Ever After
Once upon a time a man had an inspiration. He would build a home for his family in a little pine thicket where calamity could not find them.
And so he bravely blazed a trail through the lovely woods…..
….where at path’s end he would lay a cornerstone upon deep bedrock.
Daily he walked this small piece of earth feeling the acceptance of the trees. In return for his love they offered shelter. Refuge.
As the house took shape, the forest embraced the man and through every window whispered a promise to his family: We will be your peace.
And then the unthinkable happened. The calamity from which the man had hidden found him and paid a furious visit. The Gentle Wood resisted this unwelcome guest but the swirling disaster proved too great. The pines crashed to the ground with great regret. We are sorry we weren’t stronger.
The man and his family grieved. The green was gone. Refuge had given way to vulnerability. They were now exposed. Unsafe.
A few lone sentinels remained on the other side of the glass in honor of those too aged to bend. A remnant.
Gone was the shelter. The man’s peace was stolen…or so it was believed.
As the man worked to restore the much greater loss of those around him, purpose replaced self-pity. Pain loosened its choking grip. Though justified, his disappointment kneeled at the feet of perspective. It bowed upon hallowed ground.
The man surveyed his own home place, searching for new covering. It was not to be found. Rather, his awareness was drawn downward. Underneath. To the foundation.
The foundation had saved his family’s life.
Though invisible, unbending. Though unlovely, stable. Because the wise man chose well his building place, when the winds came and blew and beat against his house, it proved steadfast. Though trees swayed, though the earth gave way, the cornerstone remained. The family found refuge until the calamity was overpast. Not in the trees, but in the Rock.
Though saved, this season of unnatural disaster threatened a cruel epoch for the man. Time, however, came to his defense and did not stand still nor give destruction rule. Time destroyed evil’s intent by doing nothing more than what it knows best – it passed.
And days grew brighter.
They are bright.
It is with joy the man treasures his fruitful vine, his olive shoots. With deep respect he regards the remnant whose budding branches embrace the return of the singing ones. It is with hope the man repairs, rebuilds, and places new growth into his beloved ground. It is in faith he finds true refuge in Who lies beneath.
And it is in this manner the man and his family continue to dwell.
Happily, safely, ever after.
In honor of those lives lost and changed forever on April 27, 2011 and in deep gratitude to those thousands who have come and continue to come to the rescue.
Love, Love, love this!
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
Wow, thankful for that “Strong Foundation” that saved my friend and her family! Love you!
Best post ever (in my opinion). Ironic, or not, how closely this journey has been mirrored in other ways over the past year.
Lisa, God has blessed you with a beautiful way to express your feelings. And in turn we are also blessed……many times by your pen….and I’m thankful again.
My prayers are with everyone at this time. This was beautiful, much like the story of the man on the sand and the man on the rock. Either way a very good life lesson.
This is the best one you’ve done…you are an awesome writer and person!!
Sister why do you have to make me cry? I am so thankful you and your beautiful family was spared. You and Luke are a blessing to so many (myself included) .
You blow me away, Loved it. You have been so blessed with your ability to put pen to paper in the way that you do.
Beautiful, heart stirring, I usually just read and leave but I had to comment. This post will be one of the gifts I count today.
I have no words to describe how incredibly beautiful this is.
Love you, my friend!
The word for the day…BEAUTIFUL…..! Reminded me of the song…the wise man built his house upon the rock and when the winds came, the house stood firm! You have built your lives upon The Rock and your house on the bedrock and they are both standing firm!!! What a testimony Praise the Lord!
Beautifully penned! I still watch the radar for your section of AL when they are predicting bad weather. Still pray for your safety in body and mind during those times. Thankful to the Rock who saved you all.
wow… such deep emotions and storytelling. I am glad you were all safe.
This deserves a formal reading, Sunday, at church.
Oh how beautifully written. Incredible.
I loved this. It resonates in my soul. Praise God for his unending faithfulness.
Precious. Live to tell, friend!
Lisa my friend – you are a gifted writer and communicator. You can tell this was written from a very deep place that marked you forever. You are precious to me and I so hope you know that.
Your friend and comrade,
PS: It was my joy to write a blog post for you that remains the post that has received more replies than any to date. Proof that YOU ARE SO LOVED!