“How’s Your Church?”
By virtue of being a pastor’s wife I’m often asked how my church is going. I’ve alluded here to a difficult season my congregation has been going through and so I’m asked a little more often than usual by people that are well-meaning, I’m sure. My answer? It is thriving. It is being refined by fire. It is persevering through trial and is flat out meeting the needs of people both evangelically and relationally. Our church, God’s church, is going wonderfully.
Since December, Luke (my husband) has been teaching through Luke (the gospel). We are about to finish chapter 13. For those who feel this pace is rather tedious, well, it is. And that is precisely how a thorough examination of the scriptures should be. There are no PowerPoint presentations. No catchy graphics to package the series. No fill-in-the-blank outlines. Luke (the hubby and the doctor) has/have been bringing it old school with powerful, Bible-based preaching and I’ve never loved a season of teaching more – especially all the times it has banged me up and left me feeling horribly exposed. I am biased towards this man but I of all people know him well enough to comprehend that he hasn’t come up with all this stuff on his own. I love to brag on him but I don’t do it to convince anyone of his merit as a pastor/teacher or the faithfulness of his walk before the Lord. The only commendation that matters comes from God alone and at the end of the day, that’s enough. And again I confidently say: It is enough.
It’s no accident that the Holy Spirit has orchestrated the timing of many of the Luke (the gospel) sermons to be absolutely relevant to what individuals are facing personally and what our church has been experiencing corporately. The lessons have run the gamut on prayer, unity, forgiveness, repentance, anxiety, faith, and most recently hypocrisy. Hear me loud and clear when I say it, we have to be in the Word to get a word. What we miss when we don’t open our Bibles every day to see what God would speak over our calamity! What we miss when we don’t present ourselves in the sanctuary to bring sacrifice and to join in worship alongside our Christian brothers and sisters! We have a seriously flawed view of the church if we see it as an institution meant to serve us up a big enough dose of goosebumps to get us through until the following week or just to serve us period. It’s much more than that. It’s a place we give to, not take from though – if we are contributing faithfully – she never fails to bless in return. Church is safety. It is community. It is family.
What else is the church? She is a place of offering. Of receiving marching orders and encouragement on how to navigate the waters of uncertainty and the earthquakes of circumstance. It is a place where our gifts are made manifest in order to glorify a God whom the heavens can not hold and yet who condescends to meet with us when we come together in His Name. It is a place of stability when our steps are uncertain. A place of forgiveness when we’ve failed. It is a place of communion and friendships and holding one another up when we can’t do the job alone. I am so proud of the church we serve because she has a genuine love and affection for people and I’ve never seen a need made known yet that she hasn’t sought to satisfy in what ways she could.
Does the church have its share of hypocrites? Sure. But in the words of one of my favorite preachers, “Don’t let that stop you from coming – there’s always room for one more.” Do church people blow it? Absolutely. But in the words of another, “The cashier at Walmart ticks you off too but you keep going back.” Do church people miss it? You can count on it. But maybe it’s because they just didn’t know. I love the lyric of the song Lean on Me that says, “no one can fill, those of your needs, that you won’t let show.” Are there any among you who are hurt or disappointed? Try telling someone and inviting them into the situation so they can be the help you need.
Luke and I have been praying like mad that the Lord would redeem much heart ache by wrecking us all. Humbling us. Reviving us. Do you want to know how I know it is working? Because Satan is prowling and he is devouring testimonies and he’s doing it in on a healthy dose of steroids. He’s selling the lie that shrinking back from difficulty is the answer. God help us if we buy it. But do you know what else is happening? Our God who neither slumbers nor sleeps is in overdrive as well. He is wooing. He is engaging. He is strengthening. He is resolving. He is revitalizing. He is re-focusing. He is saving. In fact, this past Sunday Luke had the honor of baptizing Sam, a precious man who had asked the Lord for mercy at our altar the previous week. I’ve watched our church embrace him as if he had always been a part though he’d only recently begun attending. He hasn’t wiped the smile off his face since that day. Neither have we.
So how’s our church? She’s beautiful.
Thanks for asking.
How is yours?
This is beautiful.
My church is doing well. After six years here, it still amazes me how authentic and real the staff and members are. Perfect? No. Able to admit it? Yes!
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
September 5th, 2010 at 7:47 pm
Love you, Linda! No better feeling is there?
I thank you for writing this, I know it was probably hard, but I am glad you did. I think my church is where you are. I think we are slowly helping God set the foundation again. Its so hard when the whole church seems tossed like the waves in James 1, but this is the point where you know the only way it gets put back together is by Jesus alone. So while we all still struggle and get used to the new surroundings, and new way of teaching, I still look to Jesus and know that none of this has ever left His sight, and that His Spirit will guide us the right direction. The congregation has to realize they have as much of a responsibility to teach as the Pastor. love you lady:) ang
I so needed to hear this!
Love you dearly!!!
Sweet Lisa! How I love your heart and I love that you chase after Jesus with a passion.
And I’m praying for you in this season.
Ooh and I LOVE that Luke is teaching Luke — without any the teaching trappings. I love getting a word from the Word!
*Big sigh* Thank you for the encouragement:)
Well…..I love you and Bro. Luke!!! I also love my church and am proud to say that’s where we worship!! Thank you for sharing!!!
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
September 5th, 2010 at 11:22 pm
You have no idea how much we love you and Nick right back. :) Thanks for the note, sister!
13 chapters in 10 months is not bad.. My pastor preached through the gospel of John.. and it took about 4 years! (we missed the first 2 1/2 years of John since we didn’t join until about a year and a half ago!) Granted he took some breaks for things like holidays, special services and 2 months when he adopted his daughter.. but still!
Lisa, your post is well timed (of course). My husband-pastor is in the middle of preaching through Acts, as we are trying to cast the vision of how the church really should function (we’ve been at this church for only one year). His main points yesterday from Acts 2:42-47 were that the church should be Committed, Close-Knit, and a Community. I recently started a new ladies’ Sunday morning small group (aka Sunday School), where I have also been talking about the abundant life… allowing Jesus to be the Great Shepherd while the pastor and other leaders shepherd us in the local church… and how that is all supposed to work.
Your words were encouraging… sounds like your church is indeed beautiful.
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
September 7th, 2010 at 4:03 pm
Sounds like an excellent series! Yay for pastors who preach through books! :)
After four years of very little controversy we came back from our 10 day anniversary trip to a mess at our church involving another staff member. The rumors were out of control (and very inaccurate). Church members were venting their frustrations on face book for the the world to see. What shocked me the most is the delight other churches in town seemed to feel about our controversy. We are weathering the storm and it is encouraging to see how committed our members really are to their church family. In the midst of this we started Reading the Bible in 90 Days. This has been such a blessing for our church. There is a new excitement and people are discussing the Bible everywhere I see them out and about. Our church is doing great, too. Thanks for asking!
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
September 7th, 2010 at 4:02 pm
I love that your church is doing the Bible in 90 Days. We are praying about something focused and church wide as well. Thanks for letting us know that the Word is healing – as if. :)
Loved how you said this: “What we miss when we don’t open our Bibles every day to see what God would speak over our calamity!” Yes….
This Wednesday Chuck Swindoll’s new book comes out called The Church Awakening … I would highly recommend it. Sounds like it may complement well where your Body is. Painful times are also the sweet seasons, yet we rarely would seek them out.
The day of a terrible tragedy in our town, almost at the same moment, I heard a man teaching on a passage of Scripture, and he said very simply that “God speaks to us in our pain,” and the combination of timing and truth has stayed with me for the last 20 years.
Praying God’s peace for you and hearing your joyful heart as you write,
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
September 7th, 2010 at 4:00 pm
Totally checking out that book, Julie. Thanks for letting me know about it!
I love my church and the Pastor who is not afraid to preach the truth to us. This fire is to refine us and make us come out as pure gold. Our family loves you guys whole-heartedly!!
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
September 7th, 2010 at 4:00 pm
Your pastor (and his wife) thinks your family is pretty special, too. :)
Thank you! What an encouraging word for people who love the Church! It is easy to get discouraged, thank you for the reminder that our God never sleeps nor slumbers and is always working. Just loved it :)
Aww girl! That was perfect!
That whole paragraph about what else is the church… LOVE how you describe it! I know that there are those that are blessed to have a true spiritual leader for a husband, one that leads their family and instructs them at home. But there is something about coming together with OTHER believers that holds you up and holds you accountable like no other. It is all that you said and more. Those that do not have a true church HOME that teaches the Bible… they are missing out. Thank you for the encouragement today.
Real gold feareth no fire.
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
September 7th, 2010 at 4:04 pm
“Real gold feareth no fire.” AMEN sister! Love it!
I can’t possibly express how much this post meant to me. It got me. Crucial times. We all know it. We are living in crucial times. We need Him desperately! We need HIM!
Out of desperation I have cried out for MORE! MORE OF HIM! Move in our church! MOVE, Lord! I’ve been distracted and discouraged and brought them before the Lord. And as I’ve exalted Him above those distractions and discouragements, He has been faithful. I’ve watched Him move. Namely, seeing souls saved.
But I had to surrender and will no doubt surrender again those “things” that could very well hinder me. Maybe it all sounds vague. But I’m sure you understand where I’m coming from. “Lord, we need YOU! HOW can you move in the midst of ‘this’,” I asked. But He seeks those who worship Him in spirit and in truth. If I did not choose to surrender my pre-conceived notions than I just might have missed Him.
WE are His Church. HE is our common denominator and we need to learn to lay aside the petty differences and stand in unity on HIS WORD, on HIS TRUTH and trust that He will move–not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit!
I don’t know if I lost you there are not. But I get what you are saying!
We need to press through and be about His business.
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
September 7th, 2010 at 3:59 pm
Rena….”not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit!” I totally get you sister… :)
“You have to be in the Word to get a Word”…. can’t tell you how much that just made my day.
great post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like Charlotte above, we have been studying Acts in Wednesday night bible class, for a long, long time. But it is amazing to look at the first church, and how they behaved, and how they worshipped. Our Sunday morning series has been (also forever) “Pray and be the answer to prayer.” I am loving it.
Growing on me… in small and huge ways.We’re getting there; started out rough for a variety of reasons, but perseverance is paying off, and love? Well all the more.
I love my church.
thanks so much for this post! Lately I have struggled with things at my church, especially my job as Director of Children’s Ministries. I so passionately desire to serve Christ, but lately have struggled so much. This post ministered to me.
I’ve been praying for YEARS for the Holy Spirit to move in our church like He did in the 2nd chapter of Acts. Then I studied Jonah….and realized Acts 2 was just 3,000 lives changed. After Jonah finally went to Ninevah, there were over 120,000 lives changed. So, I started praying for the HS to move in our church like he did in Ninevah. We don’t have anywhere near any of those numbers attending, but I’m still waiting and praying. So thankful to know it’s happening out there somehwere. There is still hope!
Excellent post. Thanks for sharing and for your faithfulness to it all!
Lisa – All right now young woman, i believe that this may be some of your finest writing. It’s always good when we are living it first hand – we know of what we are speaking – and you are shining brightly in the truths of this post!
My church is good – thank you for asking and giving me a chance to testify. My husband and I are blessed beyond beyond (Ephesians 3:20) to have been able to serve the same church going on 23 years and to literally raise our boys there. That is priceless and special.
We are a strong body of believers because the Word is preeminent and always has been since Second Baptist, Warner Robins, GA was founded at the end of World War II back in 1947. For a church that is almost 63 years old to have only had 4 pastors could be considered a modern-day miracle.
I know one thing for sure! My church is going to LOVE us some Lisa McKay when you come speak to our women at our 13th annual Christmas Brunch this December! We can’t wait and I’m going to just about POP to get to introduce you to them!
Much love my little PW,
GA Jan
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
September 12th, 2010 at 8:46 pm
GJ, Have I mentioned lately that I want to be you when I grow up? :)
Sounds like your church is thriving!
Your blog reminds me of a quote by Elizabeth Elliot. Paraphrased it goes something like this: If I have two choices to choose from and, after seeking the Lord I feel like I have no clear direction, I always choose the harder of the two choices because the Word says, “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction…” (Matthew 7:13,14)
Oh, if only God’s people would stick around to wrestle it out when it gets hard instead of running away from the hard issues! I know the issues are hard and often it requires a very painful “dying to self” but what a great freedom results in the end! Not only that, but it just hurts when people leave. Period.
Beautiful post, Lisa. I wish you were speaking of my church. We’ve recently gone through intense struggles, but have not found the personal revival your post describes. Instead the church is splintering and falling apart. People are harboring bitterness and unforgiveness… and refusing to cling to the Truth, instead choosing to cling to their own opinions and pride. There are exceptions to this (thank the Lord) and a few have experienced an outpouring of the Lord’s Spirit on their hearts… but there is still much work to be done. Please pray for us.
My church that I have attended for 10 years is doing great. It is thriving and it is in a new season of refreshing and restoration after 2 long years of trials that left all of us wondering if the church would survive and if so what it would look like afterwards and I can tell you, God is faithful!
There is a sweet Spirit in the church among our members. It is so hard to describe but a fresh dose of honesty (w/out fighting) and learning new things but more importantly coming to worship God. Reaching out to others and learning to love lavishly like Christ. We know there is so much more God is changing in each of our hearts and I can honestly say now, Love resides there.
Wow, you girls are so incredibly encouraging! Thank you for taking the time to share about your own churches. Heather, I’m praying for your congregation to persevere and love one another so that the world will know we belong to Christ. And Patty, I MISS YOU! :)
Great job Lisa! LOVE IT! Thanks!
Thank you for these wise words. My heart is very heavy by major transitions in our lives personally and our church. Your words helped give me some perspective and I have shared them with a few others to encourage them and help give some perspective during a very difficult time.