Good Stuff Cheap

This morning my friend and Black Friday shopping companion for the past few years, Tammy,  picked me up at 4:30 IN THE A.M. and we headed toward Chattanooga to ‘gather our goods from afar’.  Because we are P31 women that way. 

Now back in the day, leaving at 4:30 would rate us as hard core but apparently the Black Friday officianados decided to up the game and begin opening stores at midnight.  As much as I want to play, I am just too old.  After a full day of visiting three branches of our family and eating so much food I have to force-swallow the next bite so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings, I am just not up to midnight line-standing at Toys R Us.  Instead, I’ve relied more and more heavily on the online ordering in the past few years and much to my delight I’ve found that many of the BF deals are available without ever having to get out of my pj’s.  By the time I left this morning, I had already purchased the main things I needed.  So, the rest of the day was more about drinking Starbucks and chance lunch meetings with more church bff’s than stalking down a $98 television. 

Now back to the pj’s, I feel I need to interject a word here: 

Dear sweet women and their teenage daughters who wore pajamas in public today,  



Lisa the PW

I hope you girls who braved the crowds found lots of great deals. I am most happy about my $7 feather pillow. And if you wore pj’s to the mall, I hope you found some pants. And undergarments. And a laptop to order from home next year.  No offense.  I’m just looking out for you, darlin’s.  It’s my ministry.

Tammy and I were shopped out and home in time to watch the epic Iron Bowl between Auburn and Alabama. The ensuing trash talk that is sure to take place at church is why Luke and I have taken an oath of neutrality where the two teams are concerned. I like Auburn’s coach but Alabama’s team so it’s best for me if I just stay loyal to my beloved Dawgs and the most fabulous Coach Richt. We may not be winning so much but that in no way diminishes the awesomeness that is UGA football. Jesus is teaching our boys humility so when we are DOMINATING again we won’t be obnoxious about it. Yes, I’m confident that’s it.

So now that Thanksgiving has passed I am lying on the sofa on my cushy new feather pillow (did I mention I love it?) and watching embarrassing amounts of iCarly and looking forward to Victorious’ Freak the Freak Out. I’d love to hear what deals you scored today and what you had to go through to get them?