It’s Time for the Garden Par-Tay
UPDATE: We will continue the party through the weekend so if you’ve not had a chance yet to link up, there’s still time! Don’t miss out on some great fun.:)

Welcome to the first, not-sure-if-it-will-be Annual, Spring Garden Tour!
Typically when I think of garden parties (and you know I do all the time), I picture a crowd of high-brow sophisticates milling around a perfectly manicured lawn sipping champagne as a string quartet gently strums in the background.
There’ll be none of that here. But only because Bubba and them were already booked and it would be scandalous, scandalous I tell you, if the PW was spotted buying booze-in-a-box at the Wal Mart.
Instead, let’s have a Diet Coke and try to keep the dirt off our darlin’ Yellow Box flip-flops while we make our way through one another’s favorite outdoor spaces.
Sound good enough?
Cool then…let’s go!
Firstly, let me introduce you to my little Gnome. He is the keeper of the new butterfly garden. He is very sentimental to me because my precious great-grandmother was a great lover of nature and these imaginary little people. This guy reminds me of her and all the walks we took together through the woods and her own flower beds when I was a younger girl.
Here is my finished butterfly garden. I gave you a preview of the plants I used. I am such a nerd for not having taken a before photo because you really can not appreciate how great this spot looks now. Imagine dead azaleas and accidental gourd vines where the kids busted the ones I had on the porch during the fall two years ago. It was a hot mess so I can barely take my eyes off how great it looks now. I’m looking forward to how it will fill in.
I read the coolest thing a few years back that is a great encouragement as you are awaiting the explosion of perennials. The first year they sleep, the second year they creep, and the third year they leap. Anybody else find that to be true?
Also make sure you notice my Savannah Girl. This was a gift from my MIL when my daughter was born. She is a sweet reminder of that special time in our lives as well as my home place of Georgia. She reminds Luke of a broken back since he is the one who’s had to pick up her 200 lb. carcus and move her on several different occasions. The boys think she has a monkey face and can not possibly comprehend why I have a concrete girl in the flowerbed.
Needless to say, we need a few more lessons in appreciating the finer things – like yard art. How could pure-bred, self-respecting southerners not love some lawn ornamentation?
I’ve tried to raise them right. Really, I have.
Okay, so this is the back view of the little garden. I planted the Russian sage behind my girl so it would form a backdrop for her in a year or three. Oh, and that little stepping stone you see? I love the saying on it, “Ours is just a little house but God knows where we live.”
We also have wild morning glory in this part of the flower bed. You can’t kill that stuff so instead of beating it, I’m trying to tame it. I’m still pulling new sprouts out of the mulch almost daily but I’m letting it grow around my girl’s base. I usually let it take her over because I love the blooms. When the vines begin to overtake her face, she looks like a swamp thing out of a B-Movie. Still, in my eyes she’s a beautiful, flowery, swampy, monkey-faced girl. And isn’t that all that matters? Hold on…I think that would preach.
Here is the front of the house which, even though I tried really hard to complete, is just not finished yet. Again, like a moron, I have no before’s. Just like the other area, it was full of dead azalea and weeds galore with some dern pokey ones at that. The beds also were covered in pea gravel which I despise – not because it doesn’t look great but because my kids throw it at each other. Luke and I stripped the whole thing bare (He loved that). The shrubs I put in are Loropetalum. I also plan on adding a couple of Knockout Roses and some bright green ornamental grass. I’m hoping to finish sometime this summer. If I do, you’ll be the seventh or so to know! Even after this project, we have so much more that needs to be done but gardening wouldn’t be fun if it were ever finished.
Okay, lastly I want to show you my favorite place outside. This, girls, is my beloved porch swing. It is where the bulk of my book is being written and where I go when I just want to have a moment by myself with God. It’s yet another sentimental thing because it came from my great-grandfather, Pop, (not the husband of the great-grandma) whom I loved with all my heart. He was forever telling me how proud he was of me so to think I could sit in this place where he did and do something I never dreamed possible makes it all the more special.
So I can tell on myself for being tacky, those green cushions are my Christmas ones turned upside down. And that funky fake flower? That is something I dragged out fhe house as a feeble attempt at making my table cuter. It is usually covered with my laptop and 2 dozen books. I meant to have the prettiest pot planted (say that five times fast) before today, but the ball games and house full of children? They are a suckin’ the creative life outta me. I’m just scrapin’ by, people.
Okay, I’m back from chasing that rabbit. I also adore my windchimes (hanging over the swing). Those came from a shop in West End, NC called the Blue Monkey owned by some of our dearest friends. They (the windchimes, not the friends) are such a soothing backdrop while I drink half-a-dozen Diet Cokes, eat sour gummy worms, and try to figure out what in the world to write next. Even when it is 90 degrees out it is always cool in this little corner.
So that’s it. Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you have seen that your garden/outdoors do not have to be Better Homes worthy in order to be special. I try to choose things that I love and have meaning to me so that my heart is filled each time I look.
For those of you who are participating, simply sign the Mr. Linky below and link to your garden post, not your homepage, so we can all stop by. I can’t wait to visit and hear your own stories!
Party on!
Thanks for the little tour! I just love your porch swing!
I have a patio table in the back with a big umbrella where the wi-fi is excellent. I like to write there b/c I can keep an eye on my passel of kids swinging and jumping and pulling each oth– well, you get the point. I’d love a porch swing though, in a quiet spot. That would be divine!
Thanks for the party!
Hi Lisa – thanks for hosting this. Your flowers are beautiful and it was fun to read the stories that go with them. I had heard there was going to be a tour but didn’t know where. I actually just posted pictures of some of my flowers and was told I should link up. I would have had more pictures if I had been more prepared. Oh well – maybe next year. Thanks again!
I love your Savannah Girl. I wish I had one for my yard. Had you never told on your self about your front porch, I wouldn’t have been the wiser. It looks great!
Thanks for hosting the party!
Yellow Box shoes and diet coke: I’ve gone to heaven! Thanks for sharing! Your yard looks fabulous!
Thanks for the fun tour…I vote for making it an annual event!
Your spaces look great. I LOVE the porch swing. We had to give ours up to the people who bought our old house…they hand wrote it in the contract! Boy, I miss that thing.
And I’ve never heard that saying about perennials, but I sure hope it is true!
Thanks again!
Oh, that porch swing brings back memories of my grandma’s house. It’s just perfect.
Thank you so much for hosting this…it’s such a fantastic idea, and yes, it should be an annual event!
OH Lisa, I love your garden! I would love to sit on your swing together and visit face to face.
Just yesterday, Chris found your email that you had written months ago, praying for us during our time without a job. It brought my tough man to tears. Me, too.
Love your heart–may your garden always be filled with beauty!
With love,
Oh! I love the swing!! I do not have a porch and that is something I’ve always wanted. Maybe someday we can add one on to our house.
And your garden looks great too! I do NOT do outside work…not my thing at all! I can’t even keep the few plants I have inside alive, much less attempt to do any outside!! HeHe
I signed up the wrong link the 1st time (number 11) to my tour. Could you erase my name on number 11. I haven’t been up long and haven’t had my coffee. :o)
Thanks for letting us visit! I love your porch swing, and monkey-faced girl :-)
So when are y’all comin’ to my place?
I love the garden girl!! I think garden sculpture is wonderful (when not over done). And she has a story too.
Thanks for hosting this little party. I learned of you thru BooMama.
The sleep, creep, leap thing? I read that same thing and I’m definitely finding that to be true! I have been wanting that Savannah girl myself, since I’m in Georgia & all, so I love yours. And I gotta admit I’m having a little envy going on for your cozy porch and swing! Our house won’t work for a big front porch, but we’ve got plans for a nice screened back porch ~ screened because the skeeters LOVE me!
Thanks for doing this tour!
Hey, Lisa, you are so cute with your descriptions! I love that Savannah girl too & just may have to get one fo those for myself. I love Savannah & I’m from GA too.
Oh you’ll love the knockout roses, those are the best growing things! And I love your swing. I have a swing too and it’s going to get a lot of use now that we have finished our little patio in the backyard. Nothing like sitting on a swing, napping or reading and enjoying the outdoors.
Thanks for hosting the party!
Thanks Lisa for the fun tour!! I love me a porch swing. I’ll be over this evening ok?
Have a great weekend my friend.
Much love and many blessings over your wonderful home, garden and family!!
I love that porch swing! I could SO spend the afternoon there. What a wonderful spot to have your time with Jesus and chats with friends! Your yard looks great! You are surrounded by beautiful plants with beautiful memories! Thanks for hosting!!!
So fun! Thanks for hosting!!
Thanks so much for hosting this beautiful garden party.
I can’t wait to take a stroll through everyones gardens!
Blessings, Joanne
My thank you to you as well. As I stated on my blog, i am having porch self esteem issues….especially since you have a Savannah girl. :) I am inspired….
I had the best time getting the post ready! I love the outdoors!!
Your place looks great!
Thanks for the par-tay!! All we needed was some lemonade:) lol!!
What beautiful spaces you have! That porch swing is DIVINE!! Thanks for hosting this–it’s great for garden inspiration!!
Thank you SO much for hosting this! I love to come visit you, and today was especially fun. Love your swing and just know that is a precious place.
I am so sorry, but I can’t remember how to link and add your cute little button! I have to head out to meet my husband, but will ty to add the link when I get home- I am sorry… I didn’t want you to think I was omitting the button and link intentionally- I am just SO techno challenged!
Love the Savannah Girl too. I bet she’s beautiful all clothed in vines.
I didn’t realize your were once upon a time a Georgia girl. I went back to your profile to see what else I’d missed…and saw GWTW as a fav book. I knew there was something special about you!
Your garden is so pretty. I love the swing.
Oh, I love the porch swing! My favorite me-and-God place is my screened porch, where the only thing missing is a swing!
Blessings to you, my friend!
I loved your garden and all the sentimental statues etc in it
Thanks for hosting – it has been fun
God bless,
Such a beautiful Garden.
I’d love to hang out on your porch swing but I’ll pass on the diet coke and take a sweet tea!!!
Great idea!
Lisa, thanks for putting on this Garden Tour. I’m working my way through them all. Because of my life circumstances right now I’m not able to be out in my yard and fixing my beds. So, it’s been so fun to go “walking” through everyone’s gardens.
I LOVE your porch swing. That would definitely be my favorite spot.
Thanks. You may have thought this would just be fun for people to share their flowers. But it is a gift for me today.
Thanks for hosting! I love your porch swing. It looks like a great place for a favorite book and a cup of tea.
I loved your garden. This is such a great idea because I love seeing all the creative ideas that people have. God bless you!
Fun idea! Your garden is beautiful. I am envious of your swing.
Oh for a porch swing. My grandparents had one in Kentucky. I have such fond memories of that thing.
I finally got my entry in, by the way. It was SO MUCH FUN to write. Thanks for hosting, Lisa.
And now, I’m off to tour.
Your posts now show up as one loooonnnggg narrow column and some gets cut off….is it just me?
I love your porch swing. I would love one for our house. Someday… Thanks for the little saying about perninals. I’d never heard it before. It’s given me hope regarding the ones I’ve planted in my yard! Thanks! =0)
This is so fun. I think it should be annual. I’m taking notes on everyone’s yards! lol.
How fun! I enjoyed your garden party ;) I love your porch swing! This was fun!!!
Jen @ Jen’s Country Home
This is so much fun! I’m working on getting the cute button up with my post…
Hey PW!
My garden gate is open, I hope you will swing by for awhile.
I enjoyed my visit in your garden!
I love the porch swing! And the Gnome – he is cute.
Thanks for the fun tour! Great idea!
I love your garden and the best part for me was the porch swing its a keeper just love it!!
thanks for showing us a bit of your home it is so pretty,marina
Hi Lisa,
You will see my name on the Garden Tour list. I have a great garden and some great pictures of my great garden. However, I am not yet a GREAT blogger!! So, although I did manage (I have no idea HOW!) to get your little garden logo over to my Sweet Tea blog, right now it is stuck in “draft” until I figure out what I am doing wrong which very well could be when it snows in Florida!
Love the challenge and love your swing!
Anyone want to come to my house to MY garden party??? OR should I say tornado clean up party… I really have no garden anymore.
Bring a chainsaw!
Love that garden statute- and the swing! Such a beautiful garden and welcoming porch.
Thanks for hosting this tour. I had a lot of fun with it.
About those lantanas…don’t dig them up. They will come back next year. Ours have come back 3 years in a row and they do spread like wildfire. They will attract lots of butterflies to your yard. Just wait!!
I want that porch swing. Preferably with you on it! LOL
Loved the tour. I am botanically challenged in a big way. Barely keep my few houseplants alive….
Thanks for organizing this fun garden party. I found it from Rhoda’s Southern Hospitality. See you in the garden.
Thank you for hosting the par-tay!. Love your porch swing, my Grandparents had one like that. Lots of memories!
So fun! Thanks for letting me join in!
Thanks for showing us your lovely garden – specially that beautiful porch swing! :)
If only I wasn’t in the middle of winter, I could join the party!