Siesta Fiesta Recap – Friday
A few months before the Fiesta, Patty asked me if I would be willing to help her out with with all she and Kim had to do at the event. After praying about it for a nanosecond, I threw myself at her feet as a willing slave. And Patty, just so you know, even though you’ve released me I do not want to leave you. Get out the awl and pierce my ear, girlfriend. I’m yours for the next get together whether you want me or not!
I really had in mind to try to line my pictures up chronologically. What Ev. I’m about to go blind looking at all of them so in no particular order, here are my Friday faves.
Fran and Kim while we were at the Dome setting up the Fiesta registration tables. I can not even begin to tell you how much we laughed over the weekend. Or how much we starved. We were at the arena early and late every day. I swear I’ve never eaten so little during a girl trip.
This is me and Shonda. I’ve known her for over a year now and it was so great to finally meet at the Siesta Lunch! You know, I said I didn’t eat. Do you ever nervous eat and not realize how all the food disappeared? Honey, I cleaned my plate and never even tasted the first bite. I was so scared to meet everyone but I was even more scared of the waiters who wanted us to remain seated so they could get our orders and tickets correct. There were so many of you I didn’t get to talk to!
Brooke The Mail Girl (my traveling companion) and Tammy from Grateful in Georgia. I love this picture of them!
I’m still squealing over this picture. I love Marina!! I’m so happy we got to hug each other after all this time she’s spent trapped in my computer.
And now I’m squealing again. I LOVE MISSY from Almost Naptime. The people on the floor weren’t sure whether it was girl screams or mic feedback when we first laid eyes on one another. And see that adorable head with the cute baby on top? That would be our best bud Kelly from Love Well. I’m so devastated she couldn’t make it. I don’t know why she let a little thing like a nursing baby keep her from making the trip. Lightweight. (jk Kelly. I love you so incredibly much and your absence was felt. Weird how it felt a little like cardboard.)
Oh, and this one is SO fun. This is Vicki Courtney. You’ve probably never heard of her but she writes books and stuff. Here’s something I’ve never even told Vicki. She was darlin’ enough to call me once to mentor me in the book writing process. I got the time mixed up because I thought she was in a time zone an hour behind me. Anyway, when she called I was about to run in Walmart with two of my kids. When I realized it was her on the phone I thought, “No big deal. I’ll just sit in the car and talk.” Just when we were getting cranked up, my son said, “Mom, I’ve got to poop RIGHT NOW.” Imagine me trying to string together a coherent sentence while mouthing, “WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP SAYING POOP!?!!! WE ARE GOING IN ALREADY, JUST QUIT TALKING ABOUT POOP!!” So here I am on one of the coolest phone calls of my life with flushing toilets in the background. I’m sure there is some spiritual application in that somewhere but I’m loathe to find it. Did you hear the toilets Vicki? I’ve always wondered…
Awww…Here’s Bev Brandon. This woman is so wise and has a scripture for everthing. And her hair, y’all. It’s perfection. Love you, Bev!
This is Georgia, Fran, Kim, Me and Patty playing Rock Star on Beth’s stage. I SO wish I had my Bible so I could act like I was calling down thunder like Mama Siesta.
One of my favorite parts of Friday was meeting all the Siestas as they registered. Here’s Me, Shelly (who got engaged Thursday night!!!), Fran, Patty, Lindsee, Abby, Kim, and Jenny. I’ve waited so long to hug these girls!! It was almost too much to take in at once.
Oh, and this seat sign was very cool. I meant to save it but like a stupidhead I forgot to take it off my chair. BTW – My Bible is falling apart and I didn’t realize until we left the arena for the last time that Genesis thru Exodus 24 was left on the floor of the arena. I am still so darned upset about it. This was the Bible I used to write the I AM study so my Exodus was major marked up. I’m saving a Bible for each of my children and I really wanted that one to go to my girl. Oh well. Gives me an excuse to go LifeWay shopping.
Dang, I just deleted my signature code.
I’ll leave you with ,
Lisa The Plain
p.s. I’m working up to telling you about my word I got from Beth this weekend. I’m still processing it.
I’m loving all the recaps. And the Vicki Courtney toilet story? Priceless!
I felt a little sick when I heard about your Bible. You rocked on that I AM study, and I’m sorry you lost all of the personal notes in your Bible. I know it’s all the Word of God, but your Bible becomes sort of an extension of yourself with all of the notes and highlighting.
Can’t wait for the next Fiesta installment!!
How many times can I tell you that I just love you without your thinking I’m a freak?
I wish we could chat every single weekend like we did in S.A.
And the poop thing…yeah. That kind of stuff happens to me all the time. I hate getting important phone calls while my kids are coherant.
What a funny post! Especially about the poop and Vicki Courtney! Kids!
I am so sorry to hear about you losing that part of your Bible. I know what that would do to me! My grandmother used the one I have for a little while, and it has some of her notes and markings in it. Now, of course, I’ve written and highlighted all in it! The cool thing about it that I love is that it is a Women of Faith and it’s purple, which I love!
Maybe someone who really needs it, will find it! But now, like you said, you can go buy a new one at the Lifeway! I love going there!
Well, of course I sit here and grin and smile like I wasn’t there or something and taking it all in for the 1st time. Ummm I was there and loved every ounce of it.
I’ve eaten up a storm since I’ve been home. Not good, but needed! :)
I’m so sorry about your Bible. Not like you can order just certain pages or anything huh?
I feel like I’m in detox or something…not that I know what this is like, but I think it must be similar.
I love ya. Funny thing is…I posted about you just now. Hmmmm.
LOVIN’ the pics! Hurry up and process already. Inquiring minds want to know! (luv ya)
And yes, I'm yelling at you.
Because we cannot, CANNOT, allow our new friendships to be a once a year thing.
That would be a travesty and would make me sad.
Oh Girl, I can’t wait to hear about the word that Beth gave you! That’s exciting!
OHH, OHH, OHH – I need to send you a copy of our picture from the PJ Party! I was sooo excited to finally get to meet you in person! :D
Hey Lisa,
I was really sad to hear about your Bible’s lost chapters. Oh my!! Next time by a leather Zondervan product. They guarantee their binding for the life of the Bible. Why do I know this. I’m just a walking encyclopedia of trivia!!
Oh and you had me cracking up on the Vicky Courtney story. Too funny.
Love ya girl,
LOVE the idea of giving each of my kids one of my Bibles! Totally stealing that.
Keep em coming! It makes the rest of us almost feel like we were there. almost. :)
Came here from Fran’s place. I am loving seeing everyone’s pictures (even though I didnt get to be there). The part about Vicki Courtney and your child having to poop is hilarious – that is totally a day in my life right there, sister!
I’d also like to say – Previously I would have been amazed that you helped organise a conference WHILE wiritng a book, but after doing your I AM study and seeing that God has different (and temporary) stages for each of us, I say, good job! Keep being obedient to Him as He uses you! And THANKS for sharing it all with us!
It looks like a fun time indeed!
Who knows, maybe someone picked up your bible sections and is searching for the owner. :)
I’m not sure that I’ve ever stopped in before, but I’ve read your comments on LPM Blog many times.
I can tell that you are one funny gal lovin’ her Jesus.
I’ll be back!
Oh Lisa you crack me up! I have so much to I'd like to type out from what's rolling around in my mind but my fingers wont go as fast (not that it would be legible anyway).
I was so thrilled to meet you! I wanted to ask you so many questions, but there was not the time. God is so good as one of the questions I had for you, you spoke about it during the Q & A with Moore's. HE is sooo goood!
The mentoring call with Vicky—I rolled over laughing!! I just saw on her blog since I learned about her at the conference, that she lives in Austin. I didnt know she was so close.
I need a mentor! I'm working on a book proposal & will be attending a writers conference in October.
I hope and pray those pages from your Bible will find their way back to you. You else be good seed to whomever picked them up. I really like the "I Am" study as it really spoke to me where I was at that time.
Thanks for sharing your memories here! I am having fun remember last weekend. Much love and blessings!
Engrafted by HIS Grace-
Lisa, you are just too cute! I so wish I could have spent more time with you, but I’m glad I got to hug your neck! I’m hoping we get to do it again!
I’m sorry… I’m rolling. The poop story is pretty much the story of my life. Not that I’ve ever had a phone call with a super-cool mentor – ’cause that would require having a super-cool mentor. =)
You’re gorgeous by the way.
And I’m really sorry about your Bible. I didn’t bring my “good” Bible because I was afraid I’d lose it.
I hate that about your Bible. Maybe somehow you can get that part of it back……God works these things out sometimes, right?
thanks for letting me out LOL!!!
I wish I would of done the party now sinff,sinff,”( did I tell you how much we miss everyone hear :(
I got so much out of Beth Moore I am still thinking on it too.
did you get my email?
Loving it! Can’t wait to hear the word you got from Beth. I’ve been writing like crazy since I got home and it has taken some d-i-s-c-i-p-l-i-n-e! I could just hop around and read everyone’s recaps!
Blessings my friend.
I can not find one picture of us together. I have looked for it all over this here interweb (to quote Sophie), too!
It was such a blessing to meet you in person, my praying Sister. I cannot express how much your prayers have meant to our family.
The POOP story is da bomb. Did I say that out loud????
Lisa, I don’t know if you said that you had found your pages on the area floor or you didnt but I wanted to let you know that if you have them, you can have them resewn into your bible. When I worked at the Lifeway Store, rebinding bibles was one of the main parts of my job. If you want more information, just let me know…
And that Poop story!! Tooo Much!
I laughed soo hard! And then Holly’s comment made me lose it again!!
I look pregnant in that picture. I'm just sayin. It is very inspiring to me to get my muffin top to the gym. Sigh.
And I am so sorry about losing your bible – I am a bible marker myself so I totally get you. I would be devastated. Let's pray that someone found it and found the Lord over it.
Did you try calling Lost & Found at the Alamodome?
And when you call, could you ask them if they found Kelly's head?? It's probably reading your Genesis.
Oh the poop is cracking me up right now!!
We are close friends with our pastor and his family and we had him over today because his wife and kids are out of town. Anyway, we were playing a game and I put the dog out back. My youngest came in and in the process let the dog in. I said, “Ben, I didn’t want the dog in here right now.” He said, ” Well, she already dropped a t*rd so I let her in.”
Thank you for that, son! Why? Why do they say things like that?
Anyway, I hate that I really didn’t officially meet you last weekend. I was around you a lot, but never really met you. I was so bummed about that! Hopefully there will be another time!!
Here’s the ((hug)) I never got to give ya!