I almost started doubting today!! Satan ALMOST got me, but GOD IS GOOD!!! Praise the Holy Lamb!!!! Jesus still heals today!!! Please tell everyone the good news! We love you and thank you for all of your prayers. Share the good news that Jesus Lives and he lives in ME!!!!!
Emma has a story to tell and she will do it in his Holy Name!!!
More Celebration to COME!!!!
In Him,
Justin, Kelli, and our HEALED EMMA!!!!
Thank You, sweet Jesus!
That is incredible- God is soooo good. Miracles still happen everyday!! Praise Jesus!
Talk about a set up for a show up! You are so right.
Thank You, Jesus! You are mighty and amazing. Thank You! Thank You for healing this little baby so she can go about her business of being a princess and learning to love You with all her heart, soul, mind and strength! In Your name. Amen.
Wonderful blog… I work in a mission too. I really feel encouraged to see God’s work going on in full flow…Praise GOD
How AWESOME! Praise the Lord!!
Oh My! Praise the Lord! I prayed for healing and that God would receive the glory!! Hallelujah and praise His Name! Oh I am just so excited about this!!!! I know you have to be as well!!! Thank You Lord for Your healing power and Your healing for little Emma! I praise You Father! May You receive all the glory and honor!!! In Jesus’ Name I pray these things, Amen.
I am about to come out of my skin right now and just SCREAM HALLELUJAH!!! I am welled up with tears and have an overflowing sense of “awe and reverence” to the GREAT PHYSICIAN!! He heals ya’ll…..He heals all the time…..this was an amazing physical healing.
Hallelujah and Amen!!
I’m already praising God for the healing of this baby and for her family!
I saw your pic. on the LPM blog =)
Hope you are having a great day!
God is so faithful!
Praise the Lord!! Thank you Jesus!!
I was shouting at the gym last night when I found out! How I praise Him for being the miraculous healer He is! He is the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Daniel and Emma. THis was my prayer Monday night after I had watched session 3 of Daniel again. Emma and her family will make His name known and bring Him glory as many will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus because of this miracle!
We were at Dave Ramsey class when we found out. Of course it was all I could do to pay attention after we found out. I had a major praise fest in my car on the way home. Would have been nice if Nick and I would have rode together then I could have raised both hands in praise to our great and wonderful God!!!!!!!
Woooohooo!! :) God is indeed good!
God is so good and faithful!!!!!!! I prayed for them in my quiet time this morning and I get on here and I am just thrilled!!! Prasie you Jesus for the miracle you gave Emma!!
PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So glad to see another answer to prayer, it is encouraging to see Him show up for you! To know He is near! I know this, but sometimes when I am in the waiting room for God, it is a boost to know He is still there – it just isn’t my time yet!
What a glorious day!
Reading this leaves me crying at my desk–tears of joy! Thank you Jesus!
We serve an awesome God!
Praise the Lord!!!!
I can just imagine the relief flowing through her right now…
What a mighty God we serve!
Flat out amazing! Only He could do it!
Hallelujah!! Praise you Jesus for this awesome work you have done in little Emma’s life!! You truly are an AWESOME GOD and WE LOVE YOU!!!
Thank you Jesus! That is AWESOME~
Praise you Jesus for you are so amazing!!!!
Goosebumps, I had goosebumps! What an awesome answer to prayer! He will never leave us or forsake us.
Oh my heart is singing His praises!!
We just finished the miracles section of Believing God and God is Who he says he is and He can do what He says He can do!!
Thank you God!!!
What a testimony!!
God bless,
God is still in the business of miracling making. He’s so awesome!
I can’t even explain how I feel right now – glory be to God!
I love how God just flat out knocks us to our knees in awe of the miracles He performs…
I have seen it time and time again with my mom, and with so many close friends…
I am seriously tearing up…
Prayer makes a difference, and this post is a witness to that!
Give that baby a hug for me:)
Be Blessed:)
Crying here for the relief of this sweet family. What wonderful news. Praise Him!!!
i found out tuesday that my sister-in-law, who’s only 25, has bone cancer.
i still don’t know what to do with that. and have no idea how to blog about it….
but this post gives me such hope.
thanks for giving the update lisa.
Praise the Lord!!
I came across your blog today and it was a blessing to hear of this miracle! God is good!!!
Oh my God! This is wonderful news!
Blessings to Emma and family, and Glory to God Almighty!
What incredible new of healing!
God is good!
It is so good to hear good news. Praising Jesus with Emma, Mom and Lisa!