It’s Now or Never
So I’ve been meaning to write for a day or four but I was hoping to have some pictures for illustration. That wouldn’t ordinarily be a problem if I could find my portable card reader thingy to upload my photos since the one in my laptop decided it no longer wanted to, you know, read cards. I normally keep my card reader in the tray on my nightstand where I take off my jewelry at night because isn’t that where everyone keeps their electronic essentials. Except now it isn’t there and none of the kids will ‘fess up to moving it or I haven’t yet remembered what strange place I left it last. It comforts me to blame it on them. Even though I have no pictures I will forge ahead because if I don’t starting writing now I may fall into another unplanned four-month break.
I know you are gnashing teeth at the thought.
You may recall I told you not long ago that a personal hair intervention was in order. I made an appointment with my beloved hairdresser, Tania, and was toying with the idea of something drastic. My hair has been essentially the same style for the better part of the last 15 years and I don’t know how to say it any plainer than I was just flat out sick of looking at myself. So, I closed my eyes and said, “Cut. It. Off. And if you want to get rid of the orange that would be okay, too.”
Tania gave me a fabulous cut and some ashy brown to neutralize my pumpkin and I’m finally feeling human again. And here’s where I should be showing you a picture. But since I don’t have one of me I googled until I came up with what I think is close:
Wait. Mine’s way shorter in the back. And I would never wear it this way on the sides because I wouldn’t want our church people to see the tattoos behind my ears. So in reality, I ended up with a cut almost identical to this:
I have a few more bangs and a lot more clothes but this one is pretty close.
I really worried about having this short of a ‘do because my hair is naturally curly and I didn’t know if I could tame it. However, the cooler temps and lower humidity are working in my favor right now so we’ll see how long it lasts.
Now that my hair issues are resolved there is something very pressing for which I could use your advice: My town has been invaded by skunks. I’m not talking about the politicians that are ringing my phone off the hook or even the people who roll our yard every weekend. I’m talkin’ real-life, black-with-white-stripes-down-the-back skunks. I don’t know if we are on their migration route from north to south (do skunks migrate? hibernate?) or if they’re ticked off that ridiculous cartoons like Phineas and Ferb have taken the place of that cheeky smooch PePe Le Pew (“Permit me to introduce myself. I am Pepe Le Pew, your lover.” Hysterical. Oh how I miss old school Saturday morning cartoons.) All I know is that the skunks are making a come back and they’ve picked our zip code to do it.
So my question: Is there something you can put on your lawn that repels them? Anything to pour on pavement once they’ve sprayed? So far they’ve not gotten under our house (Oh, Lord, help us don’t let that happen) but they have emoted around it so much that I can’t even sit in my porch swing without gagging. And the primary question: who ever heard of a skunk infestation? Seriously? Am I being punk’d?
Perhaps skunk’d is the better word.
(So punny. I didn’t plan that or anything.)
I’m sitting here trying to figure out how to tie this one up. I’ve got nothing.
Peace Out.
1) love that you said “a lot more clothes” — funny
2) maybe spread human hair around your property. I know you’re going to think I’m crazy, but my mom is a barber and old-fashioned farmers are always coming in to get bags of human hair (gross, yes) to spread around their gardens to keep the deer/animals out. eh it just might work.
3) vinegar?
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
October 17th, 2010 at 6:42 pm
I’ve heard that about the human hair. Too bad I didn’t think of that when I got my hair cut. :)
At our last football game, there was a skunk loose in the stands. Then they had one at the elementary school this past week;) They are on the move! Can’t wait to see the hair!
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
October 17th, 2010 at 6:43 pm
Someone told me it was skunk mating season and that’s why they are all around. Pepe Le Pew lives!
I can’t wait to see your new look! Meanwhile, I am clueless about skunks and miss those cute lil’ cartoons as well. How sad are the new ones in comparison.
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
October 17th, 2010 at 6:44 pm
For real. My kids barely know who Bugs Bunny or Snoopy are. :(
I need to see the hair on your head, little missy. I do love me some Kelly Clarkson, but I love me some Paco Mac more. Picture of YOU, please. Or better yet, let’s meet for lunch…
I have no idea what to do about skunks. But I will let you figure out that problem before I come visit you…just bein honest. :)
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
October 17th, 2010 at 6:45 pm
Lunch soon. And I thought the air outside my house was clearing but it’s just moved to the other end. Blech.
Your hair sounds darling! Pictures, pictures, pictures, please!
Having a skunk problem stinks. Literally and figuratively. Hope we don’t ever have that; raccoons in the attic were bad enough. (And I actually did think on one of those occasions that I was so glad it was a raccoon and not a skunk!)
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
October 17th, 2010 at 6:45 pm
I’m working on the pictures but I still can’t find my card reader. Are you surprised? :)
Cute hair!! I bet you wear it well.
Where do you live? We have a crazy skunk invasion here too. And it does stink!
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
October 17th, 2010 at 6:46 pm
We are in NE Alabama…Where are you?
I heard that spreading moth balls around will run them off.
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
October 17th, 2010 at 6:46 pm
YES..Have heard that multiple times the last few days. Totally buying some. Kept thinking they would leave us on their own but I think they love our yard.
I love that haircut. I might steal it; I am going to get something (anything) drastic done this evening.
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
October 17th, 2010 at 6:47 pm
What did you end up with Cathie?
Arkansas is going to LOVE your hair!
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
October 17th, 2010 at 6:47 pm
I’m going to love my hair being in Arkansas!! CAN”T WAIT!
Seriously, you crack me up!
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
October 17th, 2010 at 6:47 pm
Love you too, Tinika..:)
This whole thing makes me LOL. Especially your ‘behind-the-ear-tats’.
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
October 17th, 2010 at 6:49 pm
I’m not anywhere near cool enough to pull that off.
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
October 17th, 2010 at 6:49 pm
I love you with all my heart Kaye Penney!
Love the hair. Did you get the tattoo as well? Ha ha!
I have to thank you so much for writing “You can still wear cute shoes.” I came home one day this week and my husband surprised me with it. He has accepted his first senior pastor job, and we will start in a week or so. Love it!
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
October 17th, 2010 at 6:50 pm
Congratulations on the new pastorate! SO excited for your family. Hope you can find some encouragement in the book!
My mom is also a hairdresser and says that hair will keep deer and other animals out of gardens and flower beds. Maybe it will also work for skunks. I’ve also heard that if they spray you, then you need to bathe in tomato juice. Actually, I think I saw this on an episode of “Curious George.” (I’m laughing that I’m even admitting that.) Anyway, it may be worth a try. If all else fails, pour tomato juice around your house to repel them!
I can’t wait to see your new do!
Well that’s really different hair. I don’t think I would be able to do something so bold.
following on networked blogs so I can keep updated. drop by anytime and say hello. Would love for you to visit. Gold Bless
Oh gosh! Where to begin? First, can’t wait to see the new ‘do. Do you have a USB cord? you can probably load them with that. Hook one end to your camera, the other to your hard drive, and see if they will upload. Or do you have to have the stick, memory thingy? Maybe I’m no better than you with the technical world.
Well. My friend and I were on the way back from Shreveport after dropping my 17-year-old and other students for a DECA Convention when we began smelling something. Awful! Friend said she thought it was skunk. It went on for miles. I had (maybe still have not) ever smelled skunk. So I could not confirm said smell. But it sure was awful. I wondered some of the same things as you. Why in the world would we smell skunk for miles? In a particular area? What’s going on the skunk world? What are we going to do about it? Should I go home and Google skunk? Is this part of the end times? Not really on that last one. But seriously, it was strange. Now that you are sharing your skunk infestation story with us, I’m really curious. Intrigued, even. If I had more time, I’d do some research.
This seems like a great idea for all those homeschoolers out there. Including my sis who commented above. Note to Ginger: Get those boys to research this!
That’s all I’ve got. Sorry.
dying for a pic over here!!! Love and miss ya!!!!
After buying a house out in the country in Oregon 9 years ago we had a terrible skunk problem – and they were under our house! We tried everything and have a lot of funny stories to tell NOW. At the time NOT SO FUNNY! They seemed to spray every Saturday night (right before going to church the next day) and we would have an awful night. We actually called ourselves the “skunk people” because several times we would leave for church (it was winter) and as we sat in church and warmed up we would begin to smell! We stood in the back of church more than once!!!! How did we get rid of them? After trying many other solutions the two that worked: my husband caught them in a cage and then shot them and buried them (make sure you dig the hole to bury them first!) and we got a dog! We lived in that house for 8 years and only once was the dog sprayed by a skunk after we got her! (we had shot all the ones that were living under the house before we got her) By the way – we got and killed something like 11 skunks under our house!!!! Don’t let them start making a home anyway near your house!