So I stopped making excuses for not writing regularly long ago but the reason for this – the greatest neglect ever – has to do with a pretty significant life transition, i.e., I got a job! A real live, punch the clock, work Monday through Friday 8-4 job.
Long story short, I had been seeking the Lord on whether to make that leap. I had lots of requirements… had to be a good environment. Had to be close to home. Had to be work I thought I would actually enjoy. Had to be supportive of my itinerant ministry (within reason of course..i won’t be asking off every other day!). Had to be work I thought I would actually enjoy. So, I cast my bread upon the waters and one of those crumbs returned to me in the form of an offer I couldn’t refuse.
I absolutely love my new position and I couldn’t ask for better coworkers but I won’t pretend I haven’t grieved the change. For 16 years I have been a SAHM. I adore being ever-present for my kids and available to Luke and our home church ministry. I’m still navigating my way through that one and trying to figure out what life is going to look like and how to keep all the balls in the air and which ones I’m going to have to let drop. In some ways, this season has felt like the death of something. Maybe the death of what I thought life and ministry would look like at this point. But every day I feel the Lord nudging me to pay attention and glean from this new experience. Already I am gaining a new appreciation for how very difficult it is for the working woman who deeply desires intimacy with God and yet whose work requires her thoughts to be otherwise consumed for great blocks of time each day. Gone are the leisurely mornings I used to spend with the Lord in my local park and so it has been paramount to me to find a new place and way to communicate with Him that feels right and good and rich.
So I know this is a short update but when I think of the things I don’t want to let drop forever, I can never get to the place where this little blog would be one of them. I still love it and I hope to get back to some regularity in writing and connecting with you, my friends.
Talk again soon!
Help…are you still coming to Memphis in November?
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
July 28th, 2012 at 11:42 pm
Yes ma’am! Already arranged to be off for that day…wouldn’t miss it. :))
A quick ‘cheering you on’ from a blog friend. My best advice, pace yourself! And enjoy!!!!
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
July 28th, 2012 at 11:42 pm
Thank you so much!!! :)
Gee whiz, I’ve been sure you were off jet-setting (taking back all my jealous thoughts) and enjoying a crazy fun summer.
Congrats on the job! Welcome to that very busy world. You will do great!
God will make a way for it all to work out. That doesn’t mean there won’t be days….that challenge you for all you’ve got. I’m anticipating Lysa T’s new book, UNGLUED. She seems to have hit a nerve for the mama’s of this busy world.
Congratulations on your Job! Welcome to the world of outside working moms. I must say it taught my kids how to problem solve, when I wasn’t home and dad wasn’t home. I think it’s all part of God’s great plan!
I think that many of us are in similar positions. I know quite a few bloggers that have gone back to a paid position of employment. I have gone part-time, and though I’m so thankful for the extra income & the needs God is meeting in our family through this job, it is a bit of a loss.
It has helped me to look at what is on the day’s agenda & search for God’s ministry through me in a new way.
It’s always God to hear from you. Many blessings of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ to you & your family in this newer season of life.
I’m a preacher’s wife who returned to the work force (a high school teaching job) after about 7 years of SAHM. I hear you, sister. I love my job, but the balancing act can make us nuts. Prayed for you, your family, your ministry, your husband, and your employer as I posted this. I am so glad you will still bless us with your blog from time to time!
SO glad to hear from you! Love your posts, and am glad you won’t go away for good.
Hope we’ll get to hear more about your new job, and maybe it will open up another avenue of ministry for working Mommas:-)
Congrats! You just might love it. After 15 years working full time outside of the home, I’m now working part time from home. Enjoy the transition and conversations with adults. The harvest is ripe out there!!!