Called Out: Do Not Grow Weary

Do Not Grow Weary

By Bethany Lake

Let’s face it, life in ministry is hard.  Hours and hours of work with little to no recognition, seeing your husband get torn down because he’s not doing things “their” way, always being watched by the congregation, loving the unlovely, attempting to find a balance between ministry time and family time…add taking care of three beautiful babies ages two and under to the laundry list of ministry responsibilities, and you have yourself one very worn out pastor’s wife.

Sometimes this life can wear on me.  Some days the stress, exhaustion and sheer weight of it all make me ready to throw in the towel.  I get tired, frustrated, lonely and just plain weary of life.  On those days, I take a deep breath, sit down with an ice-cold cherry coke and consider what Christ has done for me.  How my petty difficulties pale in comparison to His sacrifice and how He promises never to leave my side.  That this life and work are not in vain.

“Consider Him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.  In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.”  Hebrews 12:3-4

Ouch.  Talk about putting things in perspective!  Christ endured unimaginable suffering and gave His life for our sins because that was God’s will for Him.  And I get frustrated and discouraged because someone said something mean, things aren’t going my way, or God isn’t answering my prayers fast enough?  Putting things back in perspective (even when I would prefer to sit around and pout and stew) keeps me going.  It gives me joy and peace where there was once frustration and weariness.  Scripture not only reminds us to keep things in perspective, it promises that we will be rewarded for our faithfulness.

“Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.”  Galatians 6:9

If you have spent time in any kind of ministry, I am sure you have had moments where you felt like giving up, that you were not gaining any ground, or seeing any fruit of your labor.  But we must never lose heart.  If we remain faithful and “do not grow weary,” we will reap the harvest.  We must remember, however, that Paul says, “in due time.”  That means, in God’s time.  Not mine, not yours, but God’s.  In some cases, we may not see any fruit on this side of heaven.  But God’s timing is perfect, and we can press on in whatever He has called us to do, knowing that He will equip us, guide us and that our beautiful reward is awaiting us in heaven.

Bethany is a stay at home mom of three babies ages two and under, wife to her preacher man, and disciple of Jesus Christ.  She blogs about life in the ministry and their family adventures at Confessions of a Chosen One.

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