At Long Last – Release!
February 1 was the big day when my book was officially released and appeared on a shelf in a real live bookstore.
A friend was having a baby in a hospital close to LifeWay so I decided to run see mine just before I saw hers. When I got there, I sat in the parking lot for a few minutes. It’s hard to explain why. I finally went in, made my way to the Women’s section, and saw this:
I stood there long enough to appreciate the moment but not so long as to alert security. I don’t think. I thought I would cry. I didn’t but not because I wasn’t on the verge. I was simply trying to keep from looking any more freakish. I just had myself a sweet moment with Jesus where I basically told Him, “You did this. You did this. Thank you. ” I said some other stuff but you understand if it’s kind of personal.
I finally left the store knowing this was one of those days that would forever be written on a personal scroll of remembrance. .
When I got home, I found these waiting for me:
They weren’t from Luke but not because he wouldn’t have sent flowers. He just knew I would choke him for being so outlandish. These were congratulations from a precious church member which served to heighten all I wrote about how extravagantly they love my family. We love you right back, IBC!
Lastly, to those of you who’ve been asking if we’ll be doing an online discussion, the answer is YES! I’m trying to work on the logistics of that as we speak. Look for an announcement soon.
I truly pray this little book o’ mine will be a great encouragement to you. If it’s not, please don’t tell me.
I’m unstable.
p.s. Don’t forget to put your ministers’ wives names in the hat over at for the ‘You Deserve to Pamper Yourself Contest’. It will continue through March 15. I can’t wait to choose the winner!
Yippee!!! Congrats sweet pea!
.-= Cathy Davis´s last blog ..Angels by Dr. David Jeremiah =-.
.-= Cora´s last blog ..Happy Birthday!!! =-.
You are too fun, you cute-shoe woman! Congratulations, and enjoy all those moments. May this book bless others as it did me. Love you, my friend!
I am to stinking happy for you, Lisa. Congratulations!!!!!
.-= Iris´s last blog ..Pursuing Love ~ Love is Patient =-.
That’s so awesome…I’m very happy for you!
I totally get the sitting in the car for few minutes thing. It’s huge and you have every reasn to let it take a minute to sink in. Enjoy every single blessing from this. From what i know of ya, you deserve it :)
.-= O Mom´s last blog ..GladiTuesday =-.
Even reading about it, the official release seemed so far away. Yet it came so quickly. So proud of you for being obedient to our Father. Well done my sister in the faith, well done. Now we get the joy of watching Him do His thang!
.-= rhonda´s last blog ..C= A + B =-.
Hi Lisa, I just got the book and can’t wait to read it! I heard about it from BigMama’s link a week or so ago and ordered it right then and there. My husband left a career in software a year ago to follow God’s call into full time youth ministry at our small(ish) church in the Washington DC area. I never, ever, ever pictured my goofball self to be a pastor’s wife but when God says go, you go. Still, my long-time relationships with church members seem to be redefining themselves and I find myself insecure over weird things. Looking forward to reading your book and gaining insight from you.
.-= Sincerely Anna´s last blog ..Day 2 Ah…Ahh…Chooooo =-.
So excited for you! I went on a date with my hubby tonight and we were looking for me some new tennis shoes to work out in, but I, of course, kept being drawn to the cute, strappy sandals. He asked me, “You been reading that cute shoes book?” Ha! Just thought you would want to know you were discussed by two complete strangers tonight. Or maybe you wouldn’t because it’s kind of weird and creepy. Anyway, still excited for you!
.-= Emily´s last blog ..Working It Out =-.
What an incredible moment. Congratulations to you, Lisa! I know this will be an encouragement to many!
Congrats!!!! I am so thrilled for you and I cannot wait to get my hands on your book. You are such an encouragement to us as Pastors wives but also as “I want to write my own book” dreamers. lol – blessings!
.-= Laurie´s last blog ..WEDNESDAY WEEKLY WORD…you’ve got a friend in me! =-.
Congratulations to you Lisa!! What an exciting day for you!!! I also can’t wait to read your book. I have also told my friends who are pastor’s wives. Could be a book club book. Thanking you for this !!!
.-= LuAnn´s last blog ..Day 33 =-.
I’m just so proud of you Lisa. I love that moment with Him where you say “you did this!” Puts a lump in my throat for you. ;)
I’ll be getting a copy soon. You are a gift to so many of us. I’m praying for you this morning….just some sweet times with Him ahead.
So much love,
.-= Fran´s last blog ..Help me. I’m confused. Maybe I’m just old. =-.
Fran stole my thoughts exactly!!!!
I’m so proud of you. Can’t wait to read it.
Love you dearly!!!!
.-= cheryl´s last blog .. =-.
So exciting!!! that must have been such an incredible moment for you. Yeah! can’t wait to get my hands on a copy! :) God Bless!
.-= Jenilee´s last blog ..Not Me! Monday – Bad Planning =-.
Lisa – you are so precious to me. I can’t wait to see you again one day, hopefully soon. Your verse about the scroll of remembrance just resonated in my heart – one of the joys of memorizing the Word. I participated in the Scripture Memory Team over on Beth Moore’s blog last year – it was awesome! This was one of my verses…
Malachi 3:16 “Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard, and a scroll of remembrance was written in His presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored His name.”
I am so proud of you I can hardly stand it – you bless me girl. Congratulations on your book! I know it will be used mightily to minister to us PW’s…
Can’t wait for the on-line discussion group. Yay!
Love much,
GA Jan
.-= Georgia Jan´s last blog ..THE LORD LISTENED AND HEARD…Malachi 3:16 =-.
Thank you, Jesus for the birth of this book! How exciting for you, Lisa. You are a vessel of encouragement for others… I will watch my local book stores for your book (or will get it ordered online).
I’m not a Pastor’s wife, but many of my friends are. I will be blessing them with a copy of “… Cute Shoes”.
Corpus Christi, TX
.-= Teri´s last blog ..Girly God Feathers and Siesta Gal Pals =-.
congrats, lady!! so excited for you and so proud of you! BTW, I’ll be doing a review on my blog…got the notification yesterday! :D Can’t wait!!
.-= Christi´s last blog ..Remember how I said I was gonna do better??! =-.
A discussion group?? I can’t wait!!
.-= Julie´s last blog ..Milestones =-.
I can’t wait to get your book.! SO happy for you.
.-= Patty´s last blog ..Great is our Lord =-.
I’m so proud of you, Lisa!
.-= Deidre´s last blog ..The LOVE Month – Day 3 =-.
It makes me smile every time I see the book lying by my chair! I was hoping you’d send a picture of the shelf.
Have I told you a time or 18 that I’m TICKLED PINK for you?!?!?!?
Congrats Lisa!!!!!!! This future pastor’s wife can’t wait to read it!!!
Wooohoo!!!! So glad you didn’t get kicked out! :) Ok, since you brought it up, what’s harder, birthing that or a human baby?
I’m off to Lifeway asap before they’re gone!
.-= rachel h´s last blog ..a can of beans =-.
oh, and for your stylist I say you ask Big Mama to do it!
.-= rachel h´s last blog ..a can of beans =-.
Lisa, I am soooo excited for you
Congratulations…. I can’t wait to read it. Hugs.
.-= Lynn´s last blog ..It Is Well =-.
I actually bought your book two weeks ago at the Lifeway in Chattanooga. It took me all of two and a half days to read it. I, too, am a preacher’s wife and finding your book when I did was nothing short of a God-send. I truly appreciated what you had to say, and could “amen” a lot of it! Thank you for your insight and encouragment!
Congratulations, sweet friend! I am so very proud of you and had a little moment myself when I saw it in the store. I said, “I know her!” Well, not to anybody, but to myself. I got myself a copy even though I’m no ministers wife, but I figured being in the ministry it wouldn’t hurt. I plan to pass it to the wives here once I’m done!
.-= Lindsee´s last blog ..Shabby Chic =-.
I can’t wait till my book arrives!!! I ordered from Amazon! As a ministers wife this gets me excited as there are very few books written on this topic! :)
What an exciting time for you!!!
.-= Julie Brooks´s last blog ..Final Score =-.
Words can’t express how proud I am of you and your hard work.
Way to go, God!
.-= Kelly @ Love Well´s last blog ..Pregancy Journal: I Am Falling Apart =-.
Congrats Lisa! This is so cool!!!
.-= Cathy´s last blog ..Random Dozen =-.
I was in LifeWay in Fort Worth LAST WEEK and saw your book on the shelf. I felt proud and excited for you! Congratulations, girl!
.-= Jeanette´s last blog ..Jadee =-.
I work at LifeWay and we’ve had your book out on our shelves for the past week. I’ve peeked at it many times during my lunch breaks and it’s a great book. Hooray for you! So proud you didn’t stand in the store and autograph all the copies of the book on the shelf! (Yes, we actually have authors who come into our store for this purpose only.)
That is so exciting! I can’t imagine how it would feel to walk in the store and see something so amazing! Congratulations!
.-= Dana Schmoyer´s last blog ..Tim is going to Haiti =-.
I’m getting choked up just looking at that picture, Lisa. A very hearty congratulations!!! I can’t wait to get my pre-ordered copy from Amazon!
.-= Marsha´s last blog behind the picture =-.
I picked up your book a week ago at the local Christian bookstore I work at. I’m new at this pastor’s wife thing, so I’ve been reading anything I can find on the subject. Your book is one of the best I’ve read on this topic! I’ve already recommended it and am planning to take a copy to a pastor wife friend when we visit at the end of the month! I’m working on getting myself a mentor to go thru the questions with me at the end of each chapter.
Thank you for writing so candidly and from your heart!
A new fan. . . .
Hey Lis,
Congratulations my friend! I can’t wait to get my copy. Plan on getting it this weekend. I am so proud of you and know that you give all the credit to our Father. Thank you for letting Him use you to bless us! I love you so much! Let’s try to get together soon. I need my Luke and Lisa fix. I know Chuck does.
I know it’s crazy….but I am so excited for you….it’s as if it’s my book!
I have had the book dream so long, girl! And I love seeing someone so stinking sweet as you make it!
Hubby is ordering my copy today…..Happy Valentine’s Day to me! :)
.-= wanda´s last blog ..Miss G goes to Indy =-.
I’m half way through, and I have to tell you…it’s as great as I thought it would be! : ) As with all the other great books I read, I do so with a pen in hand so I can underline all my favorite stuff. I want to finish the book before I do my give-away, so that I can share some of my favorite stuff.
Much of it is stuff I needed to be reminded of…without even realizing I’d forgotten it…priorities, friendships etc. It came at such a great time, and God did a fantastic job through you!
So looking forward to blogging about it!
.-= Sarah@ Life in the Parsonage´s last blog ..More Than a Bump… =-.
Congratulations dear heart. I got up at 6 this morning(!)–note I’m not a morning person–to read the final two chapters. Amazing work, my friend. I’ll be posting some of my thoughts on the blog later, but know that God shined through it from the first page to the last. I loved it!
.-= Miriam Pauline´s last blog ..February Goal Post =-.
Congratulations (again and again!). I am so happy for you! I am halfway through the book and I’ve only had it for two days! :)
.-= Crystal´s last blog ..FOOD! =-.
You book could not have come at a better time. I am a Pastor’s Wife, and I was in dire need of some preacher’s wife reading material. In case ya’ll haven’t noticed, there isn’t a whole lot of books for us out there, but i just fell in love with this title. I is so encouraging to know that there are Pastor’s wives out there who don’t fit the traditional mold, cause i know i certainly do not. I appreciate you blog as well. I don’t have a blog of my own, so it’s hard for me to join in on these groups, but i enjoy just reading about it all!
Thanks again
Sheri from KC