Okay, I’m going to spare you a rundown of all the Idol contestants because a music critic I ain’t. I can just tell you my Top Two Loves:
1. Jason Castro – One word: Hallelujah. He sang it perfectly.
2. David Archuleta – What a stinkin’ doll. I want to squeeze and squish and shrink him and hang him from my rear view mirror. Wait, didn’t someone already say that?
And my Top Two who I don’t love so much:
1. Danny Noriega – He’s just way too girly for me. I’m so sorry. I promise I’m not a hater but he’s just TMTH.
2. David Hernandez – Not sure what all the fuss is about?
I also have to take back an original comment I made to my new friend Queen B. I didn’t think I liked Chikezie because I thought his name was made up and funky. I didn’t know it was African and how completely sweet he is until I saw a video interview. So, I take it back. He’s still not my favorite but I’m over the name thing now.
So who are your faves/notso faves?
Ok, I only got to see the last clips to vote, but from those the Cook guy was my favorite. (I think that was his name) Jason? Help me out! LOL Anyway, he was #6.
His name is David. I decided to look it up!!
I agree Deb… a close third! :)
David is my fav. He is a doll and I can’t believe he is only 17.
The girls, don’t have a favorite yet but the nurse/rocker has got to go.
Are you feeling better?
David Archuleta by far…hope you are feeling better!
Okay, I am clueless on this show too.
But I do have some fave blogs@
I like David Cook. (Even if I did have a boyfriend in high school with this same name who broke my heart …and he had to sing “Hello” tonight) Her reminds me a little of Chris Doughtry. I also like Michael Johns. He could totally play Jim Morrison in a movie. And of course I LOVE David A. I don’t like Danny or Luke. Can’t wait to see how the girls do tomorrow night. Holding my breath for Lost too this week.
I knew you’d come around!! Chikezie isn’t gonna win, but he seems sweet. :)
I like young David the best. I think Jason Castro and David Cook were my other faves.
Loving David A. I think Luke needs to go and Danny.
I love the dredlocks kid. LOVED that song last night. LOVED it enough to watch it twice. And I REALLY loved hearing Lionel Richie set to electric guitar. That was incredible. And of course little David. Don’t you just want to– what did Paula say??– pop off his head and hang him from your rearview mirror?? Bizarro. He’s sure cute.
I’m going to give some thought to your ministry question and get back to you. It seems like each church we’ve been at has had such different expecations, and of course I’ve changed as well. I’ll have to get my brain in gear to think back. :) Oh, but I sure have time to talk AI. :)
I absolutely adore little David A. he is too cute! And I like the David Cook guy.
As for Paula, my hubby thinks she is on drugs or something…we always dvr the show, and when it comes time for her to make her comments, hubby just forwards over it!!! LOLOLOL
It’s so cool to see that everyone is pretty much on the same page. I love the 2 you picked and David Cook & Michael Johns are also my next 2 favorite. Danny & Luke are the weakest 2 I think at this point, but something tells me Danny has a serious fan base. I haven’t figured out the girls yet, and I actually liked both girls who went home last week. Too bad.
i randomly linked to your blog from another, but I LOVE American Idol and feel the need to comment.
My favorites are little David – he is so precious, I want to put him in my purse so that every time I open it he will sing to me.
My other favorite is Jason Castro, I used to work at Lake Pointe Church and he was one of my students – he is sweet as can be has a phenomenal voice!
I just can’t pass up talking about AI…so here goes.
I think it is fairly unanimous that David A. is the fan fav. I love, love, love him and hoping he goes all the way.
I also loved David Cook…the version he did was right on.
I also like the Austrailan guy and the guy with the dreadlocks surprised me with that song and how well he performed it. I give him a high five for that.
Now…Danny must go. I am tired of trying to give my girls the reason why he “acts like a girl” so it’s just time to move on. As far as Luke goes…I actually think he has a beautiful voice but he just doesn’t feel right for AI. I believe he needs to go back to performing with that accapella group he was with.
That’s my 2 cents…we will have to do it again for the ladies. I just finished watching it and was blown away by a couple…I bet ya’ll are wondering who…I can’t wait to hear everyone else’s thoughts/opinions.
Too bad we all don’t live close enough together to have a AI party from time to time.
I like the young David A. I like the dredlock boy…although he is almost too “pretty” to be a boy. I mean did you see his eyes. Too cute. I am glad that the girly man went home. Watching him cry around last night was like watching my 12 year old daughter over react to something. I do not care what his prefference is..that does not bother me at all. But…..come on dude… up a little.
And last but NOT least…I love David Cook and the way he belted out “Hello”
Lionel….watch out!
I too like David Archeliti and I think chekizie has a nice voice. Hopefully he’ll choose a good song. He reminds of George Huff, just seems like a real nice guy.
JUST AN FYI the Clark Brothers a christian, country group will be on American Idol in April on their America Gives back night. Awesome group.. God bless