Siesta Fiesta – Thursday Recap
In spite of an overweight, out-of-balance plane, Brooke and I arrived safely in San Antonio Thursday afternoon. I was thrilled out of my mind that Joanne, (already pictured in previous post) was also at the airport and we were able to cab over to the hotel together.
I called Patty after we were settled who told us to meet her, Kim, Fran, Georgia, and Jenny in the Concierge Lounge. I had no idea what that was, (I’ve told y’all I’m country come to town) so I was a little intrigued at the thoughts of hanging out in a Lounge with my blog bff’s. What happens in San Antonio?
Anyway, when we got to the door, it slammed in our face and promptly reopened to the sounds of a zillion squeals and giggles and a burst of camera flashes like I’d never seen. In fact, I felt a little like Paul on the road to Damascus except it wasn’t anywhere near that spiritual.
Shortly after our meeting in the VIP lounge, (y’all Patty has ROCKSTAR status at the Marriott), we went on a river cruise with some of the other Siestas.
Tammy, Kim, and Elizabeth. Love these girls!!
The river was just incredible. There were restaurants and shops all along the banks. A little fyi – I almost fell smack in it later on while trying to take a video for Luke. Wouldn’t that have been cute?
This is St. Anthony, the patron saint of small children and lost things. Apparently, my status as a good Baptist girl didn’t evoke any blessing because later when Brooke and I tried to find the Rainforest Cafe we ended up lost in a downtown construction zone. Nice. (We eventually asked enough people for directions and found our way. Had I been my husband who refuses to do such a thing, we’d still be wandering around down there.)
Okay, more to come!! Things really cranked on Friday..
Just love the “where the heck are we pic”. I’m so glad we took the non-scenic route!!!!
I’m so glad you’re posting all these – I’m hopping from blog to blog, since I arrived home only to discover that my camera had stopped working properly early in the trip. I’m now waiting to get pics off some of my friends’ cameras.
Aaarrrrgghh! :o|
You almost fell in the river, I went splat on the sidewalk. It’s a wonder we all came home in one piece!!
It really was a wonderful weekend in every imaginable way. It's such fun to know that y'all enjoyed our beautiful city. I always feel very "protective" when people come to visit – wanting them to love it as much as I do.
Wasn't the Q&A time fun? I am finally beginning to put blogs and people together!
Ok I am still laughing over the weekend – all of the funny quotes and girl going out the other door makes me laugh til I cry
So funny
I also love the papparazi photo we have of you coming in the VIP lounge
YOu are a blast and I am SO glad I got to spend such a wonderful weekend with you
Thanks again for all of your hard work – you were a humble servant and PAtty and I are so VERY THANKFUL!
I can’t wait to see you again
Love ya
I just love meeting you Lisa !! I only wish I would of stay at the PJ party now sniff sniff, marina
I loved meeting you, Lisa but only wish we would have had more time to visit! I’m SO glad we got to meet face to face!
Love to you,
Ang xoxo
Have I said how much I loved chatting with you?? Hope we get to meet up again some day!
You are just one of the cutest people in the whole wide world.
Good Baptist girl *snort*…that was hilarious!! I just love San Antonio. Trevor and I have been several times to just get away together and hang out. We park at our hotel, and then spend the next 2 or 3 days walking on the Riverwalk and around the area.
I wish I could have been there Thursday to hang out with you guys…sounds like ya’ll had a great time in spite of the near misses and faulty navigation!
Ya know what??? I just realized that I was the one who slammed the door on ya’ll up in VIP…and then the whole van door thing…its all about the door with me huh??!!!
Coming to TN any time soon???
Why ya’ll so far away, I wanna be there!!
Glad you had a good time. I am home this weekend but I missed you at church!I’ll see you next time. Have a good week. Love ya.
I love the look on your face like a kid in a candy store with unlimited funds! I know you had a blast! I hate I missed it…
It looks like you had a total blast and you are such a doll! I’m wishing I could have been there now… :)
Girl, Cindy and I got lost, too! Thankfully, S.A. seems to be a friendly place to lose direction…LOL!
Words can’t even express how glad I was that I got to hug all of you. I mean seriously, did we have a blast or what!
You are too stinkin’ cute, Lisa. I just love you!
Can’t wait for more posts about the CRAZY SIESTA FIESTA!!!
Ok…Patty wouldn’t tell me….why are they calling you the “leopard lady”???
I love the pic with the roadwork sign…
…and of course the rest of them too! So glad you guys had fun!
You are adorable and it was so good to meet you this weekend!
Hey Lisa! I loved meeting you…I can hear your adorable accent in my head as I read your posts! Love what you are doing on your blog, what an encouragement to womwn at all ages and stages!
Oh Lisa…
It looks like you gals had such a good time. I’m stuck at home sitting on my fanny writing, writing, writing, and did I mention writing?
Very fun but missing the Siesta Fiesta not so fun.
Oh well. Maybe next time.
And wahoooooo your book is done!!!