Because I Just Have To Know…
I have like zero-time to be on this computer but I’m getting such a kick out of your comments about having a literal Beth Moore GiveAway.
Firstly, I think she’d be a feisty little thing to keep penned up before said GiveAway could occur. But secondly, because so many of you want her, what would you do if you got her?
So my question for you girls is this:
If you had one day to hang out with Beth what would you want to do??
This oughtta be fun~~Let it fly!! :))
Oohh! Let’s start with a trip to Starbucks. Then we could do a little praying. Then maybe a lot of laughing and crying and in no particular order. A little more praying, some bible reading and then some good old Mexican food for lunch. Followed by a whole lot of laughing and crying with some shopping!! Absolutely must go shopping! How do you cram all you want to do with your pretend bff in one day?
First it would start with a big hug because I feel like we’re old friends!
I would probably hog her to myself all day and just talk.
I would make sure to serve her plenty of chips and salsa too!
I’d have to agree, I think she’d be hard to keep penned up! What a thought. LOL
And I would dearly love to pray with her!
And laugh, lots of laughs!
(Cute post idea Lisa!)
Well, assuming she came out where I live, I’d take her on a beautiful hike, because I think she likes to hike. I live near San Francisco and know lots of neat places to hike. Then we’d follow our outdoor extravaganza with a hard-earned meal at a nice, but not too expensive restaurant of her choosing. Finally, I’d take her to get some decaf coffee because by then it would be way too late for caffeine. Through all these events we’d talk non stop and probably pray a few times too; how could you spend a day with Beth Moore and not pray?
I’m boring lol. So I don’t know.
I think in all honesty, I am just humbled by you asking us to think about it; I think I would go with her to visit my grandmother with schizphrenia at the nursing home;
I don’t go often enough, out of fear since I was a child. And story after story, I know that is what would be on my heart.
I am not sure if she would want to do something like that…but again, that is what I think would be on my heart.
And of course she would come to my church on Disciple class day:)
Maybe we would make a pitstop at Panera, and Boston Coffee House…
I don’t know; like with everyonelse..
totally God led.
:) Be Blessed:)
OH Gosh!! I would do the usual thing with coffee and fine food and of course some shopping and introducing her to everyone in Jackson TN…..and then I would want to pray with her, pray for her, study with her, ask her 101 million questions on “Bible stuff.” I would want to serve side by side with her and share Jesus with someone who needs to know Him.
Thats a good start….I’d love to hang out with her for a week though. I’d love to see her in action as mom, wife and grandmother. I’d love to see her with her staff. I’d love to be invisible and see what her day is like. I then might wonder if she would want to follow along with me and my day?! Hmmmmm……
That was fun Mrs. Preacher’s Wife! Have a great weekend!
Go get coffee and spend the day laughing, talking and probably some crying. Then get more coffee!
I think I would take her to the mountains and go hiking and ask God to show us all kinds of delights! Then I would take her to a place where we could have a Mexican feast and after that a trip to Starbucks. I would love to just sit and talk like girlfriends do, and it would be an honor to pray with her and for her. She ministers so much to us I would want it to be a day where I could minister to her. I couldn’t end the day without coming back to our church where my ladies group called the “Beth Moore” class would have a surprise party for her. This was a fun post!
I think I’d have to suggest that we pop by Starbucks. Then I’d love to just sit and talk and talk and talk…..
Thanks for offering this cool giveaway for Beth’s “Loving Well” set.
Talk, and laugh, and talk, and eat Tex-Mex, and talk, and cry, and (as long as we’re dreaming…) maybe we’d spend the day at the Grand Tetons, so we’d hike and enjoy God’s creation while we talked. Fun to think about!
I would take her to Isreal. We could wander around the Sea of Galilee. Then we could take a little boat trip on the Sea and pray. We would go to where the Beattitudes were taught. We could then go play in the mud at the Dead Sea. It makes you feel like you have baby skin for three months. Then we would go up the Jordan River and baptiste each other. And then to little Bethlehem. To see the grotto where they think Jesus was born. Then we would dance on the streets of Jerusalem. Go to Eastern Gate and sing praise songs. Then off to the hill where Jesus paid our (my) sin debt. And then the garden which is nearby for quiet praying and sing Amazing Grace. And then to the mountain top in the Mount of Olives to shout for joy that He is no longer in that grave.
Shopping and Starbucks and Tex-Mex…lots of laughter…nothing too deep…just fun and fellowship. That would be my idea of a great day with Beth!
What a fun question, Lisa!
The day would start at Starbucks, of course. I’d have so many questions for her that I’d knock her socks off, and I suspect laughing until we cried and crying until we laughed at ourselves would figure prominently.
GO SHOPPING!When doing a Beth Moore study I look forward to seeing what she has on every week. She is so stylish and yet so classy. She dresses within her age and still looks young and cute. I wish I could go to a yard sale at her house, UGH! If I could wear her size?
Okay first, I really want to be Jeannette’s friend! =oD ~grin~ I got chills reading her post! I have to agree with the others who said it is but a very honor to imagine such a thing! I would spend the day learning what she could teach in a single day (which I think is more than a years worth of learning from most)–I would love to hear her stories and her ideas and everything about how she is used in such a mighty way by God. My heart longs to be used, perhaps not on a stage, I am not sure I could do that, but in ANY way that continues to truly EFFECT the Kingdom of God. I imagine she has some of the most beautiful ideas for ways to truly make yourself accessible to be useful for God…I would be delighted to pick her brain about being not just accessible, but TRULY mold-able clay =o) What a great question, Thank you for the opportunity to imagine!
shopping, coffee, mexican, prayer, talking, not necessarily in that order! I would love for her to meet my kids!
Can’t wait til someday when we all get to meet and hang out for eternity!
Millen, Ga.
Well that is a neat question. I can honestly say I have never thought about it.
I would love to just talk and enjoy some time together. Since God has called me into women’s ministry I feel like I would like to talk with her about that. Of course I would have questions about being a mommy and any advice she might have with that subject.
Going shopping and drinking Starbucks is a given :)
well heck… i’d saddle up the horses and put some giddyup in our get along and see some big sky country.
After that a most hearty breakfast at the inn :)
What a fun question! I would put the coffee on and we’d just chat.
God bless :)
Starbucks – Mexican Food – Shopping
But, mostly, I would want to talk and pray – pray and talk.
Now, wouldn’t that be a dream come true??
Thanks for asking!
What a fun “what if” game!
I’d ask her a zillion questions and just soak her up!
I’d introduce her to my man and my four little girls because she is impacting THEM–affecting generations to come—because of the way she has ministered to me.
And, like everyone else, coffee, Mexican, and some hugging. Not sure about the shopping thing… that skinny little thing is about the cutest person ever and I’d feel like the jolly green giant.
Ok, I would love to have a great starbucks and talk to her about how she raised such Godly daughters and of course cry and laugh with her, probably at the same time!
How funny — I was JUST thinking one day last week that I would really like to go to Israel… but not with just any touring group, it would have to be with someone really special. Then it hit me — Beth Moore. Beth Moore would be the PERFECT person to lead a trip to Israel. When I saw this blog entry, I clicked here to post to say that I need more than one day because I would take her to Israel, and I see others have already had the same idea. Maybe God will plant the idea in HER head one of these days. ;o) Ya never know…
I would allow her to put her feet up and just be Beth as we hang in my home. Can I enter all the way over in Africa? love always me
Well, if she were to come to Tucson then we’d just have a fun day in the desert. I have two dogs and we’d have to take them on their walk in the morning. Beth might even get to see a few wild bunnies and coyotes. The rattlesnakes start hybernating so chances are, we wouldn’t have to run away from them. I know she mentioned a bagel place she likes so we’d have to go there. We have a great rival to Starbucks here in town which is family-owned. We’d go there for coffee. Might have to go to the Desert Museum or take a hike at Sabino Canyon. Then I’d want her to meet my daughter Hannah and husband John so she’d have to stay for dinner. I might even have her help Hannah with her homework while I cook dinner. To top off the day, I’d invite my Tuesday night bible study girls from behind the screen in Jen’s living room to come over and meet her. Then we’d all come together and spend some time praying for our friend and teacher, asking blessings on her family, teaching and future endeavors! Just a little bit of southwestern hospitality.
Coffee, praying, a lot of each of course! And then maybe a trip to TJ Mazz and Stein mart! Oh my, a day with Beth would be insprational, to say the least. I bet she would wear me out tho, so much energy in grown up! ;)
First, I would just love to hug her neck! Then I would like to thank her for being so real and so faithful to her calling and for the blessing she has been to my life. I would like to give her a peaceful day. We live out in the country on 80 acres and it is so quiet and restful. I would like to make a big pot of coffee and then we could sit on my front porch swing. I would fix her a good old Southern dinner and then we could listen to praise music and have prayer time together. Maybe go for a walk in the woods and visit the farm animals. My husband could take Keith to his deer lease and maybe Melissa could meet my gorgeous handsome son who is a praise and worship leader :) and then we could be in-laws. Oh my – I sure moved fast from the quiet day, didn’t I?
I just love her to pieces – isn’t it amazing how we love her? We can’t help ourselves because she is so loveable and precious.
Thank you for this post!
Jan in Georgia
8:00am – Courtyard of my humble home @ table of tears & triumphs
9:00am – Breakfast Downtown…topic: finding God
10:00am – Starbucks Stop in Benbrook @ table where I do B.S. w/ my B.S. books in hand
11:00am – 3-mile walk on Trinity River w/ my prayer list
12:00pm – Lunch @ JOE T. GARCIA’S next to fountain…topic: Living Water, woman @ the well…
1:00pm – Stockyard Stampede…history—how did you get to where you are with God?
2:00pm – Grapevine Mills…Forever XXI…Sam Moon—she needs purse
4:00pm – Surprise Visit from Amanda & Jackson to friend’s Dude Ranch to ride
6:00pm – Dinner @ my humble home…all my friends I can fit in…you are invited…I’ll fix 100 chocolate strawberries and you can cook for us…you don’t want me to cook…I entertain
8:00pm – High School Concert (Jared’s band is phenomenal) @ The Door…invite 100 of my high school friends—all my son’s friends…Beth shares her story and we wildly worship our King of Kings who loves us all
10:00pm – Siesta Slumber party—she is so spending the night & you are so invited!
If I could do one thing, I would want to show her my B.S. books & tell her how my God showed up through her teaching and rained down on me & drenched me (Deut 32:2) in Session 6 of Patriarchs and Session 4 of Daniel and Intro of Breaking Free and Session 4 of Esther and I could go on and on…this comment in now WAY TOO LONG but Lisa I just have to say this…the most amazing thing about pretending spending the day with this woman of God is this…we are all going to spend Eternity together BFF FOREVER…in the company of the saints—that’s YOU…and John and David and Jeremiah and Paul and OH MY! We may never meet in this lifetime but I will know Beth and I’ll know you for an eternity. Sorry this is so long—I’m kind of embarrassed—I got carried away and I don’t even know you! But I really enjoyed visiting your blog for first time tonight! I’ll be brief next time, then again, maybe not… So nice to meet you Lisa! I am now one of your fans. Bev
ps – I am a preacher’s wife…
Just what I’d do when my other BFFs come for a visit:
*morning walk with Jesus
*then invite everyone I know to come sit a while on my sofa to talk and drink coffee and eat yuummy treats and get to know each other as we share our lives and our God
*and I know Beth’s not that crafty, but there’d probably be some knitting for those who want to!
And if it was a Sunday, well, then, a huge Sunday dinner for everyone I know after church!
i must have had 10,000 words in my brain that i hadn’t spoken during the day when i left my comment—if i could find your e-mail i would tell you to delete it…so sorry it was so long…my point was this—the woman opens her mouth and God fills it with Himself Psalm 81:10 and what a joy to be around anyone who is so full of God…and i think the August conference next year will be AWESOME to meet those of you who have brought God to me through blogging
P.S. Since the invited guest can’t come, why don’t we go into the highways and biways and do all these things for whoever will…anybody want to come to beautiful Benbrook?
It would be all about the food and the talk and the walk. Walking first. Then a trip to Starbucks. More walking and lots of talking. Then lunch. Mexican, of course. Then lots more talking. Maybe some shopping. Then she would have to come to my house and meet the family. They would love her. They DO love her…on tv, dvd, etc.
i’d make a beautiful luncheon and invite my girlfriends. there’s no way i could keep her to myself. i would get such a kick out of watching everyone enjoy her. :o)