Last Days of Summer
Just wanted to leave a quick note to let you know I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth – that is if you’ve noticed I’ve been gone.
We’ve been busy sucking the last bit of life out of summer. Today we are going to visit our grandmother in Georgia and I’m going to try not to think about the fact this is the last day for the rest of my life that I will be a mom of a preschooler. Add to that my oldest son is entering high school and my curly-haired boy got his head shaved and I’m three weeks away from my very first writing deadline and I’m pretty much a wreck.
I know many of you are sending your babies to college and I can’t even comprehend that feeling. I still have a few years to go before I cross that bridge – thank the Lord.
So where are you with the whole going back to school thing?? Ready for it? Kids been driving you nuts? Do you homeschool and are trying to prepare for a new year? Broken hearted over a milestone your kids have just reached?
Feel free to hang around and cry a bit. You won’t be alone. :)
Ready for it. Though, I must be honest and say I dread all the money it takes. School supplies, fees, clothes, shoes, lunch money, etc. I am SO grateful for having a decent/modest ministry income, yet its challenging with the economy and prices soaring. I mean, I have girls and want to dress them nice so they are accepted and all (being honest here) and we have managed to do it by shopping second hand, sales, etc. BUT prices higher and what I feel people expect the preachers kids to dress like and be involved in… is starting to stress me. Am I being too vain or is this normal? :(
I’ll watch out for son #1 these next couple of years. I will be his big little brother.LOL
My boy is going to be a senior in COLLEGE! He hasn’t been home this summer, so that transition won’t be quite so hard.
But my baby girl is also headed off to college!!! AHHHH! (same one as her brother, but 500 miles away from us) I expect to mourn for a couple of weeks.
I am giving her a necklace I bought at Lisa Leonard Designs that I had engraved with the words “Call my name and I’ll be there” from the opening song of Gilmore Girls — a Carole King song. She and I have been busy watching that show almost everyday this summer and we always sing the song to each other. So I thought the necklace would be a great idea. I will give it to her when we say good-bye, then proceed to bawl my eyes out.
Then to top all that off, we are going to the town we lived when she was born. I’m sure I will cry more as we see the house we lived in then and I see the “movies” of their childhood play in my head… SIGH
Oh my, I have a tough several weeks in front of me.
Ok, so how many diet Dr. Peppers and gummie worms have you devoured today? Too many transitions all at once can send us over the edge…quickly. But looking at how God has brought them to this place, well, that is amazing. I am so proud of my kids. I am a little sad, ok alot, but I know that God’s plans for them are awesome. Treasue each moment, they pass much too quickly!
I love my 2 girls. They’ll be in grade 2 and K (full time) in just a couple of weeks. I don’t want to wish this time away. But, it’s hard. If I don’t have plans for them hour by hour, minute by minute they are screaming at each other or telling me they’re bored. It’s driving my crazy! I don’t remember my mom entertaining me this much as a kid. So, yes, I’m looking forward to school starting again. But, I also don’t want them to grow out of being kids. Lord, help me!
I am heartbroken over your curly headed boy not being curly headed anymore!
School doesn’t start for us until after Labor Day (we get out much later) and my youngest also starts kindergarten this year. I had my moments of sadness a couple of months ago and (I hope) I am over it for now.
Frankly, I can’t wait ’til the kids are back in school. They are driving me crazy!
Ok, so this isn’t nearly as tough as what others are facing and I feel a little silly posting it.
That being said, my baby girl starts MDO in a couple of weeks. I’m dreading those 15 hours a week that she won’t be here. I mean, what if they don’t know how to put her paci in, for crying out loud??
I will say that I loved the necklace idea Judy. I hope in 18 years my daughter and I will have a bond like that!
I’m right there with you – my oldest is entering middle school on Monday, and this is our last year of elementary school for my baby.
At the risk of being “self-promoting”, I shared something on my blog a few days ago that the Lord gave me when my oldest entered kindergarten. It helped me so much back then, and it has helped me again this year as I release him to middle school, where it’s not cool to have your mom hanging out at the school watching over you! I don’t know how to make a link on a comment, but here is the address, if anyone needs some encouragement in letting your babies go:
It is such a comfort to know that the Lord is with our children always, and that He loves them so much – even more than we do. He who holds the earth together (Heb. 1:3) also holds us and our children. I can’t imagine parenting without Him!
May the Lord bless each of our children and put His presence upon them and their schooling this year…
I’m living as a summer vampire right now, too.
I also have a healthy slice of denial going on.
It can’t be August. Not possible. School supplies in Target? Guess I can’t go shopping for a while. Might burst my bubble.
Your blog made me think–If you did fall off the face of the earth, would it hurt? LOL I ask only because I addressed my readers with the same remark just the other day. My fall off the steps about killed me (see my post “My Feet Don’t Hurt A Bit)but I’m thinking that falling off the earth would be kind of cool!
I used to homeschool but the kids are all “grown,” or at least I don’t school them any more. So I’m proping up my feet and feeling thankful that season is behind me! Every one of life’s mile markers they pass is painful, but there is always something ahead to look forward to. (Like your deadline!) Way to go!
My oldest starts kindergarten on Thursday and it is proving to be bittersweet. I’ve been home with him for all of the five and a half years of his life. I mourn for myself and what I feel I am losing but am happy for him. He is excited and, in all honesty, needs to spread his little wings. One day I look forward to his being in school with great anticipation and the next day I cry – my babies are growing up more quickly than I could have imagined. (snif, snif)
My days will still be full as I care for his three-year-old and 5 month-old sisters but there will be an empty spot with him gone. I didn’t think I’d grieve so – and perhaps it is silly, I know it is a part of life – but I am one sad Mama right about now. Did I do a “good enough” job with him, will he know how to do things on his own? Have I shown him his independence or have I been too sheltering? Will he miss me the way I miss him? I doubt it – and I wouldn’t want him to. I pray that we’ve raised him well and that he enjoys this time in his life. I am so proud to be his Mommy, sad as I may be.
Thanks for letting me vent. I’ll be sending up a lot of prayers this week and I’ll send one for you.
I’m so ready I can’t stand it. Ok, well honestly it depends on the day. My rising 5th grader and rising 6th grader are getting on each others last nerve and then ganging up and getting on mine.
But at the same time my heart is aching because my oldest is heading to middle school. I’m praying a hedge of protection around him!!
Love your blog- hope you’ll visit mine!
I have a different view of back to school this year. For one thing…I always dreaded the money we would always spend on school supplies, clothes, etc. But this year I actually am missing it…
yea, child #3 out of 4 graduated last May and this school year we have only one to get ready for school.It’s kind of sad.
My baby (and only daughter) is starting jr high in 2 weeks and looking back at how quickly my 3 boys flew thru the teen years I am dreading my baby girl to enter this stage, because tomorrow she will be walking down to recieve her diploma and then everything I dreaded about back to school will only be a vapor, a memory.
Enjoy back to school days while you can ladies!!
Blessings, Laurie
Yep, my baby just started Kindergarten. I was way ready for school to start, but I COULD NOT believe my child was old enough for Kindergarten! He’s doing great, though.
My oldest is going to MS this year…Monday to be exact. I’ll be praying alot for these kids lately. summer is easy and care free. School is a whole nother game.
Can’t wait to see ya Lisa.
Hugs and blessings~
Lisa — still praying for you as you get closer to the deadline. I remember my last two weeks were … well, let’s just say they just weren’t pretty.
As for back to school — honey, we’re back. North central Alabama started on the 7th — what is up with that? Okay, I’m promised that I wouldn’t rant on this topic anymore. I only have one in school and at home — my oldest got married last May. This is our first year with only one child getting ready in the morning — much easier, although we all miss the oldest princess.
My baby girl just started the tenth grade — wow! No wonder I’m getting gray hair!
Still a couple of weeks before the school season starts for us. My oldest son will be a senior (ministry major) in college. My daughter is in her second year of college (although age-wise she should still be in high school. And the baby. . . well, he’ll be a junior in high school. Oh my! Where oh where does the time go??
Praying that the last few weeks go by s-l-o-w-l-y!!
Much Love,
Have a good visit in the metropolis of R! I’ll be lamenting my freedom here very soon, but I am going back to what the Lord has most definitely called me to do, so I’m not too sad! Praying that the next few weeks go smoothly–love ya girly, did you know that?
heartreflections stated my thoughts exactly. I am so tired of the fussing but I am dreading the first day. My youngest is starting kindergarten and I am having trouble with what that means for me a SAHM. Lord, please help me.
I’ve been planning on starting our homeschool year Monday, but don’t have everything ready like I want to, so…we’ll see. The good thing about homeschooling is there’s no pressure to start, except what I put on myself.
The hard part for me is, my “baby” is starting pre-school at our church…my last one to start school! :( I plan on reading “The Kissing Hand” to her and crying a little bit. Hopefully she won’t be like my oldest and ask me to drop her off at the sidewalk!
Our oldest is entering high school, second entering middle school, 3 in elementary school, and the last year to have one at home…I am SO not ready for this!
On a bit different subject…
My husband is looking at seminaries, looking toward becoming a chaplain in the military. I am just a bit scared (okay, more than a little)… trying not to freak…it seems like every time we turn around, God is confirming this as the next step in the journey. I’m trying to figure out what my life will look like as a chaplain’s wife…and that scares me.