Loser Alert

Well, I blew it….I forgot today was my cafe’ day but thankfully I had a fresh Word from God brewing in my spirit so I typed it out and now it is there…
So, why don’t you click on over and read,
‘When God Says No’aka The Preacher's Wife
So, why don’t you click on over and read,
‘When God Says No’
That was so powerful, and made me think of all the biblical characters in the bible that has ” their time”….
Very Encouraging. Thanks!
Be Blessed:)
What a great and powerful Word! I am so thankful that you posted that. We all go through times where we seem to wait and wait and wait and then wait some more! This is a very critcal time where we can grow closer to God or move away from God. I have been there and done that as the saying goes. I know 2 people who have walked far from God because of the wait and of the no! I waited for something for 2 years that I thought I was going to just lose it as I waited. I Needed answers, but they didn’t come until a few weeks ago and God burst through! Not the way I expected but His way is perfect and my way isn’t perfect. I just love you and enjoy anything you write and God will not waste one ounce of what He has poured into your heart and out on paper. I can see that God is being very careful with you in this situation. You are the best and you deserve the best!! ;)
Lisa, I just read your entry on “No” so good. I commented over there. thank you because it was the Lord using you today to give me a very specific word!!
I liked the way you said you didn’t know what “your life would look like” if this new thing happened. I’ve been asked to take on a new challenge myself. One that actually pays money! But I honestly just can’t imagine how I could add one more thing!
Keep me posted!
Thank you so much for this post. It has blessed me more than you can know. I have been struggling with the waiting. I recognized that scripture, but wasn’t sure. I looked back in my journal and I wrote down 10 days ago as from the Lord from the NIV. But reading it from the MSG gave it a different light. I know the call of God on my life, but I have no idea how it is going to unfold. I am in such a position, or situation that it looks like (from my perspective) there’s no way anything can transpire or come of this. Kind of like Joseph sitting in prison for so many years after the cup bearer forgot him. I want God’s will for my life and I pray that. No matter what I think or feel.
Please pray for me as I have overcome bad depression from the past, but it is trying to creep back on me in this waiting period. I have good days and I have some not so good days. I do seek HIM daily–often many times a day or else I’d be unfit to be around.
Thank you again and may the Lord Bless you.