I Got a Sticker
I’m ashamed to admit that it has been quite a long time since I’ve visited the dentist. We only acquired dental insurance in the last year and so for the past few we’ve concentrated on paying ridiculous amounts of cash to keep the kids’ teeth in shape. Which leads me to realize why I’m falling apart. I could have lasted longer but because it’s either me or them. That’s why the kids have beautiful smiles and I look like Mr. Ed.
Sam and Sydney had appointments scheduled for this afternoon and since I thought they would have ball practice (which ended up being cancelled because the sky over our heads mistakenly thinks we are in Seattle and has soaked us for days now), I bumped them and took the spot for myself. I took the new patient forms and got all psychotic when it was time to note the date of my last cleaning. I bounced between leaving it blank or telling the truth and risking the scorn of the dentist. I finally put the date and put a big frowny face beside it. Translation: You don’t have to tell me I’ve been bad because I know I have sinned and I repent of my unclean mouth so please don’t judge me because I AM FRAGILE. Who knew a frowny face could say so much? The whole episode was akin to some strange form of chart confessional. After I turned in the paper work, I closed my eyes and prayed for absolution or at least a workable payment plan (penance?) for all the fillings/etc. I was convinced were coming my way.
The hygienist took me back and immediately wanted to know how long it had been since my last visit. I went in to ‘over explain’ mode with the ‘I had to take care of my babies before myself’ saga when all she really wanted to know was did she need to take xrays. Intensely embarassing. I clinched my eyes shut when the needles and pics came out and tried to think happy thoughts. However, for some moments when it got a little uncomfortable I started having flash backs of some spy movie I watched years ago that involved horrifying dental torture. Which made me think of persecuted Christians. Which made me think, ‘Would I really be strong enough to take this if it was either have my teeth mutilated or recant?” By the time it was all over I had to fight the urge to jump from the seat and shout, “I WILL NOT DENY HIM!”
Yes, it is exhausting to be me.
The dentist came in after the cleaning and did not judge me at all. In fact, he told me my teeth looked great and we even share the same crooked tooth in the same exact location. And then we bonded over the fact that we don’t get braces for ourselves because our kids need them instead. Then he chuckled over my frowny face on my chart and told me I could have a sticker or a prize from the treasure chest.
Instead, I chose Cinnamon-flavored mouthwash for hyper-sensitive teeth which I apparently have from brushing too hard. It cost $12.50.
A small price to pay for absolution.
(So, are you a regular at the dentist? Hoping its not just me.)
Oh girl, you make me laugh.
I just went last July for the first time since I was pregnant with Emily (she’s 10). We lost our dental insurance, then I was a single mom for years, paid out of pocket for them to go twice a year but never me… yada yada yada. You get it.
I was SO NERVOUS about the lecture — I was okay with getting fillings, expected it even, but ohmyword I did not want that lecture.
They were so nice, and I had great teeth with no cavities, and they told me not to brush so hard from now on.
Sweet Absolution.
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
March 28th, 2011 at 10:29 pm
I knew I couldn’t be the only one!!! :) You just made my night. Luv u sister.
That may be me one day…yeah. A dentist. lol
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
March 28th, 2011 at 10:41 pm
or a medical missionary/preacher man :)
Jake Watkins Reply:
March 28th, 2011 at 10:45 pm
Also an entirely welcome possibility. Wherever God leads me. My missionary field could be my dental office. haha
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
March 28th, 2011 at 10:59 pm
entirely true. just keep that yes in your spirit and He will show you. just don’t get frustrated with me if I keep pointing out the signs.;)
I can totally relate. We have been without dental insurance for most of our married lives. Added to that, I have had some really bad experiences with dentists starting as a child. Needless to say I have severe dentist phobia and dread going even though I know I have at least two cavities now. I guess I better get that appointment made. Maybe I will get a sticker (but then again probably not).
Girlfriend I work for a dentist and still my teeth are last on the list!!! I do get free root canals and I have had my share unfortunately since I DON”T do what I should! I need several things right now but I have 2 that need braces and even with my discount and insurance it is a lot of money!!! So I feel your pain!!!
I can beat you all (although, I don’t really want to win this competition! :-/ ), I haven’t been to the dentist in 21 years!! Yes, I’m ashamed, but that hasn’t gotten me there yet! :) I went every 6 months like clockwork growing up, then when we got married we didn’t have dental insurance and the money always went elsewhere. Now, my daughter is getting braces, so any extra $$ is going towards that. I’ve never had a cavity and my teeth don’t bother me, so I guess for a 42 yr old, they’re okay (maybe I’m in denial, I don’t know….).
I’ll get there one of these days…. :D
Tanya.last time I’ve been is at the CCBbC clinic where we got cleaning for $8 ;)
I think the last time I went to the dentist was 2005. YIKES!
Uh, that’s a big fat NO!!! I haven’t been to the dentist since high school, and that was 15 years ago in May. I am praying that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will spare for a little longer. And we have dental insurance! It is good to know that there are other moms who are very concerned about their kids teeth, and will wait for their own. (Guess that’s really not me, though. Seeing as I have insurance and all.!)
Add me to the list. Although I just got my braces off October before last, and my orthodontist specifically told me that I need another scaling. UGH. I was finished paying for my braces a few years ago (in better $$ times) and we haven’t had insurance for the longest. It’s hard enough to pay the rent. As a matter of fact, please pray for us; my husband (a salesman) hasn’t sold anything all month, and I’m trying to have faith that everything will work out, and that He will provide, but it’s been difficult.
You made me laugh today with this wonderful illustration of God’s love and forgiveness. I too dislike going to the dentist so I identified with your words. I think they get that a lot so maybe we should pray for them. LOL
What an enjoyable post and what a great teaching tool for those learning to accept the forgiveness of God – you are so good at those parallels! We do go to the dentist every 6 months – only because we are BLESSED BEYOND BELIEF with great dental insurance and because we are BLESSED to have found the BEST dentist ever. He takes us as a family – when the boys were / are little and are afraid to sit in the chair … he doesn’t force it – and he suggests and does what needs to be done and nothing more. I really hope that he never retires.
Thanks for a great laugh at lunch time!
LOL Great post! I can totally relate! I went probably 8-10 years or so without going to the dentist – due to finances at first and then, later on, fear. I was so scared and nervous when I finally went to my appointment (I had a lot of cavities as a kid) but I was SO relieved that day to find I didn’t have any problems. I didn’t get offered a sticker, though! LOL
I have not been in years…..for the same reason…no dental insurance! For those of you who do have it! Praise The Lord on your behalf! Anyway….God is good and takes of us! Thanks for sharing…..
I am coming to the North Carolina Baptist Minister’s Wives retreat in July where you are the speaker! Can’t wait!
OH Lisa! How many ways can I relate to this post? Incidentally, I just went to the dentist YESTERDAY morning. I got a clean bill. HUGE SMILES for me! But my dental visits have been varied and random throughout the years. Until a few years ago, I had only three fillings that I had at the age of 12. As an adult, like you, I for the most part have not carried dental insurance. Somehow I managed through those varied visits with no cavities. This may largely be due to the fact that I am addicted to flossing and use peroxide for whitening measures religiously. So clean bills of health. Until…
A few years back I went to our current dentist for the first time on our brand new “Dental Plan”. I was so proud. This is a plan exclusive to this group of dentists. I am only recently learning that this is a huge difference between dental plans and dental insurance. Sigh.
I had TWO cavities. I was in shock. Horrified. Disbelief. The dentist thought I was a wreck and noted to give me laughing as when I came in. Not good. Hate that stuff. I’m not afraid of the dentist. I was just saddened by the two cavities because for YEARS I went with little or no cleanings and still maintained a clean bill of health. Yet NOW after going to regular cleanings and then switching to this new dentist, NOW I have cavities? I’m ashamed to say that I truly questioned her.
I later realized when my sis-in-law told me that after the birth of her only daughter that she had 8 cavities, that my cavities were likely due to the fact that I’d just delivered my last baby girl and she probably depleted my vitamin supply.
I’ve been going on a fairly regular basis over the past few years but now that I’m aware of this so called dental plan not really paying off, I’ll be dropping it in June when I can do so “without paying the difference of what they have paid out for my husband”. Yes, that is how it works. Poor man has dental woes. Now we send him to LSU Dental school. Still pay, but cheaper than even with our dental plan. So I’ll go for my cleanings. *Crossing fingers. Well, as regularly as possible. I’ll be bringing the youngest to a pediatric dentist soon and pray, pray, pray all is well because she has no dental coverage at this point. Sounds horrible. But like I said, can’t get out of our plan yet.
So all that rambling to say, I SO GET YOU, SISTER!!! And I’m glad you have a clean bill of health.
I did not go for a number of years due to no dental insurance which when my husband and I married he was instistant that I go (also a horrible experience with a really mean dentist that i actually bit, hahah) I went thinking that would be mean and they were so nice. Now my kids are so excited to go to the dentist they cant sleep the night before. It really does get better!!!
Oh MY WORD, can I relate!!! I finally asked for a recommendation for a dentist because I am embarrassed to go back to my original, it’s been so long!
Our wonderful Christian dentist cleans our teeth for free and gives us deeply discounted fees for everything else. We are blessed! He also assures me that I’m not the biggest “wuss” he’s ever seen :) I love your insights, Lisa.
I hate the dentist…I got hit in the mouth in 8th grade and braces are the only thing that saved my 4 front teeth. Since, I have had to have 2 root canals on my two fronth teeth. I choose to get my teeth cleaned now with the baking soda spray because I hate the noise of the toothbrush spinning and that gritty toothpaste polish they try to put on my teeth. It’s like nails on a chalkboard :)
I fear the dentist. Only because I have a bad memory of it(WHO DOESNT?!)
I’m a young wife with no insurance…and to have them eat the living paper out of my wallet is hard.
Yay for teeth cleaning tho!