My 200th Post!
I can hardly believe I have surpassed my 200th post here on Blogger! I had no idea when I started this little adventure in February, quite on a whim I might add, how blessed my life would become by getting to know such an amazing group of women from all over the world.
In honor of my 200th post, (and mostly because I do not know 200 things about myself that wouldn’t bore us all to tears) I’m going to ask you,
What do you want to know?
Leave a question in the comments and I will answer there as well.
This ought to be interesting!! :) Thank you so much for reading and being a part of my life.
Blessings!! :)
How exciting! I’m approaching my 100th post on blogger (not that I haven’t past my 100th blog post in total…I’ve been blogging for years).
I would like to know when/how you became a Christian. :D
Hi Annabelle!
Here’s a link to answer your question. I wish I could answer it in short, but it’s just a little more involved than that..:))
Thanks for your visits and participating in the ‘I AM’ study. You are a blessing to me! :)
I am a relatively new reader, so I’d like your top five favorite posts that you’ve made in the past 200.
And, for fun, ummmm, what’s your favorite animal to see at the zoo? ;)
Ok in High School, were you the athelete? the cheerleader? or book worm? Then which describes you best today?
Hi courtcourt!
Because the zoo animals are much easier, I choose Gorillas…Fascinating creatures who remind me very much of my children…(j/k)
Okay, my top five. I think it is always fun to see someone’s very first post.
Mine is called “If you throw a Krystal burger hard enough…” and is here:
This one is of the worst field trip EVER:
A day in the life here:
Something somewhat spiritual here:
And I also have to point you back to the one of my testimony so to speak in the answer to Annabelle’s question.
Thanks for playing! :))
Hey Cynthia!
In High School I played softball and was definitely more athletic than cheerleadery. Nothing against you cheerleaders out there, but I was never the peppy type. I was more brooding and bitter though I always had a smile on.
My high school friends still love to say, “I can’t believe YOU are a preacher’s wife.” Thanks for that, really. I’d be offended if I could believe it myself!
My dream in HS was to disappear to NYC and live a life of career and seclusion. Now I’m in NE Alabama with a husband and 4 kids…God’s just funny isn’t He?
Loved this!
and I forgot to answer the 2nd part!! What am I today??
Definitely a nerdy bookworm…:))
Hmmmm…I can’t think of a question at the moment, but I’ll be back when I think of one.
Until then, congratulations on the 200th post. I’m almost there!!
Have a happy 200th post day!
Hey Lisa…
Let me ask “Whats the hardest part about being a preachers wife? And, What are your greatest challenges?”
Thanks Miss Lisa. I always love your writings. Have a great week!
I wanted to ask what is the easiest part about being a PW? Like your most favorite thing about being involved with God’s people. I know you are so good with the kids but you do such a good job with the older women also. Hope this is not a silly question.
Hey Fran!
The hardest thing is easy: When people criticize your husband or the ministries of the church when you know how he loves the sheep and agonizes over every decision in prayer and how hard he tries to do everything well. It is SO hard not to get in the flesh when this happens.
I have to remember in Rev. 1 that Jesus Christ holds the messengers of the churches in His right hand. If I love my husband and hurt when He hurts, how much more does the One who holds him in the same palm that took the nails?
Knowing this is the only way I can keep from clawing some eyes out..:))
Hi Cheryl!
The easiest thing? For me it has been a supernatural love for the people in every congregation we’ve been in. We all know there are some people who are harder to love than others, but God has allowed me to do that. If it weren’t for God working in my spirit to love people, I think I would have a much harder time forgiving when they hurt my husband! (see previous answer)
It is such a joy for me and Luke both to see a family either be born again or join the church and jump into service. It is salve for the weary soul. We have so many wonderful families in our congregation who work so hard for the body – especially our kids.
I can’t think of anything in this world I’d rather be than Luke’s wife!
Hi! Congrats on your 200th birthday! What do you like to do for fun (if you had/have time for fun)?
We started blogging at the same time! We reached our 200th post around the same time. I am so excited and blessed to have met you live and in person and I feel like God is forming a great friendship! I am honored to call you friend! Congrats on your 200th post. I have loved every visit to your blog. You are so anointed by God to teach His Word and you have a great sense of humor! This may be a little different but here goes: In Randy Alcorn’s book Heaven, he talks about how Jesus said one day we will dine with Abraham, Issac and Jacob.(Matt 8:11), dinner is not just about good food and drink but also a time of fellowship and getting to know each other, telling stories. It will be a time for us to ask questions, laugh together and shake our heads in amazement. What stories (from Scripture and family) would you like to hear?
We all have our own story to tell, What story would you tell? I do have a mental picture in my head of you talking with C.S. Lewis and of course Moses! :o)
Love You,
Hi Elisarose!
For fun? Let’s see – It depends on the time and money available.:)
If I am broke and at home I am perfectly content to curl up with a book. If I am broke and on the road, I always find a way to sneak in a Caramel Apple Cider from Starbucks..:) A guilty pleasure…
If I have a little shopping money, I love to either go to LifeWay and touch every book or even better – a girlfriend day out with some outlet shopping.
The Ultimate which I get to do next week is go away with our best friends to Florida for a little R&R. I’m a little distressed over leaving the kids, but I’m SO looking forward to a time of laying on the beach, eating, and boasting in the Lord!
Patty!! I’m cracking up..Moses and CS Lewis..YOu know me way too well. LOL
But since you brought it up, I TOTALLY want to sit down with Moses and ask him if any of what I have taught about him is accurate..:) I also want to know what he thinks about being a talking doll at WalMart.
And this may seem weird, but I want to see a film of my entire families’ life that shows all that was unseen – the spiritual warfare that was taking place when I was aware or unaware. I am so fascinated by what is going on out there. Does that make sense? I want to know what I was protected from and what was at stake when I made certain decisions.
Hope that made any sense at all! :) Love you, friend!
Ooooh, good answer to the last comment! I’m convinced we get to heaven and it will sound something like this: “Doh! I was wrong? THEY were right? Ugh!” of course overshadowed by “Well done my good and faithful servant!” I’m pretty sure, though, that because we see as through a glass darkly, we’ll be completely enlightened!
And the spiritual warfare tapes? I can’t wait. I’m saddened and prayerful thinking about it, though. How many prayer opportunities have I missed?
Congrats on the 200th!
Congrats on the 200th post! I just did my 100th and asked the same question! (And I thought I was being so original!!)
I was totally shocked at the Barbara Walters anointing that seemed to come over all these girls! Wow, don’t call them shallow- not one of them wanted to know my favorite flavor of ice cream! :)
I would like to know a verse that has gotten you through a hard time.
(So I can add it to my index cards if it’s not already there! :))
Congrats on your 200th post!
My question is…
“What is your greatest weakness?”. :-)
Congrats on your 200th post. I can’t think of anything to ask, the other girls did a great job thinking of questions. I enjoyed reading all your answers.
Congratulations on your 200th post. You’re prolific!
Since it’s National Clergy Recognition Month, my question has to do with your role in minstry: What frustrates you the most about your role as a pastor’s wife?
Thanks, and what great idea for a post!
Blessings, e-Mom
wonderful, My question when are you coming to South Africa for coffee?
don’t really have a question … Happy 200th! And thanks for your e-mail!
Lisa I cracked up over the Moses doll at Wal Mart!! I saw those dolls and I couldn’t believe it!! Of course I stood there and played with them. I just had to know what Moses, Esther and Abraham sounded like. LOL!! That was a great answer. I would also want to know what was going on during certain times in my life where I know God protected me. I have battled heavy spiritual warfare (as we all have and do). One day we need to do lunch, I could tell you some things. Have a great day!! I am going to get my roots colored today!! I am also “kidnapping” a friend and taking her to get her hair done and taking her to lunch. It’s a total surprise and I am taking pictures. :o) I’ll post them later today.
Love You,
Congrats Lisa! What a fun milestone!
My question would be…
drumroll please….
Have you read the book:
My Hands Came Away Red by no one other than… Ms. Lisa McKay! lol
what a great idea…….. can i steal this when i get to certain number on my blog posting??? i love this!!
soooooooooooo – tell us about your call to ministry or teaching or speaking…
love, Leigh
Hi Sue!
My favorite verse as of late is actually one I wrote about at CWO this week:
1 Peter 5:7 The Message: ‘God’s strong hand is on you; He’ll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God; He is most careful with you.”
Because I’m in a period of waiting for a very specific answer – this verse has ministered to me in so many ways. If God says yes or no, I know He is being very careful in what He allows into my life. I rest so deeply in that thought. Talk about carefree living! :)
A place for ministry wives!
My greatest weakness? Oh there are so many. Procrastination is a big one. Also allowing my time to get away from me – not being a good enough steward of the hours of my day.
And my flesh is always another on top of the list…especially if it involves my husband being discouraged. That burns me up everytime. I’ve had me a big dose of Romans 12 this week over that one.
“Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants fo the Master, cheerfully expectants. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder” The Message
Thanks for your visits! I love your ministry..:)
Layers of Me –
I heard an interview with this Lisa McKay on Moody the other day!! As a matter of fact, a friend of mine I hadn’t talked to in a while called me and said, “DID YOU REALLY PUBLISH A BOOK?!” To which I sadly answered ‘no’ but maybe one day…:))
And Leigh!! Hi friend!
My ministry…hmmm…here’s what it looks like right now.
Of course you know I love to speak. I have 3 weekend retreats brewing for the first 3 months of 2008 and several other ‘potentials’ I’ve been asked about. I love teaching so I typically jump at the chance.
I’m writing now much more than I ever dreamed I would. I’m working on a project for ministry wives that I hope you will see someday. There are also some other things in the works I can’t really share that are related to my ‘yes or no’ I’m waiting on..:)
As for the church – I’m involved in all manner of children’s ministry but trying to turn that over so I can pour my heart into teaching the women on a regular basis. My heart is to have a Wednesday night class for the moms who drop their kids for Awana but I can’t get rid of my Awana job to do it! So, if I could ask any prayers of you girls it would be for the Lord to raise up people who would just say ‘hey, let me have it and you get out of here! :) I love our kids and it is critical to have them in the Word but I’ve come to recognize that doing too many good things can keep you from the best thing. That’s what I’m striving for now.
As for having this idea for your post anniversary, go for it! I saw this a few weeks back somewhere, can’t remember where and thought it looked fun. Sue used it too and I’m on my way in a bit to read hers!
Well, I am new at reading your blog too but congrats on 200th post. (I am new new to blogging! I think I have like 20 posts!) My question is not serious at all…
What is your perfect meal (including dessert!)?
Ok….I’ve pondered over this to make sure I asked you a really important and deep question….here it goes…
What is your favorite Mayfield ice cream???? ;)
Ahh, now we get to the good stuff: FOOD! :)
My favorite meal? Well I completely love Mexican and normally get a chicken and mushroom burrito. Let’s not forget how delicious chips, salsa, and guacamole are too.
As for gringo food – I would have to say my favorite restaurant at the moment is Chop House. They have THE BEST steaks, salads, bread, etc. The best meal I’ve ever had but it’s way too expensive to go regularly is at a restaurant called High Point in Monteagle, TN. Again, excellent steak, bread, salad, etc. And I really don’t eat steak that often, but I love a good one when the opportunity presents itself.
As for dessert? Fruit Pizza. Do ya’ll know what fruit pizza is? I think I need to post the recipe. Obviously it is more of a summer dish since the fruit is better and cheaper then. I also love a dessert called Strawberry Pretzel and my mom’s brownies with chocolate icing. And grape salad. I looovvee grape salad.
And Brooke asked about icecream – That’s easy – orange sherbert in a sugar cone.
In case ya’ll haven’t figured it out, I love fruity. tarty stuff. :)
This could be the longest answer yet!! Think my priorities are askew? :))
Hi Emom!
Left you an answer yesterday but as I looked at it twice, I realized it sounded negative and could have been taken wrongly. SO – I’ll give another ‘hardest thing’ about ministry:
Having to say goodbye.
Realistically, a minister’s family can never make long range plans because truthfully you just never know what God is going to do with you. I want with all my heart to know my kids won’t have to change schools again but I know I can’t say that with certainty. Of course, no one can but ministry is just by nature more transient than other ‘professions’ if you can call it that.
The peace I have in that is if God calls us away, He will prepare the hearts of my children also. It just hurts me so much to see them have to start over with their school lives.
And Deborah? When am I coming to S. Africa for coffee??
As soon as I get a plane ticket my friend! Luke and I once believed God was going to take us there for ministry but He showed us differently. I do hope by some miracle we can meet someday on this side of heaven. :)
Wow, 200 posts! You sure do talk a lot!! LOL! What I want to know is, when are you coming to Texas so we can meet IRL over Diet Coke and burgers? Sounds like heaven to me! Congrats to you my sister, and keep ’em coming!
Okay, gotta know…what is grape salad?
Grape salad is yummy but I don’t have a clue how to make it. And a fruit pizza is to die for! My favorite ‘version’ of a fruit pizza is a brownie pizza split. YUM! Think fruit pizza with a brownie crust!
I hear you on the “good-bye” issue. Maybe you’ll be able to put down roots this time around. Thanks for answering (twice!) :~)
Hey Cynthia!
Grape salad is a southern delicacy…I’m on my way out now but I promise the recipe very soon…It involves cream cheese which should be enough said right there..:))
Lisa, what is your newest nickname. LOL. Are you going to tell?
congrats on your 200 post!your post has bless me in so many different ways ,sometimes I laugh,or you make me think of something deep.But most of all you have given us a chance whats its like to be a preachers wife.
Ok ,hear goes my question where wear born and raised? And when are you coming to vist us Texas girls??
Tammy P
If you are talking about the one my son gave me – I can’t bare stand to repeat it. LOL
Hi Marina!
I was born in Jacksonville, Arkansas. My dad was in the Air Force. We moved to North Georgia when I was 3 or so and I lived there my entire life until Luke and I moved to Kentucky for him to go to college. Since then I’ve lived in Mississippi, Georgia, North Carolina, Georgia again, and finally now Alabama. :))
And I’ve always said if we had to move again I’d love to live in Texas! I’d like to explore out west but Texas is still southern, too… Maybe one day we can be neighbors! :))
Uh… this is the other Lisa McKay checking in. Or, one of them. Apparently there’s one of us out there that’s a wanna be model, or perhaps a racy film star from the look of her website photos :). Anyway, that’s not me. I’m the one who wrote My Hands Came Away Red. I was looking for something else and this post popped up and made me laugh. Congratulations on your 200th post! And my question is… how many of us Lisa McKay’s do you think are out there??? Blessings, lisa.