New Wineskins for New Wine
I’ve walked by the computer a ridiculous number of times the past few days with grand intentions of documenting and detailing all that’s been going on in the McKay house. Fortunately, we’ve been living faster than I can type so now I’ve let so much great stuff pile up in feels like a chore to fill in the blanks. And if there is anything blogging should be, a chore is not one of them. Fun, y’all. It’s supposed to be fun.
Speaking of fun, plenty is still being had. Currently I am washing 42 loads of laundry in preparation to go with the Youth Group to X-treme in Gatlinburg this weekend. Casting Crowns will be there as will Tony Nolan – my favorite Crazy-for-Jesus youth evangelist. That may be because I adore his wife Tammy whom I am looking so forward to seeing.
That aside, during all the wash and dry cycles, I’m studying for a couple of women’s events taking place in January focused on the idea of renewal. The Lord is hammering me with the Luke 5 parable of the patched garment and new wineskins for new wine. Some great stuff in there that I look forward to sharing with these girls as the Lord works it through with me. In short, He’s reminding me once again that we can’t slap a temporary fix on something that isn’t working and expect some revolutionary change. Coming from someone infamous for wanting to do as little work necessary to achieve a good-enough result, this is an overdue lesson that has found its way to the top of the heap of those it is high time I learn.
Which leads to the subject of resolutions. Temporary fixes most often leave me, and maybe you too, starting over again at the beginning of a New Year in some of the same old ruts that I was in the year before. I think I’m finally getting tired of it, hence my being resolved to see some changes in the wineskin so that all the new things the Lord wants to do in and through me won’t burst forth and then be spilled to the ground because I’m not strong enough to hold on to them.
And naturally, here is where I ask you if you’ve resolved to do a new thing in 2010. Do you find yourself in some of the same places year after year? Why do you think that is? I’m really interested in hearing your thoughts because, if I’ve not already told you, I think you girls have brilliant insight and you’ve helped me teach more times than you know.
I don’t say it enough but I hope you know how much I cherish the relationships that have developed from this community – be it from my dear homies to those of you I’ve yet to meet. I’m praying this year is one in which you can see God’s signature all over and that you are looking expectantly on the one – and The One – to come.
Lisa, I am absolutely beyond sick and tired of being in the place that I am in.
I’m tired of “life” taking over and dictating what is supposed to be important. I’m disappointed in myself for falling for the traps of the enemy. I’m frustrated that I’ve allowed myself to forget the simplicity of the Gospel.
His plans for us daily aren’t always easy, but there is peace in following after Him. Why oh why am I foolish enough to seek another way? Is that not idolatry?
But I am hopeful for this upcoming year. I am thankful that His grace is always sufficient. He won’t leave me where I am. He bids me come. I must follow.
This year, I no longer want to cave in to the distractions.
New wineskins for new wine.
.-= Rena´s last blog ..Can you hear me now, Santa? =-.
Lisa, first of all, I have never known you to do anything with just a “good enough” result. You always work hard for perfection! Second of all, I can’t wait to get goin on this trip with the youth(after I catch up on my mountain of laundry as well)….they always teach me way more than we teach them! And lastly, I have 3 major resolutions that I have prayed about. This year’s resolutions are so different from any year before due to the past years events and effects on and in my life. Its always been about me me me, but that’s not how God wants me to be and that’s not the legacy I want to pass to my children. I am resolved to stop being so selfish..I will give more instead of get more from my church, from my family, from my friends, and from the world. I am resolved to be forgiving, because holding a grudge never resolves anything ( I have really had to learn this the hard way). The third one, I’m still praying about and will let you know about later. But, I do want you to notice I didn’t say “I’ll try to…” as in I’ll try to lose weight or I’ll try to pray more, etc… I HAVE TO do these things! Anyway, I’ll stop rambling….I’m sure you’ll hear enough of that from me this weekend! LOL
.-= Karri´s last blog ..Complete Randomness! =-.
This post reminds me of this song…
Have I heard it for so long that He’s just another song?
Has the story lost its thrill that I once knew?
Lord, give me a burden that’s so strong,
That it will last when my tears are gone.
I’m tired of what I’ve been. Lord, make me over again.
I’m so tired of being stirred about the lost who need to hear.
I’m so tired of being stirred that His coming is so near;
I’m so tired of being stirred till I cry bitter tears.
I’m so tired of being stirred but not being changed.
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Winter Wonderland =-.
Why do we find ourselves in the same places year after year?
Because we love our sin more than we love Christ. We need to have something we love more than our sin – Christ is the only thing – He is the Pearl of great price that we would sell everything we have to gain. The key is not to get rid of sin but to focus on Christ. Sin loses it’s appeal when looking to Jesus.
Wish I could take credit for that last paragraph but they are notes from Brian’s sermon today. He preached Hebrews 12:1-2.
Ouch. As I sit in my quiet house this morning at 5;30, wondering where to turn in my bible for a bit of quiet time with Him, I decided to go to google reader and look at some posts. Yours was the only one I pulled up. Thinking I’m supposed to look at Luke 5 today and definitely think about a new thing in a new me.
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Book Review: Jesus Lives by Sarah Young =-.
I learned long ago to never make new year’s resolutions because I wind up not doing them and then feeling like a failure…
Here’s what the girls (my teens) & I are going to start this year – cooking something new each week so we’ll all learn how to cook (I can cook but I need to teach them…understand?). Each week we’ll fix something one of them has picked from a cookbook.
I will continue to have my quiet time and God will continue to work on (and in) me! Yippee!! I pray He’ll make me the woman He desires for me to be and in that process, I’ll be a better wife and mother (and small group leader).
I’m wanting my wineskin to stay like new and to never lose its ability to retain what He pours into me.
.-= Cathy Davis´s last blog ..Final day in the mission field =-.
I don’t like resolutions, and I’m horrible at setting goals that aren’t tangible like a specific project I’m working on.
But I love what you have written here, and I will be pondering it.
Happy New Year, sweet friend!
I just finished reading Luke 5. From the miracle of fish overflowing (and the reminder of “lost” all around me) for Simon Peter… the paralytic man on the mat (with friends devoted enough to do a little something to help a brother out)…..the leper who spread the good news and the banquet with sinners (oh yea, I need to step out of my Christian comfort zone too). Then ending on tearing up the new garment….and ruining it. I’m certainly getting a fresh new word this morning.
Thanks Lisa. And have fun in Gatlinburg! What a great weekend!
I don’t want to taint anything good God is doing in my life…’s up to me to make the changes necessary to obey God and follow Him completely!
.-= wanda´s last blog ..Just what I was waiting for =-.
I can’t believe you are going to be close to me this weekend!! Have a blast at Extreme!! I agree with you, we need to make a date in 2010 for a reunion!! :)
I think that I find myself in the same places because I am trying to do it, or trying to change on my own when I need to pray and let God do it through me. Apart from Him I can do nothing.
Love you,
I usually like to make a change by picking something small and do-able, while my husband likes to pick a huge task and doesn’t care if he flames out — the big push is invigorating for him. :)
At the end of this year, my DH has had a very difficult few months. I sense that I’m supposed to be learning something about how I respond (between me & God, not with my husband) when hard ministry times come. But I don’t know exactly what it is yet. So I guess my resolution is to listen and find out what that is.
— Nancy
.-= Nancy´s last blog ..2009 year-end quotations =-.
Y’all are some fabulous women. I can relate to all of you on so many different levels. Here’s praying 2010 is a banner year!
I am right there with you Lisa! I wish I could listen in on you sharing all that God has/is teaching you about this… please share when you get a chance.
I do too much “I’m gonna change this.. and do that and blah, blah, blah” This year, “Lord, change me.” Yeah, that will be good enough. I can just feel that He is going to knock my socks off! He’s awesome like that!
.-= Crystal´s last blog ..Real Peace =-.
i have no resolutions. at least not for 2010. those kinds of things never work out very well for me. if, however, i am resolved in something RIGHT NOW, i have a much better chance of it sticking!
praying that God blesses you abundantly in 2010, Lisa. safe travels and i hope you get your laundry done before it gets undone!
.-= Marsha´s last blog ..A Closer Look =-.
Hi Lisa,
It has been a while since I spent some time visiting blog friends. It was so good to stop in to see you tonight. Feels like visiting a friends house. You are sweet and transparent and I love that.
I must be a bit weird but I love making New Years Resolutions, even when I don’t keep them all. I just think that we are always to be pressing towards higher goals and dreaming big dreams as long as God gives us a tomorrow.
My resolutions this year are just as big as ever. Yes, some are the same as last year but I figure, God has blessed me with the turning of another calendar so I figure I can keep on trying, right!!??
Blessings to you sweet lady. Can’t WAIT to read your new book. Glory!! Now thats an accomplishment!!
Hello Lisa,
I’ve never met you and came across your blog via links from some other blogs I follow. I enjoy reading your posts and learning about your ministry.
As I have struggled with addiction for most of my adult life, I can testify to the futile cycle of resolving to change, striving to make the change, and ultimately failing to change. I have arrived back at my original starting point (and often worse) more times than I can remember. Of the three “F” grades on my human report card (fear, failure and futility), I think futility is Satan’s most subtle weapon. It keeps the focus on our own efforts rather than on the One who has made all the effort we need. Futility is a grinding process that dulls the sharp edge of our spiritual weapons. Futility is a thief and a liar (the very characteristics of Satan) in that it steals our joy and persuades us that we are incapable of real growth or change.
Progress comes when I remember that I am a “new wineskin.” I am new because I have Him…Jesus. His faith, His love, His compassion, His strength. He fixed the “old” when He brought beauty for my ashes and personal ruin, oil of joy for my mourning of past failures and loss, and a garment of praise for my spirit of condemnation. Satan would gladly have us hold on to our old wineskins that have lost their elasticity and cannot respond to the newness of the grace upon grace He brings us.
Everyday, I have to choose to believe Him. And deliberately and specifically remove the other imposters (no matter how harmless they may seem).
Blessings to you in 2010!
This post is short and sweet but packed full! Thanks, I needed that slap in the face. :)
Do I find myself in the same place year after year? Sure. (In some areas) Why?
Maybe it is because I don’t really want change as badly as I say I do. Maybe it is because I try in my own strength to change something that only God can change and I don’t ask for His help. Maybe I don’t want His help because I know the change will come at a price I’m not willing to pay. Maybe I DO ask God for his help then sit back and expect him to just ZAP me into the “new me” without any effort on my side.
I guess I don’t really know the WHY…But I do know it is frustrating. So frustrating that giving up and staying the same ol’ me is pretty tempting. (That’s what Satan would just love, now wouldn’t he?)
When you get it figured out, you know, why we get stuck back in the same old rut, let me know. I’m always up for lasting change. (In the meanwhile, I’ll be praying for some fresh new skin.) ;)
.-= Lavonda Pflug´s last blog ..A different perspective =-.
Great post! This past Sunday, our pastor brought it in worship service. He preached out of 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 those verses stuck me so profoundly. As he read them, I thought to myself, “yes! THIS is what 2010 to look like for me.”
So this year, instead of making a resolution, this is going to be my passage for the year. I’ll put it in prominent places in my home and car (just not in front of the gas light!) We’ll see how it goes!
.-= rachel h´s last blog recap 2009 =-.