A Word From My Boy, Johnny Mac
I’ve got a couple of books that are on my I HAVE TO READ THESE RIGHT NOW OR DIE list. One is called ‘Why Government Can’t Save You’ by John MacArthur. Here’s a quote:
“A certain amount of healthy and balanced concern about current trends in government and the community is acceptable, as long as we realize that such interest is not vital to our spiritual lives, our righteous testimony or the advancement of the kingdom of Christ. Above all, the believer’s political involvement should never displace the priority of preaching and teaching the gospel because the morality and righteousness that God seeks is the result of salvation and sanctification.”
And to this I can only add a boisterous, “You GO, John!” (I must note here that Dr. MacArthur would probably protest vehemently against being called Johnny Mac. I mean him no disrespect. I just think he’s cool enough to pull of the name, that’s all. Seriously. He’s awesome.)
The other book I’ve just got to have is John Piper’s (J Pippy’s?), Spectacular Sins and Their Global Purpose in the Glory of Christ. I wanted to buy this book SO badly at LifeWay yesterday but since I was trying to be thoughtful by purchasing hubs the fab new Bebo Norman CD (Pull Me Out) I just couldn’t do it. Baby needs a new pair of shoes and all that jazz.
Here’s the skinny:
“If God governs the sinful acts of men, then does the devastation caused by those terrorists, dictators, murderers, cheats, and abusers discredit Jesus’ words: “All authority in heaven and earth belongs to me”? When heart-rending news comes of the latest accident, illness, or natural disaster, can we really believe that in Jesus, “all things hold together”?
Though God has not answered all of our questions about sin and suffering, there are things he wants us to know, things he declares in his Word—such as what’s at stake in the “spectacular” sins of others and the horrible tragedies of this life; their global purpose, both historically and today; and what these events say to us personally.”
I’ve had some interesting blog exchanges with a person who says he was once a Christian but ‘exited’ the faith and is now an atheist. {Note: I disagree with his statement on the ability to leave faith on many theological levels but I will not discuss them here! Just so you know. You’re welcome.} One of his chief complaints is his belief that God is the creator of evil. In classical Piper brilliance, I’m sure this book will deal rightly with God’s sovereignty over all His creation. I just love a smart read. I need to lay off the Diet Dr. Peppers a few days before tackling it which I hope is very, very soon!
Okay, enough for today…I get excited and have to purge.
Shoot. Just deleted my signature again.
I love me some John Piper! And I get such a kick out of your habit of deleting your signature, over and over again…primarily because I do it all the time. LOL!
I always think of when Satan approached God and God pointed him to Job. God didn’t give Satan all authority over Job, but did allow some terrible things to happen to him…for God’s glory of course. Ultimately, I’m always struck with the fact that Satan approached God. It just shows me God’s power and authority.
Those are my thoughts…not anything profound.
Cracking up at the nicknames. What would yours be? Both books sound great.
Okay Lisa, now you’ve got my attention with reviews of works by two of my fav authors….so I’m curious, have your read NT Wright’s ‘Surprised By Hope’?
Any thoughts?
If not, you might find it an interesting read as well.
love the purge!
I love the sound of that book by John MacArthur.
I had the privilege of sitting under J Pippy’s preaching of the sermon series that became the Spectacular Sins book. And, I can say that it changed me and my understanding of God’s character 100%. I have the book sitting on my desk, and I’m going to start it tonight! You’ve inspired me!
This guy at work says he is an agnostic. I try to tell him about God but his reply is that if I belive in God then I must belive in aliens and ghosts. I have no idea how to get through to him. Will one of these books address this issue? Or is there something Lukie can tell me?
I completely lost my comment for your post when I read “shoot, I just deleted my signature again”. Girl…I have done that so many irritating times. Glad I’m not alone. :) I really amaze myself how often that happens when I consciencely make a mental “note-to-self” not to do it. See what I mean…totally lost my thought process and now this comment is a whole lot of nothing. Sheesh…I’m going now. Have a good Sunday.
You know what is hilarious? We (my close group of friends) call John MacArthur ‘Johnny Mac’. I love John Piper and I’ll have to start using J Pippy (how funny is that to say!) now too!
I’ll have to check those books out (maybe I’ll get back to reading soon.. since the little guy arrived 8 weeks ago my reading has been almost non-existant!)
Okay….no disrespect here either but…..we have a little fun with Dr. Mohler at our house.
We call him Big Al!
But only with LOVE IN OUR HEARTS. We respect and love him dearly! Really!
So nicknames….are good if they aren’t cut-downs! Remember, 1 cut-down equals 2 put-ups!?!
My Dad (who is friends with Johnny Mac; no lie) is nicknamed G-Dog. So I think it fits.
Can’t wait to read those books. Thanks for the recommendation. Sometimes, I just need that little push to get me to add a book to my Amazon list.
With you on all accounts! I love John MacArthur. There’s another book our pastor mentioned a couple of weeks ago, but I can’t remember the name. I think it’s his newest one!
Haven’t been here in a month or so but I’m enjoying catching up. Just have to say, I do so love your blog. :)