Fun in Oneonta!
As long as I live I won’t ever get over thanking the Lord for allowing me the privilege of teaching His Word to a some of the most adorable women EVER. In a strictly hypothetical sense, you would think there would eventually be a group that you wouldn’t be smitten with, but so far, hasn’t happened. Women are just fabulous wherever you go. In Saturday’s case, it was Mary Snyder’s church girls in Oneonta, AL who congregated at the COUNTRY CLUB no less. We are bona fide, indeed.
An added bonus were the familiar faces of Siestaville who trekked through the blizzard to attend. Here’s a couple of pics….some mine, some stolen:
1. Mary, Robyn, and Cathy having a post-meal at the local Mexican restaurant.
2. Nikki finally taught me the fine art of auto-photography. I always chop off my head.
3. Dedra Herod and her bff Karen who is adorable and I love her !
4. Mary and her daughter, Charity. I think she was a little concerned her mom’s computer friends would be weird. She had every right to be. They are.
5. Love these faces!
6. My girl Robyn.
7. Cathy Davis and Anna Nicole.
My friends Stacy and Charlotte also came over from Ranburne. It was great seeing you! Mary and girls, thanks again for entrusting this time to me.
My heart is full.
I can NOT believe that you have already got these up here!! You are quick my dear!! I’m still trying to get my uploaded to the computer! It was such a blast being with you and all the ladies today…You did your thang and it was AWESOME!!
Heart you…big time!!
Anna Nicole
PS-Could you possibly send me the one of you and me…please? Love it!
Do you know just how happy these pix make me??? My heart was just all about your business this morning and I just know He showed off!!! I love you PW and cannot wait to see you. You are dear and precious and I’m so happy today was so much fun and a blessing to all!!
.-= Fran´s last blog ..New Years in Atlanta!!! =-.
Girl — what I can say but THANK you! You did this chick’s heart some good today! Loved the words you shared from The Word!
And my what a wonderful turn out — my local girls and my online chicks, alike!
You were right that Charity thought my online girls might be weird — and we are, but in a good way. And she loved every single one of y’all! She did!
.-= Mary´s last blog ..Small Town Life =-.
Great pictures!
I think I’m going to see you on Saturday, Jan 16th! I’m going to try to get my SS class to come with me.
Lovin’ it!
.-= Sheryl´s last blog ..Week 1 of 2010 =-.
It was so worth trekking through the blizzard of 2010 to come see you and the other siesta peeps!
.-= Cathy Davis´s last blog ..The Sweet By and By by Sara Evans and Rachel Hauck =-.
What fun. Looks like some cool people besides you live outside of Texas after all! LOL
My heart is equally full.
I adore you.
Lunch soon. For realz.
.-= Robyn (3girlsmom)´s last blog ..The Great Blizzard of 2010 =-.
I was so elated to get to be there today. I think so much of you! I love how authentic you are. You are just Lisa. Who God made you to be. He is so obvious in you. I could sit here and go over so many things that you talked about that resonated with me. I needed to be there today and I love how God orchestrated it all. You are beautiful inside and out. I am so glad that our paths crossed and girl I am cheering for you!! you know what I mean! love you!
.-= Jenny Hope Williams´s last blog ..So far in twenty ten =-.
Praying Psalm 37:6-8 over you.
.-= Cathy Davis´s last blog ..The Sweet By and By by Sara Evans and Rachel Hauck =-.
Lisa, do please tell where you find nice long scarves like the one you’re wearing in the photos – everything I see is so short!
Hey Lisa!! Finally stopped by to say that I was so blessed to hear you on Saturday!! I have already told so many people about you!! Doesn’t sound as good when I am telling what you spoke of though. lol I had a woman’s retreat that was canceled and that is how I was able to attend. God knows exactly what we need and makes sure we get it!! You are truly blessed by Him and I am blessed to have been able to see/hear and meet you. Along with all of the other wonderful “internet” women that I got to meet as well!!!
.-= Valerie´s last blog ..Roll Tide Roll Baby!!! =-.