A Lotta Gratitude
You know those little emoticons you see on blogs that say, “I’m feeling…”?
Well, I’ve just posted the final lesson for the ‘I AM’ study. I’m feeling sad and relieved, with a showering of uncontrollable crying I’m not sure what to do about. I’m guessing all those mixed up emotions are my way of saying ‘Thank you’. You have no idea what a privilege it has been for me to study along with all of you – whether you have posted on your blogs or followed along privately. It has been such a sweet joy getting to know each of you.
I’m equally thrilled to just be getting to Lesson Four with the second group. You girls know how to have some great discussion!
I am so blessed to call you all friends. No matter what my therapist says, there ain’t nothing imaginary about you. :)
oh :( Im sad too
Ive looked forward to these studies
thank you so much for hosting them
God bless you always
do you think youll do another study with us???
please pretty please
Thank you so much for writing this study. I’m in your 2nd group…so far, I’ve learned a lot!
Thanks so much for hosting this study Lisa. If you ever do another study, count me in my friend. I love you.
Hi Lisa…
I did not do your study because I can’t handle more than one study at a time….brain not that big….but I read your blog daily and I can’t begin to tell you how much i love what you have to say about everything! You are funny, real, challenging, smart and very articulate.
I wish I could have done this study and wonder if you’ll do another one or is this available off your site for when i’m done with my Beth Moore study???
I saw you from a distance at Deeper Still….i blew in and blew out at picture time but recognized your sweet smile. I am going to Texas next August and it will be thrilling and probably a little scary too.
Anyway…i’m rambling…just a word of thanks for your blog, your words, and your encouragement. You bless me daily and I pray you have a peaceful and joyous day with Jesus!!
You know I have told you that I am sad to. IT has been an experience I have enjoyed. I am blessed to call you friend. Thank you so much for the time you poured into this study and into our lives. Goodness, I have chills typing this. This study has gone right along with what is going on in my life. Especially with the last title of the last lesson. Girl, get some rest and then maybe God will place another study on your heart. :o)
P.S. Go back to my blog contest, I have revealed the Grand Prize. I think you might like it!
Oh, I want the new button!
I have tagged you! Come and see what it is. I know but it is fun!!
missed the first one…late on the second…MAN, I feel like Charlie Brown..
I have done some looking back and it is amazing what you are doing here..
I am going to get on that NEXT train….
what a gift you are giving!
How awesome that you have finished this awesome study. How awesome that you were able to reach that many women and it seems that you have another awesome group going along…
You are such a blessing to bloggyville.
Be blessed today and always.
aww i hate i missed jumping on the bandwagon for this study, yet again!!! will you do it a third time?! :)
i’ll just have to go back and do them when we finish kelly’s study…
so glad you had such victory connecting with these women! what a sweet time! :)
gretings all, can i join the bandwagon?
hugs and prayers
gp in montana
Lisa, These study was such a blessing for me.Thank you for sharing it with us ,and thank you for being such a blessing for me and so many others,in the blog world.We may never met but you have touch my ife.
PS. Lisa, maybe you can give us Texas girls a bible lesson we would love to have you hear.
I finished the study today. I am grateful that I just jumped in and did them all. It feels good to travel together. Thank you again so much for doing this study. It has been a blessing. I would love to put the completed button on my site – so please send it.
cool Id be pleased to have this on my blog
thanks for everything Lisa